Forum › Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! discussion
joined Jun 6, 2020

believe in the nanao!

joined Feb 11, 2022

bruh when nanano had the hearts in the eye she literally went : you fool ! you activated my horny mode!

last edited at Aug 1, 2023 11:36AM

joined Feb 11, 2022

nanao x asumi is the most W ship in the series

joined Feb 11, 2022

imma try to snipe the plot : Asumi x Nanao x Mai polycule . Change my mind.

joined Jan 6, 2017

imma try to snipe the plot : Asumi x Nanao x Mai polycule . Change my mind.

Nanao x Asumi x brothel polycule

joined Oct 14, 2014

Also like I feel like if it goes fwb the manga will explore why sex work is valid - most people who deny sex work as a valid form of labor believe that sex should be done for free as a display of affection or intimacy (and thus any sex work is coercive rape by default), but sometimes people just need something that is less personal with less strings attached

last edited at Aug 1, 2023 12:08PM

joined Jul 6, 2023

This is tame. Tame tame tame tame tame. Disappointing.

The sex encounter was a big disappointment. Asumi didn't do anything. She just lay there, letting Nanao do all the work. She was still like a dead fish for entire pages. And all Nanao did was basic vanilla stuff—of course since she's a total beginner! She served, but did she even come? I guess iirc she did come at some point... but because of herself, not because of Asumi's efforts coz Asumi didn't do shit.

I get that this kinda thing can happen when two bottoms have sex, but in these cases it's the most experienced one who has to teach the total novice! Asumi should have taken the initiative to top and show all the tricks to Nanao, and Nanao as an eager enthusiastic padawan would've naturally returned the favors using all she learned. But nope. What actually happened was tedious and not even 0,0001% as sexy as a typical sex session of RandomWhore x Asumi.

I can't believe this manga, normally so great, managed to make a sex chapter so boring.

joined Oct 14, 2014

girl did you forget this encounter was two chapters long lol

joined Aug 16, 2018

girl did you forget this encounter was two chapters long lol

Even then she has a point. Asumi's overall inactivity kind of blehs everything.
(In last chapter, Nanao was very responsive.)

joined Jun 1, 2020

girl did you forget this encounter was two chapters long lol

Even then she has a point. Asumi's overall inactivity kind of blehs everything.
(In last chapter, Nanao was very responsive.)

I generally disagree with them saying that the chapter/encounter was disappointing, and I also don't think Asumi was unresponsive but definitely agree that I would like Asumi to be more active. I really would like to see her let inhibitions go and go ham, though there would need to be some character build-up for that.


...Ouka hearing about Asumi and Nanao becoming FWB might very well be the trigger for that to happen, I can totally see her being down and using that to get her foot in the door so to speak :D

I like this idea. I don't know how I feel about the polycule idea, but I do not reject it. Brothel Queen Asumi, on the other hand, I fully support as well.

joined Oct 9, 2017

Good idea, because everyone knows that going friends with benefits when you're in love with someone is the most healthy idea possible

Sometimes you need to get it out of your system (literally in that situation right now myself). It's not necessarily the best idea, but if you're mature about it and communicate well with the other person then it can work out fine.

Well if it works for you, good !

For a lot of people, it will just deepen the feelings and make it hurt even more. Also it can make it a lot harder to move on.

Seems like a risky enterprise to me :p But to each their own. :)

joined Nov 13, 2021

What do you think Asumi was about to say when Nanao interrupted her and proposed the Friend with Benefit idea?
My guess is either "Nanao, I can't date you before I find Mai but I will seriously consider it after then." or "Nanao, actually we can date, but I still want to find Mai."

So the first is a love war plot line, the second is a harem plot line.

joined Nov 21, 2017


joined Sep 21, 2019


The way this is being set up, I'm pretty darn sure the FWB idea is going to serve as a middle development point in their relationship, for better or worse. Assuming Asumi says yes (she better say yes), Nanao will soon begin to ask for more and more of her time... which leads to the two going to the brothel together becoming a habit, for instance.

I honestly feel like open poly is the most realistic way this goes. Maybe they won't call it that until late in the manga (if ever), but so far that's what's shaped up here. We'll know for sure when we're shown if/how Ouka gets involved, no way that's not happening now!

joined Aug 17, 2012

With the "From what I can tell ...", I don't think that Nanao actually fully appreciates what she is proposing.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Oh honey... FWB with a girl you're in love with... I hope you're ready for that. I wouldn't wish that on an enemy.

I hope they're okay. This chapter was really cute. I loved how enamored Nanao-chan was with Asumi. The heart pupils were pure kino.

I'm really happy that they didn't just go back to being friends--not just because it's a development, but that it shows a level of intelligence and understanding on the author's part that reconfirms to me how much they care and think about this series. It makes me so much more excited for the future, to know they care about things like this. I'm really eager to see what the future holds for this series: the moment-to-moment action has been incredible, but I'm becoming increasingly faithful in the author's ability to build longer-term narratives as well.

I now return to my cave to await next month's installment of Cutest Girl Gets Her Shit Rocked.

last edited at Aug 1, 2023 5:24PM

joined May 18, 2023


joined Sep 21, 2020

Nanao is something else lol, how can she possibly be okay only being a sex friend? I can practically feel the pen from the writer forcing her to take a back seat since she’s not the true love interest.

joined Sep 21, 2020

Nanao is something else lol, how can she possibly be okay with only being a sex friend? I can practically feel the pen from the writer forcing her to take a back seat since she’s not the true love interest.

last edited at Aug 1, 2023 6:05PM

joined Feb 16, 2016

nanao's smiling and cheerful face as she proposes fwb is actually so cute. no angst only wholesome

open poly end let's go

joined Jun 22, 2023

I really don't think we're going to get any angst or heartbreak or sadness in this series past the opening. Thankfully

joined Aug 21, 2017

Come on, Nanao can definitely go for more than FWB.

joined Jan 6, 2017

Come on, Nanao can definitely go for more than FWB.

Yeah... She should be Asumi's first customer.
Think about it: Asumi is broke > Nanao pays Asumi for sex > Asumi uses that money on prostitutes > Asumi is broke > Nanao pays Asumi for sex > Asumi uses that money on prostitutes > etc.

It's perfect.

joined Oct 28, 2022

Oh honey... FWB with a girl you're in love with... I hope you're ready for that. I wouldn't wish that on an enemy.

It's a recipe for NTR.

There's a good manga I was reading the other day (het, not yuri) where this situation happens. The mc is in love with a cute and sexy gyaru; she has lots of FWBs; the mc has the choice between confess his love (and ask her to be his exclusive gf) or become a FWB too! He chooses to be a FWB, lmao. On the plus side, he gets to have sex; on the minus side, he has to watch as other guys canoodle with the girl he loves (and knows that they'll all bang her sooner or later).

If you think about it, it's not such a bad deal. Frankly, this guy is better off than the typical mc from a shounen manga who can't get the fmc to be his gf AND never has sex either. :P

last edited at Aug 1, 2023 9:47PM

joined Aug 23, 2022

Author: Nanao x Asumi development arc. Don't wait for Mai bxtches.

I don't like when characters gets too obsessed with an mc but Nanao is cute af and I love how Asumi forgot her purpose on finding Mai for sex. Pretty solid argument if you ask me.

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