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joined Jun 1, 2020

I was way off about the girl, and how things panned out were far better and more amusing than I'd hoped and expected! I mean she absofuckinglutely has a crush on Takamine but I do not think it comes into play at this point. Anyway, huge fan of genuinely every single thing that happened in this chapter, to the level that I'm tempted to go through it on a panel-by-panel basis, but for the sake of my own sanity I won't... go all out.

Key takeaways and emphases:

Hatori almost selling Takamine out was very amusing. Kinda wanted her to go through with it.

The spin on the girl's identity and confession was more obvious this chapter but was still brilliantly done, and I really like the girl which is always a bonus. Definitely has a crush on Takamine, but for absolutely no fucking reason I ship her with Hinata.

There's a lot to break down on this thought in particular, but If Takamine's growth leads to her starting to write or even becoming an author I'll be ecstatic. I adore just the thought of it. In any case, I'm really glad to see that she's decided to really go for something that she seems at least to a certain level genuinely interested in, and I'm excited to see how it'll all look.

Takamine acting all... I don't even know how to describe it, but worrying about not seeing Sakura enough and all, this shit just melts me. Also cute how Hatori's quiet remark about matching schedules kinda happened by the end of the chapter.

I'm very, very much hoping that with how intensely Sakura blushed at the end that whatever it is that she's written before was about Takamine. I'm 99% certain that it wasn't and she's just generally really shy about it because who wouldn't be, but just think how much more amusing that'd be.

The next chapters cannot come out soon enough, good lord.

I wonder if this will go the typical route of having her be a catalyst of some sort. That'd be kind of disappointing.

I'd say she turned out to be just that, but in a way that is the absolute opposite of disappointing.

last edited at May 12, 2024 9:49AM

joined Jun 1, 2020

Fucking yes! Let's go! I definitely wanted to see more, but goddamn this was satisfying. Also willing to bet whatever Korn gave Sophia was like orange juice or somesuch.

In any case, bets on how the potion fucks things up now? I'm thinking either the potion completely reverses their senses somehow or completely negates them. Definitely doesn't do what it supposedly should, though.

So is younger sis a total bitch or what? "I can feel they're in the middle of things, which means it's my twin sister's first time, and with the girl she's been passionately in love with all this time. Guess I'll interrupt with the mail!" She's always been pretty snarky but really, WTF?

It doesn't seem to me like she immediately went to interrupt, she even mentioned that she might deliver whatever that was later. I do think there's a pretty good chance she interrupted them when she went there later on though lol.

joined Jun 1, 2020

Uh oh, stalker alert?

I'd say an admirer from her volleyball days, probably a junior or something of the sort.

Is the implication is that she gave up on the club because she’d rather just see Takamie after school everyday?

I think it was an already dead non-club, and she decided to finally let it go, or something along those lines.

In any case, cute! Great chapter. I absolutely love seeing Takamine grow as a character and person and see her outlook on practically everything change and especially love all the cute moments between her and Sakura. Bathe me in this shit, dude. I assume the new mystery girl is some sort of a "fan" from the volleyball stuff, not too concerned about her. I'm more interested in what Sakura was so morose about, we don't see much from her perspective, and I hope we do at some point.

joined Jun 1, 2020

A few things popped up to me. Most prominently are the big fucking off for Shion, how her metaphorical and literal letting go left her shaken, and in turn Mona, who literally and metaphorically has finally come to beg for Shion's attention directly. Page 138 juxtaposing Kiki and Michiru dancing full on with who I believe is Shion and Mona decrepitly standing at the side was perfect to display the pain both are probably going through.

And also. as SrNevik mentions: seems she'll soon understand the phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder," and hopefully not "ya snooze, ya lose."

Almost definitely, probably with the help of big sis, who I definitely did not until this point believe had passed away. But I also am left with questions about Kiki's view of herself, which seems like a pretty big obstacle for her growth still. Also, bizarrely, I'm really glad that Michiru could muster the courage and set the boundary, for both of their sakes. Either case, though, I honestly liked the entire moment between the two of them. Felt really tender and warm, all things considered.

As an aside, part of me couldn't help but laugh at the thought that Michiru told her physically hurt friend that they needed some time off, and while aching and on the floor, just left her there and walked away.

joined Jun 1, 2020

Loved the chapter. The severe wife-withdrawal displayed is somewhat worrisome, but hopefully nothing life-threatening, also thanks to the dude above who commented that, it made my evening.

More seriously, I do love how the framing particularly displays the two's bracelets, specifically Takamine's. She has Sakura on her mind constantly and I fucking love that, but also it's a great symbol of how meeting her has changed Takamine's life. On that topic, I also really like the several insights about the characters' changes and their worldviews, I actually find Hatori's stance very interesting, especially with how in the last chapter and this one, she's gone out of her way and against her own supposed stance. Also, her questioning what made Hirose "choose" Takamine is a brilliant twist and tease. The way she was about to ditch Hirose and retreat back into her usual stance implied she took some damage there, but I'm very glad that she wasn't allowed to leave. Also just really like how Hirose sold her out, love the dynamic in that.

Another thing I want to note is the line "...those dazzling lights that used to feel way too bright; now feel like a soft and comforting glow...". A brilliant display of character growth in a way that feels so relatable, real, and grounded. I also feel that juxtaposing it over a frame showing Hinata, probably the brightest and most dazzling of the four, was on purpose, and I like that.

Also the chapter's cover page is chef's kiss.

Let's recap friend by friend...

Love the breakdown here. I'd say that Hatori is also in the "knows what's going on" camp, both regarding the duo and regarding Hirose. I'd say she's probably the most perceptive one. Also, for some reason, even though it is abundantly clear that Sakura knows what's going on, part of me feels that while she knows, it hasn't sunk in yet, if that makes sense. Also, with chapter's 14 excellent tease, I'm feeling rather optimistic about the story actually dipping into romance.

last edited at Feb 27, 2024 1:02PM

joined Jun 1, 2020

There's this thing when I'm reading something dramatic or adjacent where my stomach turns and rumbles throughout the whole thing, and there's this feeling of unease and anxiousness that haunts me all along as well. I consider this a good thing, a sign I'm invested in something or that I find the writing and scenario particularly compelling, and this chapter had this on full fucking blast. Good lord, Kiki's outburst and her self-hatred/self-pity were painful on the most personal levels, and the various reactions and pained expressions as well.

I liked the nuance of Shion trying to help but really having no idea how nor any way to really be of any effect, and what I read as her feeling somewhat guilty, too. I also love the trend of Mona just being the voice of reason, but more seriously, giving Kiki the mirror she very desperately needed in order to actually being to handle all that's happened. Very much looking forward to seeing what comes next.

last edited at Feb 21, 2024 2:52PM

joined Jun 1, 2020

and finally we get "the face she shouldn't show" lmao. Sure also looks like Io is having a little bit of a crisis realizing that she's suddenly into all these perverted things that she never was before, though I'd wager that's because attraction does make all the difference, and it's hot for her specifically because she's doing it with Misa.

Io is (re?)discovering her repressed sexuality with a person she is down bad for. It's like taking your first driving lessons in a racing car on one of those German autobahns without a speed limit.

It also helps that Misa is an experienced race-car driver and is really into it as well, though she does not admit it yet. I don't think it's just attraction, there's some serious chemistry between the two that makes this a lot hotter for the two of them.

And also just generally a lot hotter- fuck. me. That was some of the hottest shit I've seen in the last few months. I find Io's awakening to be really satisfying, and I also love specifically Misa really trying hard to deny how into it she is. "I'm not into...", "I'm just playing along with...", but in the end, she can't get enough of it. I really want to see the moment she realizes. In the meantime, though, seems like an absolute shitraiser of a storm is brewing. Not sure how big a fan I am of that, but I am looking forward to seeing what comes next.

last edited at Feb 17, 2024 9:36AM

joined Jun 1, 2020

I love everything about this chapter. Hirose was on fire; the entire "this needs to stop" exchange was pure gold. The power of friendship was in full force as well, and I absolutely loved that. Gay or not gay, it's clear that these things mean a lot to Sakura, especially with the frames on pages 15 and 21 showing her reactions, it is incredibly adorable. And the handholding and matching items and promises and stuff, just pure fluff, I adore that. Also kinda felt bad for Hinata once she realized she was five-wheeling, but the entire matching set was a great "recovery". And also the thing between Hirose and Hatori:

I've been actually shipping Hatori and Hirose for no apparent reason...

An excerpt of one of my earlier comments. I'm still seeing that, and I'm a big fan of the development.

joined Jun 1, 2020

...We're just supposed to want her to win out based on....?'s become clear that we really are supposed to view Mai as an end goal, rather than a catalyst...

I don't really see anything that suggests we need to root for her. Or anyone, for that matter, now that I think about it. This isn't exactly going according to the "romance story" formula lol. In either case, Mai still is very much the catalyst. When all is said and done, the story itself keeps going back exactly to what set it up in the first place, just like this chapter has done - a very explicit "and now back to our main programming" sort of vibe.

I do feel like introducing nanao, while positive in the short term, kinda went too far and is detracting from the entire idea of the lesbian brothel escapades the story was built around.

This has been my feeling as well.

I can see where this comes from, but I don't think she provided that severe a distraction. Many of the initial stages directly revolved around the escapades and the comedy of misunderstandings that were related to them, and I don't feel that there was any time "lost" on developing Nanao and her dynamic with Asumi. Though this is probably bias speaking since I adore Nanao and their chapters together were incredibly hot. Like I mentioned above, this chapter I feel was that reader-aware or self-aware moment where the story decided to realign itself, or something like that.

I also generally think that introducing Asumi in the context of more serious relationships and questions of what she is looking for is good for the story, and the entire Nanao arc was a whole lot of that.

Another comment mentions:

Can you really call Mai an industry plant when she is the literal driving force of this story?... This whole arc has basically demonstrated that Mai has become something of an emotional “block” for Asumi... Either that, or I’m just over analyzing porn.

And while I wouldn't necessarily say emotional block, I feel similarly as well. Though I also recognize that us potentially "over-analyzing porn" is solely up to how the story goes, which I actually do hope it dips its toes in these more serious questions.

Completely aside from the above, this chapter was the good shit. I'm incredibly amused by how Asumi was mortified by the thought she like violated Nanao's trust or something and Nanao was like "let's just fuck". Nanao's horny energy in general is infinitely amusing. Girl developed a voracious appetite in the span of like a week and a half in-universe lol.

last edited at Jan 29, 2024 2:35PM

joined Jun 1, 2020

Couldn't hold the tears this time. That was beautiful. Kaori's letter and diary, her feelings, how deeply Shizuku affected her, especially after seeing the exact from Shizuku's side, and how much Kaori brought to her life. So incredibly touching and special. As my previous comment says, as painful as this is - Kaori saying that she wished they were a real couple hits like a truck - there's also something cathartic about it all. How Shizuku got to learn how important she was to Kaori, how important it is that she keeps on living, too. "I'll become the proof that you were here" and "...the summer you were here was a happy story" are both such incredibly powerful feelings and ideas to end on, especially considering how close Shizuku was to suicide. I wanted more epilogue, definitely, but I don't think anything could've given this feeling of a fire reignited and newborn hope better than these two sentences. Even without seeing it, I know that she will live life to the fullest, with Kaori by her side and in her heart all the way. To me, this is perfect.

This story has been phenomenal from the first minute. Incredibly painful and heartwrenching, as well as very hopeful, heartwarming, and endearing. It was convincing and gripping and struck deep to very uncomfortable levels. Especially considering how from the very beginning Kaori's fate was clear, the fact that I still dreaded the inevitable every chapter and how deeply I rooted for the ass-pull of the century, to me is a huge testament to how good this story has been. It has taken a very special spot in my mind and heart, and I am incredibly glad to have read it, even though, or perhaps especially since I try to avoid tragedies. Thank you very much to the translation team that has given us the ability to read this, and also to the author, Yuama, for creating it. Though I hope they do not actually read this comment lol.

An aside, this jumped to me in particular and I feel the need to say this - I lost a close friend to suicide some years ago. What I wanted to do more than anything was to go after them and drag them back even if it took everything from me. It obviously does not work like that. If you are dealing with suicidal thoughts, or with the loss of a loved one, please reach out and seek help. You are not alone, and there is a tomorrow.

last edited at Jan 28, 2024 12:13PM

joined Jun 1, 2020

I don't think Karin is fooling around, but this chapter raises the possibility of an interest twist of sorts in which the question "which one is love" also applies to the potential love interests. Like Minato in this chapter, there is the possibility of them all who were coming from a really, really innocent place before to suddenly realize "oh shit wait this is for real- this is love! roll credits". Not sure this is the route I prefer, though. In any case I'm certain Karin has some perfectly reasonable in-universe-shenanigans way of "redeeming" herself. Or they just straight do it, I am perfrctly fine with this as well.

Also I feel like an F for glasses friend is warranted.

joined Jun 1, 2020

..."Proper steps" doesn't mean sticking to some dumb tradition...

The thing is I'm fairly certain that's exactly what she meant. She wasn't about communication or consent or anything, just about how relationships were "traditionally" supposed to have developed. In any case, like others said, she definitely meant well, but she still stuck her nose in a place it had no place being.

Besides, this is my read of the story and characters more than anything, I think that the way she views Hinata and the way Hinata is do not fully match. More than anything else, I feel that Hinata just has a stronger libido she hasn't fully woken up to; she wasn't actually gonna maul the girl (she's been doing pretty well in exactly not doing that ), and definitely not snap her neck lol.

In any case, I did quite like that chapter. Critical hits all around, which I love. Only thing I'd have been perfectly fine without Yua planting that seed of "proper steps" in Hinata's mind. I don't feel she's done anything particularly wrong, out-of-order, or off-key. Maybe the first kiss thing, but I feel that it is debatable. That said, I commented once about convenient contrivances made to lengthen the run time, that is most definitely another one of those. I do not necessarily mind, again.

joined Jun 1, 2020

Is it ridiculous? Could definitely say so, but I legitimately love the coincidence. I find it bizarrely cathartic, how Kiki was her inspiration all along and how it came full circle with the two uplifting each other and all.

As for the confession, honestly, the pure shock from Kiki was perfectly conveyed, in my opinion. Especially how the fact that this is something that happens to her at that moment just hasn't sunk in yet. I also understand why Michiru ran away, considering the response, and hope and expect them to go through this. Hopefully soon, ideally to me, Kiki immediately realized "wait that actually just fucking happened" and runs after her.

joined Jun 1, 2020

With how pretty and incredibly likable she is, Komichi could probably become a popular influencer in a real hurry. She's way too pure for that world though, I'd want her as far away from the internet as possible XP

As far as the internet goes, she needs to be in the good (better?) areas of the internet. Perhaps, for instance, a certain small community with a particular interest and perhaps some important insight into the dynamics of intimacy between two girls...

More seriously though, I do like, especially with how likable and popular she is, that she's shown to have these concerns that legit every person has had at some point. It sounds a bit odd, but she's perfect without being perfect, or too perfect, to be precise.

Oh, and also, regarding chapter 71 - FUCKING! YES! That felt bizarrely cathartic. I don't really think Hiro will back out of this; I'm choosing to remain hopefully optimistic.

last edited at Jan 14, 2024 8:45AM

joined Jun 1, 2020

Cute! Kyuuuut! The blush, lord almighty. Bathe me in this saccharine goodness, please and thank you. Also loved Sakura picking up that stray ball and making a huge play. This weirdly gung-ho energy she sometimes has is adorable.

And yet, I think the thing I love most about this chapter is Takamine musing about living in the presence. Especially with how ubiquitous the notion of "growing up" or "becoming an adult" is in Japanese media (at least that I've been exposed to), it's such a breath of fresh air. Even more so coming from a character in the process of discovering herself, what she wants to be, to do, to like, as well as being uncertain about all those things that can and will change - "... and everything that comes after that too...", to really start living in the present. I feel this is brilliantly written, really.

joined Jun 1, 2020

No miracles this time, I guess. At the same time, as legitimately painful as this is, I also find it very cathartic and satisfying that they both got some sort of closure; Shizuku with finishing her novel and confessing, Kaori with her last wish being granted. Shizuku kissing Kaori's hand in a gesture that leaves little room for interpretation as to what this means, to me was particularly satisfying. I mean, that's the kiss that is the apex of every romance story, you know? I also especially loved how the kiss was tied into and how the "reveal" of the confession was done, even though it was rather obvious, or hell, especially since from the very beginning everything was already pretty obvious, it makes how good a story this is all the more prevalent. In all honesty, it takes every fiber of my being not to break down in tears, and it is exhausting.

joined Jun 1, 2020

I love the dive into Mona's perspective of things, and it's actually pretty sweet how her rhythm gets completely thrown off by Shion.

Michiru is pure cute. I'm loving how closer and more openly affectionate the two are, Kiki especially.

joined Jun 1, 2020

Great chapter. The little sister and cheek poke thing fucking melted me. Also Chiheerow. This isn't related to anything, but I'll also share that for some reason I really, really like the name Chihiro.

last edited at Dec 15, 2023 9:57AM

joined Jun 1, 2020

Stumbled across this now and breezed through the chapters, and I am fucking loving it. I doubt it'll happen, but I dearly hope they go big rather than home with the horny.

Oh my god they're...Italians!

I'm not 100% sure what this means but for some reason, this gave me the biggest laugh.

joined Jun 1, 2020

My neurons are slacking today, and honestly, I did not 100% understand what Hirose was saying and what she was referring to on a sentence-to-sentence basis, but I'm glad she got some closure, and I love how it panned out. Specifically, Takamine telling her she's sorry she didn't take that thing Hirose liked seriously before I feel is an incredible moment between the two of them and an incredible display of Takamine's growth.

...Angst-nullification seems to be her superpower.

I also just love this.

last edited at Dec 15, 2023 9:37AM

joined Jun 1, 2020

This is so fucking adorable. I really like seeing the two ease into the friends-with-benefits situation, especially Nanao who is constantly learning new things both about the dynamic and herself. I love how the two being actively horny isn't making a mess of their relationship either. Also I love the tension between them.. Regardless of how the series moves on, I hope their relationship keeps developing. Page 11 was precious, dude.

I'll be honest, I get where many of the folks commenting that it might suck for Nanao are coming from, but it absolutely doesn't seem like it to me. I think it's actually relatively healthy, and regardless the involved parties are venturing in willingly. If anything, Nanao has made a huge springboard for herself just in general, really. Also, for better or worse, Asumi definitely has become attached to Nanao, not to mention she's absolutely attracted to her.

last edited at Dec 2, 2023 6:39AM

joined Jun 1, 2020

To paraphrase and emphasize a comment I made some time ago - big fucking oof to our girl right there. As have been commented before several times, I'll also reiterate that I'm a big fan of how "mature", for lack of a better word, she is, and how grounded the approach to her arc and development has been. I'm very much hoping she gets to fully understand what she feels and how it might affect her going forward, and I am very much hoping she gets full closure. Specifically, the idea that Sakura catches up to her and they have a heart-to-heart sounds incredible to me, and I'd absolutely love that.

I'm shipping Hinata x Hirose for no apparent reason

I've been actually shipping Hatori and Hirose for no apparent reason, but I do not hate this idea either.

joined Jun 1, 2020

Oh my god, this is so, so cute. And I love how even the framing puts an emphasis on the hairpin, almost like it's a clue for us the readers to find out what is going on. I'm actually inclined to assume it is, either case I love that detail. I also love that I'm not even sure I'd have caught that if not for the explaining note, but it doesn't take anything away from the chapter itself. It's still a cute moment and development between the two.

joined Jun 1, 2020

Oh fuck...

joined Jun 1, 2020

Good lord, the first few pages are fire! The entire chapter is fire! I'm not 100% certain what caused Lapis to change gear to such a degree, but I'm all for it. Natori reading this as her being treated as a spoiled pet was amusing, but I'm also dying for her to connect the dots, or better yet, Lapis being even more assertive than she's now being and making it clear in no uncertain terms. Like, I just want Lapis to kiss her or something. Like she should've done in those few panels at the start.

Oooh. That possessiveness. Sweet, but in a creepy and confining way. Hope they can get through this phase unharmed.

I'm not seeing this as creepy, but definitely confining and maybe suffocating. I do wonder where this is going to lead, and definitely hope (and expect, really) they'll get through this.