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joined Mar 18, 2023

Now that we are on chapter 23, I have a question...
Did Yuni's mom ask Yuni whether she has a "girlfriend" or "lover" p187-189 after Yuni says she does not have a boyfriend?

After revealing Yuni's domestic life, I actually like her a lot more now.

last edited at Feb 17, 2024 11:38PM

joined Oct 21, 2017

Now that we are on chapter 23, I have a question...
Did Yuni's mom ask Yuni whether she has a "girlfriend" or "lover" p187-189 after Yuni says she does not have a boyfriend?

After revealing Yuni's domestic life, I actually like her a lot more now.

Is there a link to the raw chapter of 23?

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Can't you all have a bit of patience?

I finished translating and typesetting it and it's in QC.

It came out a day ago, ffs.

Just wait.

last edited at Feb 18, 2024 2:34PM

joined Mar 18, 2023

Thank you for the hard work,
I just am not sure if indeed
Does Yuni's mom really ask three times in the order of "Boyfriend?" "Girlfriend?" "Lover?". That means she is amazing and totally progressive in her views

joined Apr 10, 2023

I really don't get what horrible crimes people are Fuuko committing, unless you take some kinda sin-based perspective. Oh no, the devil woman is tempting me to sin, it's all her fault! Lol. I don't even know why people think she doesn't actually love Yuni, we've had her inner monologue and seen her cry over her. Just because she's smart and resourceful in trying to make her dreams come true does not make those dreams false, that would be silly.
I really just want the best for Fuuko, but we probably can't have that so I'll have to settle for her getting the failgirl she wants with Yuni. And I actually do genuinely believe that Fuuko x Yuni (Fuuni? Hmm) could actually work out long term. Fuuko would make Yuni feel confidently loved while also being capable of materially keeping her useless ass alive, and Yuni obviously makes Fuuko feel like a superwoman. Their compatibility is really good. Even if Fuuko works out of the house while Yuni stays at home I bet they'd still work out, because Fuuko acts in exactly the way Yuni wants when they're together to keep her going when they're not. And the things Fuuko wants that Yuni can't give her, like someone to talk about her fungus book with, she can get online from Internet friends. Win/win, 100% compatibility.... as long as they don't fuck it up by adding a third in there lol

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 11:54AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I really don't get what horrible crimes people are Fuuko committing, unless you take some kinda sin-based perspective. Oh no, the devil woman is tempting me to sin, it's all her fault! Lol. I don't even know why people think she doesn't actually love Yuni, we've had her inner monologue and seen her cry over her. Just because she's smart and resourceful in trying to make her dreams come true does not make those dreams false, that would be silly.
I really just want the best for Fuuko, but we probably can't have that so I'll have to settle for her getting the failgirl she wants with Yuni. And I actually do genuinely believe that Fuuko x Yuni (Fuuni? Hmm) could actually work out long term. Fuuko would make Yuni feel confidently loved while also being capable of materially keeping her useless ass alive, and Yuni obviously makes Fuuko feel like a superwoman. Their compatibility is really good. Even if Fuuko works out of the house while Yuni stays at home I bet they'd still work out, because Fuuko acts in exactly the way Yuni wants when they're together to keep her going when they're not. And the things Fuuko wants that Yuni can't give her, like someone to talk about her fungus book with, she can get online from Internet friends. Win/win, 100% compatibility.... as long as they don't fuck it up by adding a third in there lol

Yeah, I'm on the same page mostly. I feel like we're moving towards Yuni and Fuuko ending up back together but we'll see. Unless things change, Yuni continues to notice that as she and Nanase get closer, they seem less and less compatible. That could change but so far it's been a consistent trend. Add on the mother's quote, Yuni's comparing Fuuko to her dead cat whom she misses and wondering about her crying, etc. It seems like a picture is being painted but I'm not sure yet how it plans to follow through. I think we won't get a good hint as to where it's going until Yuni and Fuuko meet again. I want to see how they interact now.

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 4:50PM

joined Nov 23, 2014

I really don't get what horrible crimes people are Fuuko committing

Only if one considers general asshole-ish behavior a crime I suppose. Which it thankfully isn't, phew, so many of us would be in trouble otherwise!

It does make Fuuko rather harder to sympathize with though, and this latest chapter did not really move that particular needle. Is this entire volume going to be just gazing at the world's most hesitant shoe starting to drop or what?

joined Oct 25, 2014

I root for Fuuko because she's hot. I don't need to sympathize with her.

Yes, I'm shallow. Sue me.

joined Aug 12, 2021

Oh no is that Fuuko... healing? Is that Fuuko... getting just that little bit more well-adjusted? I'm like bracing now lmao, it is fun to see that Yuni lives in the kind of loving household that immediately makes it obvious why she puts herself and her own needs first so badly. And then Fuuko's household makes it immediately obvious why she's so desperately okay with being second place with just having anyone at all love and care for her even if it's only the love you'd give to an afterthought.

And as for Nanase.... well she sure is here. Maybe we'll find out more later.

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 4:53PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

wait why was this chapter kind of awesome

joined Dec 23, 2018

I'm hapру for the existenсe of this сhapter

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 2:53PM

joined Mar 13, 2018

A+ mom chapter

joined Jan 4, 2021

Why is Yuni's mom kinda...

joined Apr 27, 2014

Alright...I withdraw anything I said about Yuni that was mean...I can understand her character much better now, also Fuuko thinking the baby is that supposed to mean hope in new beginnings or something? Fuuko's parents seem delightful...can't blame her for being a bit cucko-cucko,I like her more now! and silly Yuni,! Yuni and Meeko!!

joined Dec 16, 2021

The moms need girlfriend too
Also, how the baby has this much hair?

joined Dec 23, 2018

I was watching in my мind a "мovie" about Fuuкo, Уuni, and their babies as haррy, and Fuuкo truly deserves to have it all.
She is in the woгst position, after we saw glimрses in hоме situations of all 3 MCs.
Her мother is (no comment, she said enough about herself)

On the fам-pic, all of them are faсeless with only мouths, only Fuuкo has the eуes (and she is standing aside like a stгangeг)
It tells everything what we have to know about her faмily and their goals in lifе. They remind me of cateгрillaгs chewing from the tгee called мoney and they can't get enough, they want more and more.

I'm rooting for Fuuкo to find haррiness with Уuni and I wish them lots of babiеs and lots of lovе.

About Уuni. Мother did not give halal for her relationshiр with Nаnаsе.
And it's good that it happened before she saw Nаnаsе.
Because THIS is the moment TA-TA-TA-TAAAAA:
-Мother's faсe is very siмilar to faсe of Nаnаsе!

It could be coincidence if there's not another siмilarity:
-Мother was always busy and Уuni waited for her to come home.

I'm curious if someone noticed same things as me, or have any thoughts about what I said?

last edited at Jul 25, 2024 8:52PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

I really don't get what horrible crimes people are Fuuko committing

Only if one considers general asshole-ish behavior a crime I suppose. Which it thankfully isn't, phew, so many of us would be in trouble otherwise!

It does make Fuuko rather harder to sympathize with though, and this latest chapter did not really move that particular needle. Is this entire volume going to be just gazing at the world's most hesitant shoe starting to drop or what?

I wouldn't call her asshole-ish, I'd call her... passionate lol. She's obviously flawed, I'd imagine she's been working through the last few chapters' events in her head wondering what she did wrong. Wouldn't be surprised if "being too demanding and confrontational" comes out as the conclusion, she pushed to try to end things definitively before Yuni was quite ready to move on, which shows Fuuko in retrospect to be less manipulative than she previously came across as. She wasn't winning because she's a puppet master making Yuni dance to her tune, she was winning because Yuni really did want her, and she stopped winning because Yuni flinched out of guilt for being a "cheater".
Yuni is clearly coming around to the realization "I can be happy AND not a cheater if I just give up on this busted ass relationship with Nanase". That's a revelation Fuuko was hoping Yuni'd have BEFORE Fuuko got hurt two chapters ago, and hopefully she will be receptive to that revelation when she hears it coming in late. Better than never, right? What's a little emotional suffering between this cast of characters, it's hardly like they're new to it at this point lmao

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 7:38PM

joined Jan 24, 2022

Good mom vs shitty mom

joined Jul 29, 2017

Someone's gotten meaningful character development in my sexytimes emotional trainwreck!

I demand to see the manager!

joined Oct 3, 2018

I want to write a incest fic with the mom

maker help us all

joined Aug 12, 2019

Someone's gotten meaningful character development in my sexytimes emotional trainwreck!

I demand to see the manager!

Manager: is there a problem?

joined Jun 3, 2020

As always, nothing heals mental scars like the sight of a cute little baby.

joined Dec 23, 2018

Guуs, I figured out why Уuni cheated.
But I think it's better to write about it later after the wavе of first impressions about the chapter pass

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 2:55PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

wait why was this chapter kind of awesome

I think I'm going to stop writing in this thread. Every new chapter makes me feel like composing an essay filled with all my impressions and interpretations and suspicions and vaticinations and...
Well you get the idea. I just don't have the time.

PS: One thing I'm going to remark is this: it's fucking unbelievable how HOT the moms are! I knew already that Iwami Kiyoko could draw super sexy teenagers, but damn, those moms! It's to a point that I just don't care if they are good moms or bad moms, were I in the position of the child we would need Taiyaki to write the story of what I would do.

last edited at Feb 19, 2024 11:07PM

joined Jun 3, 2014

I hope Fuuko forgets about any resentment she has towards her first crush and becomes her baby's honorary aunt, that'll be so cute.

My og comment seems to be coming true. Idk if the resentment will fully go away but at least the baby will be loved and that's all I want

The moms need girlfriend too
Also, how the baby has this much hair?

Anime babies can't be bald, that'll be blasphemy

But for real, I don't think these mangakas know what infants look like. There's a birthrate decline in Japan after all

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