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joined Jan 20, 2014

Also, my take about erika feeling like she had no right to confess was because she had ulterior goals for aya and koto getting back together. She knew it wouldn't work out between the two, and she was hoping it would finally get koto to move on so she could confess. 

Another Erika's defender trying to find a way to excuse the terrible thing she had done back in middle school lol.
Let me remind you. Erika has been tormented by her guilt in the past seven years. You can see in chapter 8 she also didn't think she has the right to confess when she and Koto were high school students.

the only 'terrible thing' erika did in the past was make a wish that someone they are jealous of/angry at disappears lol. What angsty teen hasn't wished someone would disappear. If your whole argument is based on the outline of her possibly yelling at aya and that wish, then there is a million different things that could mean, and each have just as much validity. Maybe she went to confront aya first, got in an argument, then in anger made the wish after, and the argument kept aya from going to tanabata who then gets whisked away. maybe erika made the wish, went to confront aya, then a pack of controlled dinosaurs time hopped and grabbed aya and time hopped again with her. maybe erika is secretly part of some magical galactic task force and enlisted aya who then left to fight space crime.

Point being, there is literally not enough information yet available to know what really happened. Erika was not acting like a guilty assailant/murderer when aya returned. in fact, erika was not acting guilty at all at aya's return. why would she ask her dad to let aya stay with them her first night back or say "i was convinced that she was still alive" if she had anything to do with aya's disappearance/murder? followed by asking where aya went after their conversation, an obvious reference to the confrontation aya doesn't want to remember.

Just because there's no evidence something DIDN'T happen, doesn't mean it did. You need to include all context clues that are there leading to other conclusions first. Putting something in that had 0 clues, foreshadowing, context, that goes against all previously established personalities just for the sake of having a hidden twist is terrible writing. Show me exactly where erika's murderous bloodlust was established then i'll consider it. An accidental murder? MAYBE. But for accidentally murdering someone erika sure seems oblivious to having done it in both her thoughts and actions. You'd think she'd be a BIT more panicked that a person she murdered, whether by accident or not, suddenly comes back and might out her.

Sometimes a horse is just a horse.

joined Jan 20, 2014

Erika had mentioned before about tanabata day but aya swore she was only there til the day before. She has definitely lost time she can't remember. Might also have to do with what happened to her grandpa that night.

But Aya also had a sense of deja vu, suggesting memory suppression of the last day, rather than her having been whisked away early and Erika talking to a different Aya.

Then please please please explain (with evidence from the text ofc lol) where exactly does her guilt come from.

If she 'wished' for Aya to disappear, and Aya disappeared, that would explain guilt. That doesn't mean Erika knew her wish would really cause Aya to disappear. There is no evidence that Erika knew or knows she has supernatural powers, and there is evidence against: she 'wished' for Aya to return but didn't expect it to work.

i didn't say she was whisked away early. I said she has lost her memory one way or another, which by implication means there's possibly more that she can't remember between tanabata eve and showing back up. Like being in a spirit word or w/e. thus saying she was 'peter pan'd'. ie taken to another world. And aya only brushed it off as dejavu because she did not want to face the memory that was coming back.

Also, my take about erika feeling like she had no right to confess was because she had ulterior goals for aya and koto getting back together. She knew it wouldn't work out between the two, and she was hoping it would finally get koto to move on so she could confess. She has been helping aya for purely selfish reasons, or so she thinks. i think she would have helped regardless, because i did get a sense that they were friends too in middle school, but that's just how i read it.

With aya just disappearing koto got no resolution. It's incredibly hard to compete with the memory of a ghost. So, with aya finally showing back up, erika saw it as an opportunity for koto to lose this self-idealization she has placed on aya's memory. And honestly, aya and koto no longer belong together. Aya is still a 14-year-old child and koto is now an adult. they are just in different places in their lives now, with different levels of maturity. You can see it when koto would try to get close physically with aya.

last edited at Dec 29, 2024 5:08AM

joined Jan 20, 2014

The last chapter and that other girl asking about aya being spirited away suggests there is a timeframe aya has forgotten, and was possibly peter pan'd. Erika had mentioned before about tanabata day but aya swore she was only there til the day before. She has definitely lost time she can't remember. Might also have to do with what happened to her grandpa that night.

joined Jan 20, 2014


and damn that was really an ass move from Fuyuki, i mean i get it, but you can't miss your best friend's birthday for hanging out with your girlfriend, that's just wrong no matter what you actually feel for your childhood friend. i know eri is a little possesive but that's just wrong, you're failing your friend there, the ones that are always supposed to be there, so yeah pretty ass

i hope the update times for this series won't be as long as this one from now one, 6 months of wait, what in the world happened?

Nah, she’s been at her birthday every year and she misses one to be with her girlfriend is completely reasonable. Eri isn’t allowed to throw a fit about it when she just had an assumed fight with the “girlfriend.” She also pulled the whole “who’s more important. Me or your girlfriend.” She’s being completely unreasonable considering she got in a relationship with a guy and is being half-assed about because she values “friendship” more so than romance which is obviously not the case because she values fuyuki waaaay more than what a friend should do. Whether it’s romantic or not it’s being heavily hinted that it is. She’s just mad that the attention is no longer solely on her lol

real friends are supposed to be unconditional, if for a simple girlfriend you're not coming to my birthday anymore, then you're not a friend plain and simple, all the other stuff about the unvoiced feelings and secret crushes don't really matter, the issue is way more fundamental. you can even not be around the whole year because you're too focused on your girlfriend, that's fine, but my birthday is when you're supposed to be there, you can't miss it, if you also miss that for being with your gf then our friendship is over

if the guy asked her to let them alone that day, I can understand all the issues and shit fuyuki's going through but still, she's not only your gf she's a human with friends and family, you can't expect to monopolize all of her time just because you're a couple, so I would've still told him to go fuck himself lol

It shouldn't be a given that friends will celebrate birthdays with friends. You should ask first if they can come and celebrate. That's just taking advantage of fuyuki's friendship. And it's just a birthday goodness lol, not like a once in a lifetime event. not something that can't be celebrated later/early. The boyfriend definitely asked fuyuki to dip though, otherwise fuyuki would not have missed it for a date, so give her a break. He should have asked eri if she would celebrate with just him, not put it on fuyuki. That was being a coward.

Also, saying they HAVE to be at your bday or you're no longer friends is hella selfish and demanding. People have their own lives too. Like, it doesn't matter that you see them 5 days a week, they helped you at your low points, were there for you, or w/e. If they don't show up for this one thing it's over? Talk about narcissism.

last edited at Dec 13, 2024 3:31AM

joined Jan 20, 2014

Man, I'm so curious~ What was the significance of the bracelet's design? What does it all mean????

They already explained. Jing loves pandas and Youyan gave her a panda with the dot the first time they met. It's a very personal character between the 2 of them. Almost a representation of youyan's feelings in a way.

joined Jan 20, 2014

Uh this is a dumb one. Not wanting the toxic dude to tell people he likes her so her friend doesn't find out what a douche he is is plain horrible writing. What the hell kind of friend would let someone continue to like someone this horrible. Horrible writing excuse to make secret scenes between the 2 characters to make it "hotter" and to have more artificial drama. This is the completely wrong demograph to be putting that in a story meant to be yuri.

joined Jan 20, 2014


joined Jan 20, 2014

To say nothing of his looks.
Btw I hadn't noticed before how Mitsuki got her whole fashion sense from her uncle, down to the nails painted black.

I'd say, it's the other way around - the uncle copycatting Mitsuki as her approach with black nails brought cute girls into the shop, lol. I mean, he never wore it black before this chapter.

In reality though, not gonna be surprised if this is but the author's way of "bugfixing" that nails painting are a girls' only thing, as in, hey look, actual guys of the culture do it too, so it's not like Aya fell for feminine traits of her Onii-san. Not that it addresses the elephant in the room, which is the voice of a 17-year-old. But at this point, I don't think I want to care about any of that as for me personally the momentum of the story is somehow lost.

uh well it's kinda established mitsuki is goth and goth guys paint their nails black all the time. i think it's mitsuki who picked up everything from her uncle. she seems to be really close to him and probably looks up to him a lot

also, i wanna see smashing pumpkins and alice in chains show up!

last edited at Jul 6, 2022 8:08PM

joined Jan 20, 2014

Goth girl can easily pass off as her five o’clock shadowed uncle with a black permanent marker instead of girly makeup.

I’m not up on fashion so can someone tell me: Is Gothic a subset of grunge or is grunge a subset of gothic fashion?

Without being able to see the color of her clothes, I don't think we can say she's a goth. I think rock girl fits better.

I would say she is a rocker at least but probably more of a metalhead based of off the black widow album and how heavy it is

they say at the beginning that the girl...mitsuki? the clerk, dresses all in black. so with the black nails pretty sure she likes goth

and blows my mind people are starting to not know about/haven't heard foo fighters or nirvana. they were both so huge, when i was younger you'd be weird for NOT having heard at least one of their songs lol. and this is not the first manga where highschoolers like this kind of music from america. beck was ALL about that vibe lol. if someone discovers the type of music nirvana and foo fighters fall under, there's no question they'd eventually run into those bands.

last edited at May 10, 2022 1:49AM


Resolution came as fast as it was introduced unlike its foreshadowing.


joined Jan 20, 2014

that´s sperm donation thing disturbing me

Well, that's how it works. Although I would have personally not added the panel saying that they got the sperm and just gone straight to their daughter already being born.

You want the science babies tag? Cause that's how you get the science babies tag.

LMAO. and it being from her brother means technically it's sorta her dna shared with mari's lol. realistically it's closest anyone can get to for the time being.

joined Jan 20, 2014

it would actually be more interesting if we end with shion becoming her gf and toribami staying her partner, though i fear shion sees kiki how she wants to see her, and now how she really is. a male type figure. which really isn't good for either of them because it's really not who kiki wants to be

joined Jan 20, 2014

well that was a fun story, I really liked it. The way it was told by looping back and forth was also really interesting to me.
I especially liked seeing how the way they showed their affection to each other and internalized it essentially flipped over the years. With Kanoko being openly in love with Shiori when they were small, growing up to find her that her love wasn't always recognised as such by society and thus shutting herself off. And Shiori who struggled giving a name to her feelings and allowing herself to be in love with Kanoko, growing up to being openly in love with Kanoko no longer caring about it anymore.
It's also kind of interesting to consider that Shiori mostly had to deal with accepting that she was in love with Kanoko, overcoming internalised homophobia while Kanoko had to overcome the stigma of being in love with another woman from outside sources. With their struggles to allow themselves to be in love with each other essentially mirroring both in time and the struggles themselves (one being internal, and the other being external)
All in all a great story that I certainly have to reread soon now that it's all here.

this is a really great take from it, and well done by the author. i really like how they did this. great story, i loved these characters :)

edit: and re-reading it i still really don't know how to interpret what happened with her scar. i think the most likelihood would be suicide by handing, but i don't really get how she'd get the wound on her shoulder from that.

last edited at Oct 30, 2021 5:57AM

joined Jan 20, 2014

not the best writing, but i felt entertained so job accomplished. hope to see situations that come up in future feel a little less contrived now that they are together and as the author gains more experience. and i did learn something. i did not know tangerines were an analogy for yuri lol. what a bizarre thing to be linked to lesbian stories lol though i'm sure there's sound reasoning i don't know behind it XD

last edited at Oct 28, 2021 2:23AM

joined Jan 20, 2014

Nanase is pretty unfair imo. she should not have started a relationship she knew she wouldn't have much time for, especially if she knew she wanted to keep it secret, making it even harder to spend time together as a couple. and it's not even just her level of business, but how INVOLVED she is in her sport, where she thinks of very little else, including her gf apparently. i feel very little sympathy for her. maybe we'd be more on her side if we saw them leading up to going out and what brought them together.

joined Jan 20, 2014

teacher x teacher and not teacher x student?? hell yea sign me up lol

joined Jan 20, 2014

if there's lots of chapters ahead still, maybe their break up will only be temporary. like the author trying to lul us with see i knew its! would honestly make them getting back together feel special.

joined Jan 20, 2014

lmao i know this series is being super cereal right now, but that credit pic was kinda hilarious

joined Jan 20, 2014

lmao she's so proud of herself for deciding that

joined Jan 20, 2014

Vtubers are one of those things that's still a big mystery to me. I honestly feel like a complete boomer because I don't understand who they are, what they are doing, or why they suddenly became so popular.

lol same, or whatever is? and haven't really cared enough to look it up XD

joined Jan 20, 2014

Ngl, I don't think crossdressers typically have issues getting it up with their girlfriend >_> Like... I dunno, the writing Ikeda Takashi is doing with Kita versus the crossdressing boy in Sasameki Koto is incredibly night and day. He's not afraid of drawing a guy character happily crossdressing lmao, hell that character even ended just having a fashion line for crossdressing boys lmao. Compared that to Kita, like Kita's definitely a bit more wrought with some much more clear gender feelings, they don't just wanna wear skirts, they wanna pass. A good chunk of Kita's interactions are literally 'Oh they really aren't quite like their boy peers', 'Seeing their ex as a woman isn't the issue it's...', and the last chapter really feeling like friction Kita is having with their younger sister feminine stuff their sister gets eager to do and they can't Quite do.

Like Kita could just be a crossdresser, but it really doesn't feel like that imho.

i agree i don't get the feeling that it's just crossdressing. i think the kid is cute, i don't understand how there's such mean backlash for kita. btw i just wanna say i hate wanko's name lol, it sounds like a dog.

Hitwomen discussion 17 Sep 03:40
joined Jan 20, 2014

oh it's over? lol that didn't feel like an ending at all

joined Jan 20, 2014

Too be honest my eyes started glazing over pretty early on. It was just too much at once.

so did mine lol wow.

joined Jan 20, 2014

plot twist she's not really a robot, but an ex co worker who fell in love with her. one of the many so mc had forgotten all about her XD

joined Jan 20, 2014

It's almost like the author knows exactly who their audience is

lmao hahahahaha yea they definitely know lmao