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joined Apr 23, 2015

Would it be OK to ask for help with finding a manga I read on here a long time ago or should I just make a new thread for it?

It was about a gloomy dark haired girl. The other girl had light hair and had poor eye sight. Might have been blind. I believe it was snowing for most of the story. The one with poor eye sight inquires about the other girl's height and to try and figure out where her lips would be on her face for when she tries to kiss her.

I think it ends with the dark haired girl finally getting along with her sister. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. I will understand if mods go ahead and delete this.

Or there is a thread for that

But while we're here, it sounds like it could be Dark Forest, White Road

That's the one! Thank you so much! I was shocked it wasn't on this list of my favs I made a while back to share with someone asking for recommendations.

last edited at Jan 3, 2025 7:41PM

joined Apr 23, 2015

Would it be OK to ask for help with finding a manga I read on here a long time ago or should I just make a new thread for it?

It was about a gloomy dark haired girl. The other girl had light hair and had poor eye sight. Might have been blind. I believe it was snowing for most of the story. The one with poor eye sight inquires about the other girl's height and to try and figure out where her lips would be on her face for when she tries to kiss her.

I think it ends with the dark haired girl finally getting along with her sister. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. I will understand if mods go ahead and delete this.

Or there is a thread for that

Thanks so much!

joined Apr 23, 2015

Would it be OK to ask for help with finding a manga I read on here a long time ago or should I just make a new thread for it?

It was about a gloomy dark haired girl. The other girl had light hair and had poor eye sight. Might have been blind. I believe it was snowing for most of the story. The one with poor eye sight inquires about the other girl's height and to try and figure out where her lips would be on her face for when she tries to kiss her.

I think it ends with the dark haired girl finally getting along with her sister. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. I will understand if mods go ahead and delete this.

joined Apr 23, 2015

Found my self thinking about this and had to come back and see if there was ever any more put up.

Wow! Fantastic! Bravo! Encore!

I think when I started this story people still weren't sure if it was suppose to be yuri or not and with the ending it looks like we are still in the same boat. I'd say call it yuri for he side couple. Doesn't matter that it didn't work out. Or "yuri side couple" if that's a tag.

I usually don't care if who ends up with who(as long as it's well written) but I really would have liked the main two to be together this time. They are both so great they made me break my own pattern.

I guess I can't be mad at the ending. I don't know the details about how this was sold and marketed. Don't know if it showed up in yuri magazines and the like so . . . (and if said magazines consider non romance relationships between girls yuri, etc) So I don't know that yuri was ever promised in anyway.

I will say though, the idea that open ended as a way to get around either sensors or just to make a story seem more deep is a reasoning I'd like to see F off.

last edited at Feb 18, 2023 5:09PM

joined Apr 23, 2015

Man I love fighting games. I wished everyone played them.
Not sure about the explanation of the terminology in this story sometimes. but yeah yeah. It's uh . . . pretty alright.
And people in this thread play Lili? These people have taste!

Daily Smile discussion 21 Apr 09:22
joined Apr 23, 2015

That was so lovely. Good way to stat another day in quarantine.

joined Apr 23, 2015

That was possibly the most important conversation I've ever witnessed in a yuri. What if your cat outgrows their name? What IF?!

In all seriousness, this manga is great!

Image Comments 17 Apr 22:04
joined Apr 23, 2015

My two favorite sillies. It's been too long.

Image Comments 17 Apr 22:01
joined Apr 23, 2015


Image Comments 17 Apr 21:55
joined Apr 23, 2015

Ahahaha! Rally!

Image Comments 15 Apr 06:05
joined Apr 23, 2015

Broooooooo. . .

Image Comments 14 Apr 12:36
joined Apr 23, 2015

@luinthoron there's tons of ships I "don't see." But like you said. To each their own. Some art is so good I will still nab the images even if I can't personally see the romance myself.

Image Comments 14 Apr 09:11
joined Apr 23, 2015

Gay intros? Was too busy being broke to get this game. Guess I will be calling on YouTube for its powers . . .

joined Apr 23, 2015

Also fact: When grandma offered Shima the third controller, I automatically saw a SNES controller in my mind.

Bomberman Party on PS1 had 5 player support with a multitap. It was no match, tho, for Bomberman Saturn which supported up to 10 players with two multi-taps.

I remember always wanting a multitap but honestly can't recall what system I was eyeing it for and what games I imagined playing with it. And I had most systems growing up. My siblings and I always wanted more co-op games.

On a somewhat unrelated note. A few years back I found myself wondering if there had ever been an anime about a dog. cough This chapter has me wondering that now too for . . . reasons.

Edit: Should probably try to clarify. I mean like a "normal" dog. Not those ones like Scooby Doo or what Disney often does to them where they can damn near talk and understand human conversation enough to give dating advice. (Sven helping Kristof propose in Frozen 2.) No offense but that depiction of animals often bugs me more then endears.

last edited at Apr 13, 2020 8:40PM

joined Apr 23, 2015

Wow. Grandma with that old school multiplayer tech!

What a nice coming of age chapter filled with coming of age thoughts. Fun and flowery.

joined Apr 23, 2015

So, imo, anyone could write any character going through any experience- as long as they did enough research and talked to people who really had lived whatever you were writing about, to the point where you could come to understand and empathise with it yourself.. At least write it well enough nobody would pick up you were not writing from personal experince

I should hope so. Or my hopes of writing about The Time I was a Teenage Werewolf aren't going to turn out well since I was only ever one of the things in that title. ^^;

joking aside. This is probably my favorite comment I've ever read on this site. You know. As a delusional person who hopes to write many many things well someday.

Image Comments 11 Apr 19:12
joined Apr 23, 2015

Kan-money! That show was so good!

Chandelier discussion 10 Apr 16:44
joined Apr 23, 2015

That was great. I have weird habit of dismissing nsfw stuff. Stories like this will likely help me get over that.

joined Apr 23, 2015

I guess the author just chose the route of "love just happens!" And the development to happen reaaally slowly...

That's how I like to picture it. Shiho was just being herself when they met. She found the jewelry and returned it to it's owner. No fuss. Then they hit it off. I'm actually fine if we don't get every detail about how that happened.

joined Apr 23, 2015

This. Deserves better than my measly comment can provide. :<
It's so good!
Several dozen times more interesting than another story about school kids doing nothing all damn day.

My family was big on watching movies. I actually got kinda tired of them in my youth and would only watch them if they were about superheroes or video games. Back then the vast majority of those sucked.

When she told her roommate she would be a good mom was especially sweet. ^.^

last edited at Apr 6, 2020 3:51PM

The Bridge discussion 02 Apr 14:44
joined Apr 23, 2015

Another one of "those" stories. Hmm. Wonder how old this is and how many of these exist. ^^;

I wonder if longer stories included moments like these if they would have nearly the same impact. I think longer works tend to plaster the endgame couple all over the cover and advert material so people would quickly just write these moments off as stepping stones though.

Image Comments 31 Mar 08:50
joined Apr 23, 2015

that's what I THOUGHT I saw in the trailer.
And yeah. I liked the series. For the most part.

joined Apr 23, 2015

huh. Yuri solved the problem. I for one, am shocked. Though I don't know why.

Image Comments 28 Mar 01:17
joined Apr 23, 2015

That's one happy Nero.

joined Apr 23, 2015

Would Tarumi really say she remembers seeing Adachi somewhere before so vaguely when she had gone to that same restaurant Adachi was already working at? Seems like a weird thing to forget.

Has she gone there before, though? As far as I remember, other than Adachi seeing her at the festival with Shima, the only time they've met is this.

I remember that one but now I'm having trouble remembering when Adachi met Tarumi in the restaurant before which was probably more recent. Memory must be going. Sad isn't it?