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Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

That ending...

last edited at May 1, 2024 12:57PM

joined Jun 10, 2023

I know, I know, little or no possibility...

Actually, you wouldn't believe how many lesbians have gone through this in comphet-heavy countries, all through history. "Get a hubby and you too can have cute babies!" was always one of the most powerful arguments to bring them into line.

Hirose Narumi
Communism discussion 17 Mar 01:15
joined Jun 10, 2023

Talk about derailed.

This was supposed to be a thread where we would discuss yuri set in communist countries or in the context of communist revolutionary activity.

Instead, a bunch of peepz with a political agenda flocked here to blather anticommunist propaganda and decry communist states.

They have absolutely no clue what they're talking about. Everything they think they know comes from Western media corporations or from organizations funded by the American government (often CIA facades like HRW) but that doesn't stop them from believing with unquestioning faith.

They fancy themselves universal experts because they own a tv.

Isn't a moderator around to stop these people from polluting the thread? I would like to go back to talk about communist yuri without having to read zealous pamphlets every time I come.

last edited at Mar 19, 2024 2:48AM

joined Jun 10, 2023

Translation depends widely on context. But it's clear that "koibito" doesn't imply anything relationship wise. It's just "the person you're in love with". "Aijin" implies you're cheating on your official partner.

Mind you, koibito is the person you're in love with—but also the person who likes you too, and the person you are having sexytime with. It's not kataomoi if that person already is your koibito.

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

Every time they say "I'm so tired of human males!" I can't but think "It's time to try human females!"

Good MakaMaka style stuff. Or early Virgins' Empire style. Don't you wish VE was still like this?

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

I'm surprised Xingyuan still uses "The Xingyuan who totes belongs to her Tianli" as her online ID. You'd think she would have picked a different username by now.

... unless she doesn't know it was Tianli who outed her? Damn, I can't remember if there was anything in Xingyuan's flashbacks about how the outing started.

No, no. I don't remember either but there's no frigging way she doesn't know.

This chapter really did do a good job of conveying her feelings to the point that I'm close to tears myself at seeing hers.

I feel you.

Tianli sure doesn't feel like an unsympathetic character to me. The bad stuff just kept piling up and she couldn't take the pressure. And she ended up hurting herself too, not as much as Xingyuan but still pretty hard.

And she wants to somehow make amends. This matters a lot, by my book. I hate the notion that when you grow up and become an adult you have to forget all the things that happened before because it was just unimportant children silliness. You know, like those assholes were saying in the chat? Thx god Tianli doesn't think like that.

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

The what fandom?

Old-timey lame-ass manga. Not important.

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

Yeaaah no this story doesn't work. The personae are all wrong.

The main character met this cute girl Ellie; they hit it off, went for drinks, enjoyed a pleasant evening together, and kissed before they said goodbye.

The reasonable next move is obviously the mc calling a U-haul. Duh!

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

Nozomi means wish

The dictionary says "wish, desire, hope".

My understanding is that nozomi is more like hope, and negai more like wish. For example, "wish upon a star" is hoshi ni negai.
(I don't really speak Japanese but I heard that one so many times I ended up learning it. First words of the Digimon ending song, lol.)

Making her float a little was very smart, or else she would totally feel like a scam and that would be awkward.... I wonder what other things she can do

Noooo don't turn her into Doraemon!

Ohh my gosshhh another yuri story with a kid. I still refuse to be a mom myself but I am looking forward to seeing more of this story!

I'm looking forward for more too... but... so far it hasn't really been all that yuri... ^^;;

I mean we have zero hints that any of them is into girls, never mind into each other. Mirai in the future wanted to be a mom and picked from a gene bank the DNA of someone famous to use as "father" of the child. Then she timeslipped to the past, went to the house of the DNA purveyor (who happens to be female) and was like "This is your kid! Take responsibility!" and Kako was like "Omg u crazy!"

I'll keep reading because the characters are so cute and endearing and their interactions are hilarious, but (for now) the yuri attraction between M & K is nonexistent.

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

I read some time ago a novel where two sleazy guys went into a bar for drinks. The place was empty except for a pretty girl behind the counter. They had a few glasses and then refused to pay; instead, they started coming on to her, saying "Guys like us don't pay with money, we pay with love! It's fine, right?"

Then the owner arrived and said it was 100% fine because he loved fucking boys like them in the ass! The owner was a muscular giant who looked like a heavyweight boxer. The other two put some bills on the counter and left very quickly.

joined Jun 10, 2023

For example, teaching them about materning children, or what to do if you're a woman driving a car and an angry guy who hates female drivers gets mad at you and targets you.

Ah that's Kosuzume! I remember, a road-raging woman-hating old guy harrassed her.

Another example off the top of my head, the author of 'Asumi-chan' giving the readers tips on online lesbian brothels and how they work irl.

Haha, Itsuki Kuro's talks are always like that, like she's naturally talking to lesbians or bi girls.

I think that, in the end, the point of which is the intended audience of yuri doesn't really has any effect on who can enjoy it or not. It's the same as with love poetry. Who cares if it wasn't written with you in mind? William Faulkner was in love with a married woman named Estelle Franklin and wrote for her 14 love poems which he then bound by hand into a booklet and presented to her. These poems were intended for Estelle only; nobody else was supposed to read them! (Especially not her husband!) However twenty years after Faulkner's death the poems were published as part of his complete works, and today anyone can read them and enjoy them.

Yuri is like shoujo manga (where it was born) in that most authors are girls who intend to write for other girls. And just like there are many boys and men who like reading shoujo manga, there's also a huge male readership for yuri—between 40% and 50% according to the data we have. And it's just fine! The authors create yuri manga for girls like them, so what? Of course anyone can read and like it!

last edited at Nov 21, 2023 10:27PM

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

A manga by Nanatsu Fuji with a only 4 years age gap!?!?
It's like bizarro world! Wow!

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

Every time a Chinese manhua is uploaded, he floodposts the comments with anti-China propaganda


An obvious lie.

Really? I just checked the link provided by H A U S and found 3 messages of yours in just one page, all babbling against Mao and Chinese communism.

joined Jun 10, 2023

Oh no oh no oh noes.

How big is Tokyo? What were the chances that Mashiro would walk by that jeweller's right at that moment?

Freaky Coincidences of Events: driving forward plots since 3000 BC.

Hirose Narumi
Wanna Sip? discussion 10 Sep 00:19
joined Jun 10, 2023

her life flashed before her eyes twice in the span of ninety seconds

She was standing there, looking at the offered bottle, for A MINUTE AND A HALF??

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

In the Virgins' Empire discussion pages some people wrote that they didn't like Ed and Ian, and that they wasted space that could be used in Ayano x Miyoshi or other yuri pairs.

This brought a flood of personal attacks with accusations of homophobia and gayphobia and penisphobia and whatnot. The name-calling has filled three whole pages already and doesn't stop and keeps going on.

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

Nao, Onibi, Mask, Kaoru, Hibiki and Midori

I like the way you listed them, hehehe, I see what you did there. (⁰͡ ͜ʖ⁰͡ )

Nao x Onibi x Mask x Kaoru x Hibiki x Midori

Kaoru x Hibiki??????? wtf have you been smoking?

As far as I can remember, Kaoru was all about Shizuka for a long time and then her interest switched to Mayoi. I don't know at which time she could have gone after Hibiki. Rereading the series from the beginning would be needed to perhaps find something but it's a lot of work.

IIRC, when she first showed up, Kaoru was hitting on Hibiki. It was our first clue that Kaoru was a player.

Thank you so much! Your post is exactly what we needed, all of us who have been discussing for two days if Kaoru and Hibiki went thru some kind of romance or not.

Sniffle I'm so moved that there are still people in the forum who want to talk about Virgins' Empire, instead of ranting endlessly about ethical wrongs and the civil rights of pixels.

You're going to laugh at me: I actually had myself the idea of searching for a tag about Hibiki and Kaoru... but I searched for Kaoru x Hibiki, not Hibiki x Kaoru. Doh. I guess I've internalized the Japanese way of tagging couples, active seductor always first and passive seduced second. No wonder I didn't find anything.

So their flirt spans four chapters? Good to know. Imma off to reread 'em and refresh my memories!

Reading them one after another is like reading a short yuri oneshot! It starts when Kaoru honeytraps Hibiki when she's at her lowest, shows how they start going out, their festival date, the problem with Shizuka, Hibiki finding about Kaoru's unfaithfulness and Midori's spectacular rescue of Hibiki (purely by accident teehee) from Kaoru's clutches! No wonder we all thought Midori x Hibiki was official after this!

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

Yes, it's here!

Ren was literally the only color in Youji's world.

When she thinks "something's been bugging me since earlier" I thought: well, it's obvious! Everyone is in shades of white, grey and black; why is she the only one in pink!?!?

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

If someone has a problem with that exceptionally infrequent occurrence, I'm sorry but they're either a homophobe or a misandrist. Either way, they can quite frankly just leave.

OR they could stay and explain to you why your name-calling is wrong, in the hope that one day you'll get it.

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

Bla bla bla. Homophobes suck. Yuri fetishists suck. If they want to wank off, there is plenty of other wank material here. No need to bring their 4chan sensibilities here. Eww yuck gays! Frickin manchildren I swear.

"Name-calling is a form of argument in which insulting or demeaning labels are directed at an individual or group. Gratuitous verbal abuse or 'name-calling' is not on its own an example of the abusive argumentum ad hominem logical fallacy, but the fallacy does occur if personal attacks are employed to devalue a speaker's argument. This phenomenon is studied by academic disciplines such as child psychology, philosophy and political science."

Hilarious that you talk about manchildren when you have just turned yourself into a case study for a child psychology course.

joined Jun 10, 2023

"I love you but I hope you don't love me back... because it would mess up your HOBBIES!"


That killed my suspension of disbelief.

I had never realized that Ruriko was an ahoko. They should have given her an ahoge or something.

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

I didn't know the Dynasty forum had a Twitter account. o3o

joined Jun 10, 2023

What's a searching kiss?

joined Jun 10, 2023

Someone explain the timeline to me? It's like half of the story is told in flashbacks and I can't piece them together.

At least I'd like to understand the succesive stages in the relationship between the two female leads, how everything developed and changed, since they first met up to now.

Hirose Narumi
joined Jun 10, 2023

I'm never going to understand how you're supposed to do that trick where you tie a knot on a cherry stem with your tongue. I've only seen it done in manga. I'm thinking it has to be a Japanese urban legend.