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joined Aug 23, 2022

Time to disassociate from the 'im in love with my onechan' arc and forget it like Miki's boyfriend so I can keep enjoying this manga, I really really really hope this is like 5 eps at much and we can see Kyou and Momoka flashbacks or something.

joined Aug 23, 2022

Well, I'll skip through this arc. We could be having Hajime x Momoka drama arc but author really went for the I love my blood sister arc instead, and again Aki being the center of all the drama without knowing.

That last panel was precious and Momoka will be activating her senpai skills once again.

joined Aug 23, 2022

Ooh the plot is twisting

joined Aug 23, 2022

Ummm... I don't like where this is going to be honest. Like please be something else, please. At least the “incest” plot in Citrus they are half sisters that didn't grow up together or were raised by their parents, they were strangers, Mei and Yuzu's parents relationship is weird, not the point. Here, in sasakoi if they are going that pat is blood related incest, it's gonna ruin this story for me.

Adding I was expecting a messy story with HajimexMomoka and being in love with the girlfriend of your deceased sister.... please no incestplot.

I think in Ctirus they're step-sisters, half-sisters they would be blood related still. Half-sibling means your parent had a kid with another person, so they're half related to you, but still a sibling all the same. Step-sibling is when your parent remarries and they have kids already. Which is the case in Citrus if I remember correctly, where Citrus being controversial for the "incest" is really an almost non existent factor, due to them not being blood relations and dating almost as soon as their parents married, they didn't grow up together or anything. It's basically a way for Citrus to be "taboo" and have the characters live together.

Yeah, step sisters, english is not my first language and forgot the correct term. And exactly, you expressed my exact point of view with better words.

joined Aug 23, 2022

Ummm... I don't like where this is going to be honest. Like please be something else, please. At least the “incest” plot in Citrus they are half sisters that didn't grow up together or were raised by their parents, they were strangers, Mei and Yuzu's parents relationship is weird, not the point. Here, in sasakoi if they are going that pat is blood related incest, it's gonna ruin this story for me.

Adding I was expecting a messy story with HajimexMomoka and being in love with the girlfriend of your deceased sister.... please no incestplot.

Citrus + discussion 19 May 18:38
joined Aug 23, 2022

I just want to say that Shark mind mei is kind of awesome....

I see a lot of people saying that Yuzu's insecurities are unjustified or that she's being paranoid. Let's remember that it has being least than a year since Mei literally left Yuzu to marry a man. These girls need communication and Mei just can't do that for the sake of Yuzu.
I love Yuzu man, she deserves better from Mei, sorry

joined Aug 23, 2022

I love that Kodama Naoko sensei is happy, healthy in a bigger apartment and doing what she loves: drawing boobs and NTR for a living and she's thriving.

joined Aug 23, 2022

Wow, my ship sailed from no where.

joined Aug 23, 2022

Oh how the tables have turned to Non-Chan

10/10 story.

joined Aug 23, 2022

even god damn Twilight had better Relationship progression to Romantic Relationship that whatever this shite is supposed to be between Aki/Shiho? I’m a supposed to be all gooygooy with their supposed “romance”??? even Thanos with the infinity glove couldn't hand fisted the supposed romance, yeah nop I’m dropping the manga here I will rather rewatch all the Twilight movies to forget this manga existed.

I’m just praying to all gay gods that Yuri Is My Job, stops fallowing in the footsteps of this manga, cuz good god I’m sick of Kanoko.

Hahahahaha. This is utterly horrific but fascinating at the same time.

joined Aug 23, 2022

I think the author is struggling to tied up all the loose ends in the plot...but I'm liking that Komachi is an antagonist because of a curse? -Well at least Komachi seems to feel it that way-. Point is that I think that the next arc, if this is not the end, they'll find a cure for Komachi. Also idk, I like more this ship.

Seo plot twist really kind of messed the plot.

joined Aug 23, 2022

I love this manga but that nurse is a groomer and I hate when she's on a panel. Whatever, it doesn't take how much I enjoy the other things from this manga, specially the main couple, Nagisa's character and Uda.

At not point was grooming ever done she set very clear boundaries and was professional as one could be in a situation like this, granted she still accepted her feelings but at least she waited until she was a adult and graduated

Are you for real? Nurse knew a minor student since the beginning of high school and “waited” for her until she was an “adult". Please don't call that sht professionalism, the system education really failed you.

joined Aug 23, 2022

I love this manga but that nurse is a groomer and I hate when she's on a panel. Whatever, it doesn't take how much I enjoy the other things from this manga, specially the main couple, Nagisa's character and Uda.

last edited at Mar 1, 2024 6:46PM

joined Aug 23, 2022

Does someone know if this manga is in hiatus or cancelled and where to buy the raws, please? I need this ship like I need the air I breathe.

joined Aug 23, 2022

Lol, I love both versions and both are great independent versions and it's so interesting to see two sides of the same author in the “same” work, I think.

That dream of Tania is my dream for real...not the harem part tho.

joined Aug 23, 2022

The ending was perfect. This manga being hatesex to corporative thriller and a way to go in a lesson of life was such a short journey but amazing. Thanks to the author for well written characters.

joined Aug 23, 2022

This went to funny to fxcked up really fast (that rape scene kind of was unnecessary I think?). But this fxcked up dynamic is so interesting, I can't stop till the end niw. I really hate Junko and I want epic consequences for her character, fxck off with character development or redemption arc, I need blood and Junko ascension.
Also, I don't like that much Isumi's character, but I love Isumi's persona (she's a sweetie) but being the good of goods and the only good option in the toxic manga is not that interesting for me.

joined Aug 23, 2022

Kamejiro is a great artist but an even better writer. I can't believe princess of sylph is a cult like manga and not a lot of people is reading this.

I need the whole Yuri community to know about this manga, is just so good.

joined Aug 23, 2022

You might be fooled by the art and previous chapters of this manga in both versions. Both started pretty wholesome with silly jokes here and there but last chapters have being very gruesome with a good twist in the plot that I'm loving. The author definitely needs more recognition for their work.

joined Aug 23, 2022

This is so unapologetically funny jajajahahaja

I'm mad at myself cause didn't give this amazing manga the opportunity before because of the violence, but author jajajaja

joined Aug 23, 2022

The Princess of Sylph is my favorite manga right now, and now we have a different version from the original? Is great to be alive.

joined Aug 23, 2022

I'd say that Ryouko went too hard on making Seo a psycho to break Satsuki's ideals. I was fine with it when it was just her killing Kai since at that point it actually did seem like she tried to be a better person but wasn't left with any other choice because he kept on trying to kill her despite that. It's not as if Satsuki wouldn't be dealing with the moral dilemma of what if the person you saved went on to kill other people. Her turning the school into a death trap just to spite the one person that believed her is jumping the shark. It feels as if it's trying to say that Kai was right all along with he was just an asshole high on his own farts.

Right? Idk why the author want us to sympathize with the Prez and Vice Prez so much that you have to give Seo a dumb reason to attempt mass murdering.

joined Aug 23, 2022

Pfffft lol, people really mad about a character having development and idk who's grandma Shiho killed so her redemption needs a Zuko treatment.

Anyways they're 16 and in love

such a week sauce excuse! lol please stop with the excuses!

What excuses? Shiho is a fxcked up character n she knows it, author knows it, Shiho defenders knows it. But people are going to complain regardless even if she gets the besto of the bestos redemptions arcs ever.

She did bad things? Yeah. Wasn't that serious? Nope, a teenager cliché drama. Apologies were need it apologies are being given.
But here we are in another silly Shiho debate.

joined Aug 23, 2022

Pfffft lol, people really mad about a character having development and idk who's grandma Shiho killed so her redemption needs a Zuko treatment.

Anyways they're 16 and in love

joined Aug 23, 2022

Yeah yeah but we now the comment section for this one is going to be something interesting, Kodama Naoko's things.