Forum › Even Though We're Adults discussion

joined Apr 23, 2015

On the other hand at the opposite end of the spectrum is The Feelings We Must All Endure, which still comes back to me regularly to punch me in the gut.

That was the mostly unpleasant thing I've ever read, in terms of how I actually felt afterwards.

By the way I haven't read Sweet Blue Flowers, could I ask someone to tell me what went down in that story that seems to have mix opinions?

The highlights are that the pair on the cover take forever to get together, and then break up, and then get together again. But I don't think what actually happens in the story has anything to do with why opinions are mixed. It's a very, very slow story, with lots of deviations to focus on side characters, chapters where basically nothing happens, apparent reversals of previous plot events, and an incredibly sudden ending. Somehow, it feels both too long and too short. Personally, it's one of my favorite manga, but I understand why people don't like it.

I see! thanks for that summary~ personally I can enjoy slooow stories, so long as I care about the characters then I am fine, but it does sound somewhat tiresome to get through

I liked it. I usually don't mind focus on side characters but even i was getting sick of them towards the end.

Not sure how I feel about this story. I try to say nothing if I don't like a story on this site but I can't really think of a direction you could take this story that would actully hold my interest.

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

Yeah. It get from 'I love this' to 'I wanna die' real quick.

Wanting to die from this is going a little bit too far

Repeat to yourself: ‘It’s just a manga, I should really just relax.’

joined Oct 22, 2018

I was just about to comment how enjoyable this seemed so far, and then - BAM! Turns out she's married already! I usually don't react like this to yuri, so I'm kinda surprised at myself. But aight, at least I know what the aaaangst tag was for, and am ready to see how it goes.

joined Jan 15, 2014


yeah, you got that right.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Shimura Takako's characters are usually complex and have issues that are not easy to deal with.

She makes really interesting slices of life of people of all type.

People who don't hate "het" should read Koi-iji too.

joined Feb 7, 2013

Yeah. It get from 'I love this' to 'I wanna die' real quick.

Wanting to die from this is going a little bit too far

Repeat to yourself: ‘It’s just a manga, I should really just relax.’

Thanks for your concern. <3 But I'm not being serious or anything.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Yuki Kitsune posted:

I've never been murdered

Are you certain?

joined Sep 6, 2015

Sign me up for this one, looks promising. Too early to comment on the finer details of cheating and whatnot, since not much is really shown in this chapter, this was more the setting of a stage without any of the details yet. Also, I am of the opinion that the Cheating tag would ruin the obviously intended punch with the twist at the end. Bisexual tag is more debatable in this sense, but for now I am content to wait for more chapters before any such decision is made.

But from Aoi Hana and some of his other works, I don't think the author suddenly switches things around for the hell of it.

Her. But yeah, I pretty much agree with everything you wrote about "Aoi Hana".

joined Feb 18, 2019


joined Oct 19, 2017


joined Mar 29, 2019

so before the teacher arrive and the bar and we met the other mc, the first pages made me think that maybe it would be a story a between a teacher and the mother of one of her students, does anybody knows if there is a manga like that?

joined Jan 20, 2014

so before the teacher arrive and the bar and we met the other mc, the first pages made me think that maybe it would be a story a between a teacher and the mother of one of her students, does anybody knows if there is a manga like that?

nothing longer than a one shot i don't think

and oof on that last page.

last edited at Jun 5, 2019 8:33PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

So... Mangadex has a synopsis:

Ayano is a teacher with a steady job, a good relationship with her students and their parents, and a seemingly comfortable life - but when she runs into an attractive, charismatic woman at an old favourite bar of hers, they soon find themselves making some very rash decisions… and they may not both be being entirely honest with each other.

From acclaimed mangaka Takako Shimura, a story of tangled feelings, secrets, and, frankly, just some awful human beings.

A lot of works here don't have synopsis, but some of the rage could've been avoided for many with one XP I mean, you can't complain about the chapter if you read this synopsis first even if there isn't a bisexual or cheating tag. You would only have yourself to blame.

last edited at Jun 5, 2019 8:43PM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

so before the teacher arrive and the bar and we met the other mc, the first pages made me think that maybe it would be a story a between a teacher and the mother of one of her students, does anybody knows if there is a manga like that?

joined Sep 1, 2017

I should of read the tags... it was all working so smoothly. ;-; dammnit why do the males always ruin the story.

joined Feb 9, 2019

daaaaamn. i was so into this too. what a way to end a chapter... adult life is one of my favorite tags, but eeeeehhhhhhhhhh....

joined Mar 29, 2019

so before the teacher arrive and the bar and we met the other mc, the first pages made me think that maybe it would be a story a between a teacher and the mother of one of her students, does anybody knows if there is a manga like that?

oh! thank you! that was a nice one~ I see even the author thinks the Teacher X Parent isn't a very common pairing lol I hope there are more in the future.

Anyway, yeah why there are so many stuff here without description?
Also I am all to follow up flawed people's stories, but "Awful"? I don't know why, but it does give me a bad feeling... guess it's only on me if I keep reading and I don't like what may happen, guess a happy ending ain't happing in this one.

last edited at Jun 6, 2019 12:20AM

joined Jul 4, 2018

Alright, guys and gals.
Put your hands in the air and give your NRG to these two. They gonna need it.

joined Apr 15, 2011

i was good until the "my husband" part :(

ok, there's an explanation. there has got to be one; otherwise, noooooooo! whining aside, the story seems a little rushed, but the first chapter is pretty damn good so far.

joined Nov 27, 2017

Not sure how I feel about the cheating. Oh wait, yes I do. Really could have done without that, honestly.

Why is everyone so possessive over manga? If you're not into cheating narratives it's not for you, and that's pretty straightforward.

joined Jan 24, 2018

You had me at 'Fukin horny teacher'. I got a little confused half way through..... but that twist at the end?! I'll re-read when there's more chapters to clear up my misunderstandings, but pretty solid start and I'm looking forward to more!

joined Aug 23, 2018

so the mains of blue flowers or some other work of her end up with a dude at the very end as "twist"?

A side character who was interested in a girl later gets back together with her fiance and marries him. It's neither sudden, nor a twist. Honestly, that development has more build-up than the main characters getting back together. But from Aoi Hana and some of his other works, I don't think the author suddenly switches things around for the hell of it. The character arcs generally feel driven by actual character development, though often in a kind of twisted way. So that's why this promises to be interesting.

I was just wondering was this the manga that got one season as a Anime. I definitely agree it sidelined the main couple far too much, and the ending isn't everyone's cup of tea. I did like the more adult themes it took with it's Yuri, especially the main girl with glasses, been used and abused by her older female cousin who leaves her heartbroken and runs off to get married. Also the popular tomboy character having the twist of been in love with her sisters man. I always thought Aoi Hana was a more art house Yuri in a way, which is probably silly thing to say lol.

joined May 2, 2018

I always thought Aoi Hana was a more art house Yuri in a way, which is probably silly thing to say lol.

When Caku earlier mentioned not being familiar with Shimura's stuff I was going to describe her as the Yasujiro Ozu of LGBT manga but decided that is probably a silly thing to say.

joined Oct 10, 2016

So I want tags drunk and cheating.

last edited at Jun 6, 2019 5:02AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

cheating tag would be a huge spoiler, so no.

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