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joined Sep 21, 2023

I think Fuuko should go live with Yuni. I'm sure her mom will welcome her with open arms.

I love the way you think. <3

joined Aug 12, 2018

Okay so we finally know why yuni acts the way she does. And to be fair she's got plenty of reasons to feel abandoned and lonely
joined Jun 6, 2020

wait why was this chapter kind of awesome

Because we have character development and now know why Yuni is selfish (single mom related isolation and people pleasing) while we understand why Fuuko is so desperate (holy fuck her family is k-drama awful), making both characters much better

joined Mar 18, 2023

I was not discrediting the translator's work, in fact, I was relieved that my own reading directly from the raw matches what the translator's understanding. I worked quite a few years in the translation software business, so off all people I should know the problem of machine translation. Even in English, a "lover" can be considered a mistress depending on the context, especially if the person is male.
I simply cannot see how Yuni X Nanase can continue further. Maybe Yuki can be a catalyst again to destroy that relationship so that we will have Yuni X Fuuko (My "ship") instead. I cannot wait for the next issue (May/March) and I wonder what Sensei will come out with. She is very good at resolving and writing the love triangle.

joined Nov 13, 2022

I honestly really enjoy discussions about translations! But I feel like it's so easy to step on people's toes. Everyone has their own interpretations of words, especially if we include the sometimes wide array of interpretations among native speakers...

恋人?愛人?How do you translate those!?

(As a side note, my friend has been getting on my case for using the word "lover" in English as a gender-neutral term. I wish we had a good word for 恋人 that didn't imply anything heavy, like "partner" often does)

Wait is your friend saying "lover" is not gender neutral? I'm confused.

I think the objection that my friend has to the word "lover" in place of boyfriend or girlfriend is that it sounds like some kind of illicit affair. Which would be accurate for Yuni and Fuuko, as you point out, but not for most of the average situations where you would use the word 恋人 in Japanese. Just another failing of the English language...

joined May 26, 2020

Hirose Narumi posted:
I think Fuuko should go live with Yuni. I'm sure her mom will welcome her with open arms.

I like the way you think, that way, at least 2 people's problems get dealt with, Yuni being lonely, Fuuko having to deal with her toxic household, but then I guess Nanase wouldn't like that, as we see from her asking Yuni if she's thrown the matching earrings out or smh

joined Jan 17, 2021

You know what they say "mother knows best"

joined Aug 12, 2018

Yuni is so fucking stupid oh my god how can a single girl be so STUPID

Fellas don't be like yuni (you qualify if you have more than 2 braincells)

Moderator note: Do not use the r-slur

last edited at Mar 19, 2024 4:01AM by MrEngenious

joined Jan 19, 2020

Going to Fuuko will backfire so hard ohhhhh I love this let's go girls get worse

joined Apr 27, 2014

Oh? Yes! The reunion!! Can this possibly be Fuuko doing a 180°?! I wanna know what happens omg!!!

joined Jun 12, 2015

Comedy gold.

joined May 7, 2017

An absolute, complete, and degenerate litter chaser. That’s Yuni in a nutshell. I’m honestly thankful for that, would be done with this otherwise because Ms. Girlfriend is too perfect, straight-ish even.

For the next chapter I’m expecting nothing less than: Fuuko and Yuni having an ardent demonstration of their love in front of Fuuko’s mother. It has to happen. No buts. Or perhaps some.

joined Mar 13, 2014

I am wondering if Yuni has anything going on up there, or if she just chases after the first thing that comes to mind every day. Fuuko having a personality change and becoming generic girl in love (granted, still in love with someone else's girlfriend) would put quite a damper on the drama.

But really, I'm just waiting for author to toss poor Yuki a bone since Yuni will undoubtedly cheat again.

joined Jan 18, 2014

This feels like reading a Reddit thread

joined Feb 16, 2016

When your gf can't find you in a crowd within a short period of time you KNOW you gotta ditch her lmao

joined Mar 18, 2023

Dumb and dumber. That's Yuni and Ms. Girlfriend.

joined Oct 21, 2013

Why does Nanase act as if she suddenly has some early onset dementia? Yuni told her exactly where she was and was leaning against the wall literally by the entrance of the outlet...

joined Aug 4, 2018

That moeblob baby was TOO adorbs.

I am now a melted puddle of goo on the floor.

last edited at Mar 22, 2024 6:48PM

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

That moeblob baby was TOO adorbs.

I am now a melted pool of goo on the floor.

I... just hope Fuuko hasn't decided to swear off girls—and turn to the hetero life so that she too can have cute babies like that one.

I know, I know, little or no possibility... But I can't but giggle to myself when I think of the face Yuni would made, next chapter, when she meets Fuuko, if Fuuko told her that Yuni soured her on vajayjay forever. ;-D

joined Oct 14, 2014

fuuko is having her growing up arc. she can now become either the weird lesbian aunt (evil, has left countless maidens destroyed in her wake, almost died on at least twenty occasions) or the weird lesbian aunt (settled down with another woman, dual income, gives too many gifts, probably would instantly die without an emotional support female)

joined Jun 10, 2023

I know, I know, little or no possibility...

Actually, you wouldn't believe how many lesbians have gone through this in comphet-heavy countries, all through history. "Get a hubby and you too can have cute babies!" was always one of the most powerful arguments to bring them into line.

joined Mar 12, 2014

Why does Nanase act as if she suddenly has some early onset dementia? Yuni told her exactly where she was and was leaning against the wall literally by the entrance of the outlet...

Because it's mildly frustrating which must mean that it's OK for her to leave and go cheat on her girlfriend again /s

joined Dec 23, 2018

I don't think both of them want to see each other for cheating reasons.
They have so many new sеlf-discоvеriеs which they want to share with someone who totally understands.
They are each other pеrsоns.

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 12:53PM

joined Jan 30, 2017


I... just hope Fuuko hasn't decided to swear off girls—and turn to the hetero life so that she too can have cute babies like that one.


joined Apr 10, 2023

Nanase is so useless at everything that isn't volleyball. I bet she could find a volleyball in that crowd where she couldn't find the Yuna right in front of her. Seriously though the implication here is that Yuna to her looks generic enough to not stand out. It's not like things have been going well since they got back together but oof. Nanase really feels like the whole reason she fought "for Yuna" was out of competitiveness or territoriality, rather than actually wanting her. Yuna really should just explicitly dump her. No matter what happens with Fuuko. Bet her mom would give her similar advice.

last edited at Mar 19, 2024 7:10AM

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