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joined Nov 13, 2022

Les parapluies de Cherbourg! Classic and super romantic :) A woman after my own heart.

"Mon amour je t'attendrai toute ma vie
Reste près de moi reviens je t'en supplie
J'ai besoin de toi je veux vivre pour toi
Oh mon amour ne me quitte pas"

joined Nov 13, 2022

Saiko-sensei... thank you for making me feel like slightly less of a failure...

joined Nov 13, 2022

i would much prefer "mum" not to be used over "mom", its very distracting
unless its used to as distinct variation of "mom" in japanese then stick with "mom"

Mom is a variation of mum tho, not the other way around

Ooooh the Brits and Americans are getting into spicy linguistic fights in the yuri forums

joined Nov 13, 2022


Lol those two are totally grounded!

joined Nov 13, 2022

Aw I liked the normie girl. I hope they can still be friends

joined Nov 13, 2022

Aya being very strong, ignoring the fact that a love song always certainly about her from her crush is written on that board lol.

Maybe we'll get to see her blush reaction to this fact later if we're lucky.

joined Nov 13, 2022

Oh no I had thought this was completed. Now I have to wait T_T

joined Nov 13, 2022

It's back!!!! It's back!!!!


joined Nov 13, 2022

Ain't gonna work out in the long term. The black-haired obviously still has a sex drive but just trying to act cheerful/pretend everything's fine for her gf's sake, but she's gonna feel unfulfilled in the long run.

This reads like an asexual woman's fantasy about the unrealistically ideal lover. Kind, pretty, compassionate, all-understanding without ever needing anything for herself. In fact, it looks like she always puts her needs after those of her girlfriend. And she says exactly the things asexual women want to hear the most in the way they most want it too. She doesn't feel like a proper character, she only exists as wish fulfillment for women like the MC.

I wouldn't say the black-haired one obviously has a sex drive. I can imagine her as somewhere on the ace spectrum too. We don't really have enough information to say exactly what her relationship to sex is. And when it comes down to it, she is in charge of the decisions she makes. If she prefers to be with her love interest despite the difficulties, that's her choice.

Sure, maybe she is a kind of wish-fulfillment character for an asexual woman, but the author certainly explored the nuances and the main character's guilt about the relationship. Ace people deserve some wish-fulfillment too! There's certainly plenty of allo wish-fulfillment stories out there.

joined Nov 13, 2022

Okay but the point they made about B x A and A x B being completely different genres is SO true and I wish it were not this way (especially in Japanese fandoms...?) I wish people would write my favorite characters as switches/vers....

joined Nov 13, 2022

Dang that was wholesome. I wish that anime were real...

joined Nov 13, 2022

this feels written by a 14 years old

I feel like I know what you mean... gonna keep reading it though

joined Nov 13, 2022

Sorry, they still start dating after this in my headcanon.

joined Nov 13, 2022

She does look good with her bangs like that

joined Nov 13, 2022

Man, I can't tell if Fuwako is dense as bricks or a total asshole.

joined Nov 13, 2022

i think these two are also ace because no way an allosexual couple could put up with this


joined Nov 13, 2022

Ahhhhhhh pain ahhhhh I want that 号泣

joined Nov 13, 2022

I like Makoto a lot. Second vote goes to Nacchan.

joined Nov 13, 2022

I'm curious about administrators! Thank you for your explanation!

joined Nov 13, 2022

Suddenly turn gay..... Until she gets a new boyfriend. At least she gets the chance to "play" and "experiment" lol

Hey, this may be the experience that finally gets her a long-term partner. Like she said, it feels nice when someone recognizes your sex appeal and actually values you.

J<->M discussion 08 Jul 22:40
joined Nov 13, 2022

I hate to break it to you, J, but allowing a third-grader to be in the same room as yakuza getting shot to death is still going to be traumatic whether or not she sees it with her own eyes.

joined Nov 13, 2022

may I assume that something is going to happen to her life once she turns 18? Is it something to do with arranged marriage?

Based on the content of the chapter, mostly likely she's just trying to "catch up" to her sister. Her sister ran away for love at 18, Asako wants to at least understand love by 18.

It may seem odd, but there really are people who set arbitrary deadlines for themselves or assign a lot of meaning to anniversaries and dates from their past. Especially when it concerns family members, and especially when they're obsessed with / unfulfilled in their relationship with that person. It wouldn't seem strange to me that Asako, who doesn't seem to spend a lot of time allowing herself to experience emotions, has those kinds of symbolic dates in her mental and emotional landscape.

joined Nov 13, 2022

This is just like that one P.G. Wodehouse novel where the guy fixates on a cute girl in a photo in a magazine and then meets her in real life and freaks out.

Except this time it's gay ;)

joined Nov 13, 2022

Every dog has it is day

Edit: typo fixed; thank you!

last edited at Jul 8, 2024 10:20PM

joined Nov 13, 2022

Accidentally aces the friendship test