Forum › Posts by Raea

joined Jul 6, 2023

The old cliché about gay men being promiscuous and unfaithful is alive and well, I see.

What? To my knowledge he was mixing up the memories of his current partner with his ex.

Do we know for a fact that he has an ex named Henry? Because there's an "I almost talked about my ex" type of reaction and an "I almost revealed I had an affair" type of reaction and this looks to me like the latter. The face you make when what you almost said could have lead to a breakup.

How is this YuruYuri?

I can't talk for the original poster but I believe the meaning is that in 10 years most of these couples will still be at the stage of slowly getting closer.

I think the implication is that Nononon chickened out at the last moment and pulled back right before their lips would have touched.

If that's what happened, the kiss sound effect is all wrong. I've never heard of a manga using it ("chu" or whatever) for a failed kiss attempt that didn't land.

Nononon doesn't strike me as the type of girl who has the reflex of pulling away from a kiss from her crush. More like the type who mindblanks when she sees the face of her crush feeling her visual field and can't react for sh*t no matter what happens.

joined Jul 6, 2023

The old cliché about gay men being promiscuous and unfaithful is alive and well, I see.

Also, the one who wrote that this manga has turned into YuruYuri in high school was right. I bet next chapter everything is back to the status quo and nobody remembers all these kisses.

joined Jul 6, 2023

Doesn't consider her as a rival, my butt.

joined Jul 6, 2023


Me I didn't go that far, I just

joined Jul 6, 2023

When I read "Love hotel - Student discount!" I kinda jumped in shock.

Then I realized that they were talking college students.

It's Japan. I wouldn't be surprised if they give student discounts to college students, bigger student discounts to high schoolers and middle schoolers, and even bigger ones to grade schoolers. ;)

joined Jul 6, 2023

In old romantic stories, even back in the 19th century, the love of a woman was what pushed the lazy scummy mc to cut the nonsense, change his ways, get a job, become a productive member of society; all to support the woman he loved.
Good to see that the old cliched developments of romantic fiction still work today.

joined Jul 6, 2023

Ren. Ren's the best.
Best partner ever.

Oh yeah: tall blonde, sexy figure, tanned skin, huge melons, just purr-fect!

They clearly mean her personality!!

Pfft, yeah, they all say that. ',:-|

joined Jul 6, 2023

Ren. Ren's the best.
Best partner ever.

Oh yeah: tall blonde, sexy figure, tanned skin, huge melons, just purr-fect!

joined Jul 6, 2023

Awww man! A murder suicide attempt, pretty tame, and it's on the extras? Oh well

I think I know what's going on, from a shrink-y point of view.

I've watched, and you probably have too, many movies and shows with a gay guy who has married a woman and is completely repressed about his true sexuality—because he has deep internalized homophobic prejudices.

Then he meets a comely boy and falls for him and they start a thing. And it's seriously hot. And you think okay, now this guy will finally come to terms with his real self, out himself to his wife, get a divorce, fix his life, all that stuff... right?

Well no. Next thing you know, the guy visits the pretty boy, goes bananas, throws the poor boy on the ground and starts strangling him while he yells: "It's all your fault! You turned me! You goddamn fag! I'ma kill you and then kill meself!"

I think Yuni, at that moment, in that scene, goes thru a similar mental process. Feeling a sudden disgust for what she has become (a cheater), putting the blame for everything on Fuuko, and then thinking about murder and suicide—why, it's a classic example of self-hate mental gymnastics, completely ignoring that her toxic relationship with Nanase Natsume is the source of all the problems here!

It's good that rationality prevails in the end and she stops herself. Otoh it's too bad that in ch20, when Nanase asks her to return to their previous status quo and pretend nothing has happened, Yuni says okay. That was the irrational choice, the wrong course of action, and won't lead to anything good.

joined Jul 6, 2023

reminds me so much of this and there's really something cute about women longing for their adorable delivery girls.

thank you for the recommendation this is exactly what I was saying when I wanted to see more stories featuring delivery women, like this one

By Ohsawa Yayoi? Definitely reading it!

joined Jul 6, 2023

Given H A U S' own post in the same thread they're complaining about, I have to question somewhat their objectivity on this particular issue.

It was one of the admins, OrangePekoe, who made that Maoist yuri poster... or at least found it and brought it to the forum. ;3

H A U S just re-uploaded it.

edit: oops only noticed Casusby's message after posting....

last edited at Oct 2, 2023 11:07PM

joined Jul 6, 2023

I’d imagine these two discuss the students couples and useless pairings at their drink nights.

Nurse: "So, about Ayano and Miyoshi..."

last edited at Oct 2, 2023 10:49PM

joined Jul 6, 2023

Maybe author just wanted to draw a race.
It was really wonderful, btw
Their motions, expressions...

I loved the race! I really liked how everything is from the pov of Fukami, from beginning to end. She even managed to raise a death flag!

There's a cliched situation in action movies, especially in war movies, where one character says "After I come back from this last mission I'll return to Kansas and marry my sweetheart and we'll buy a farm and have children and live as a happy family!" That character never returns from the mission. He buys the farm, only in a different way that he expected. Movie fans call this sort of moment (when somebody announces his plans for the future that will become true after just one last task) a "death flag" — because it spells certain doom for the poor sod who utters the words.

When Fukami told to herself "I'll definitely win! And I'll be roommates with Kase-san from now on and forever!" she fatally jinxed herself. Oopsie.

joined Jul 6, 2023

I don't mind losing a kissing duel against Kanon at all.

In fact I would demand endless rematches and would be happy to keep losing!

joined Jul 6, 2023

Nao, Onibi, Mask, Kaoru, Hibiki and Midori

I like the way you listed them, hehehe, I see what you did there. (⁰͡ ͜ʖ⁰͡ )

Nao x Onibi x Mask x Kaoru x Hibiki x Midori

Kaoru x Hibiki??????? wtf have you been smoking?

joined Jul 6, 2023

If you look carefully at the Perfect Yellow front page you'll see that among the verdure that surrounds Aizawa there are other things, hidden among the leaves, mostly plushies—bear plushies, rabbit plushies, and even a Michi-chan plushie.
And also this barely-concealed drawing:

I really don't know at all what the hell this is. Any ideas?

joined Jul 6, 2023

This is tame. Tame tame tame tame tame. Disappointing.

The sex encounter was a big disappointment. Asumi didn't do anything. She just lay there, letting Nanao do all the work. She was still like a dead fish for entire pages. And all Nanao did was basic vanilla stuff—of course since she's a total beginner! She served, but did she even come? I guess iirc she did come at some point... but because of herself, not because of Asumi's efforts coz Asumi didn't do shit.

I get that this kinda thing can happen when two bottoms have sex, but in these cases it's the most experienced one who has to teach the total novice! Asumi should have taken the initiative to top and show all the tricks to Nanao, and Nanao as an eager enthusiastic padawan would've naturally returned the favors using all she learned. But nope. What actually happened was tedious and not even 0,0001% as sexy as a typical sex session of RandomWhore x Asumi.

I can't believe this manga, normally so great, managed to make a sex chapter so boring.

joined Jul 6, 2023

I think the premise of this story needs a little tweaking.
Maiko is an ojousama, a rich heiress, so she doesn't know anything 'bout housework. Okay, that's understandable. But Iori is the daughter of a servant and should know everything there is to know about things like cooking! In chapter 7, the one just released, Iori doesn't act like the daughter of a servant at all; they both act exactly the same, like two rich pampered heiresses.

If it was me I'd make some changes in the basic premise. I'd make Iori the daughter of another rich family. She has known Maiko since she was a child and she has a big crush on her. Then something bad (™) happens and Iori finds herself on the street and without a yen... so she decides to go work as a maid for her big sis Maiko. This way everything would be easier to explain and the way they act in chapter 7 would be reasonable.