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joined Aug 4, 2018

Author-san, why you keep being mean to Fuuko?

joined Aug 4, 2018

Squee! My OTP eternal! <3

joined Aug 4, 2018

I facepalmed.
When I read that the scumbag character had been accepted in KUZU University I facepalmed hard. For the first time in my life. For real.
It hurts. >_< Ouch! My cheek!

last edited at Jul 9, 2024 7:31PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

We alternate POV between Miyagi and Sendai every few chapters

That's good because this chapter left me really wanting to know what's going on in Sendai's head.

So far, my best guess is that we have here a "That Time I Was Blackmailed By The Class's Green Tea Bitch" kind of situation — where Sendai doesn't really need to be Miyagi's servant or obey her commands, but does it nevertheless because it turns her on.

last edited at Jun 22, 2024 12:51PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

After reading chapter 12.5 I want to kill Koto for ignoring Erika's feelings and being obsessed with Aya.

Ah but if I kill Koto then Erika would be heartbroken so I can't do it. Damn.

All I can do is keep hoping for the best. Aya obviously doesn't recognize the Koto she liked in this grown-up woman who wants to make her into a pet; she did the right thing when she ran away. She needs to meet more people, new people, find more places where she can belong (just like Erika said), not isolate herself from the world. Things between Koto and Aya can only go downhill from now on. Give it a little time and maybe Koto will start looking at Erika in another way.

last edited at Jun 11, 2024 12:57PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

Erika when she does something good while harboring a small feeble thread of self interest in her heart: god im such a monster, literally irredeemable

You understand her so well.
Damn, I want to hug Erika and comfort her so much.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Every time a new chapter of this series is released, it gets me jumping up and down in joy.
I'm a sucker for baihe manhua, especially when it's crazy good!
I love My Mom's a Superstar so much!

last edited at Jun 7, 2024 1:50PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

I, too, have heard of lesbians. I might even believe in their existence.

joined Aug 4, 2018

I just read chapter 37 in Spanish. I won't talk about it 'cause I don't want to spoil anything.
But I can tell you that the dodgeball match ends in ch. 36, and ch. 37 is the aftermath. (Dealing mostly with the many lesbian couples in the story and the promises they had made in case of victory/defeat. Very romantic.)

If you wanna try and read it in Spanish, link:

last edited at Jun 5, 2024 3:37PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

"All right, I kissed every inch of your skin and I don't taste chimera anywhere, you should be ok now!"

joined Aug 4, 2018

Never gets old.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Let's hope we're back on track for the sweetness of the first "season." Bullocks to the endless insecure/jealous arcs.

I'm the one who's feeling insecure! My cute baby Yamada is gonna try and cook curry! And it isn't just instant curry, she's gonna make it from scratch!! Will she be okay? She's too nervous and anxious about it, that's a bad omen! And how good was she at cooking to begin with?!? I can't remember!

I have this awful foreboding presentiment that she's gonna mess it up oh noooooo...

joined Aug 4, 2018

Rainman was very good with numbers iirc. He even made a killing at the casino just by counting cards, calculating odds and guessing hands.

I guess it makes sense that Tougou is some kind of stock exchange wiz.

joined Aug 4, 2018

I like how Kon frees herself little by little of her shackles.

She gets all giddy just borrowing the car of her brother without permission.

It was about fucking time, too.
There aren't many series like this one, that leave me desperately wanting more with every new chapter. Well done, author-san.

joined Aug 4, 2018

The art is just unbelievably gorgeous, and the story has got me hooked.

Tell me about it.
I love Chinese manhua like this one so much.

joined Aug 4, 2018

The heart formula was "cringe" but so cute man jaja

Actually... does that formula really work like that?
Or is the heart shape an artistic liberty?
I'm not good at math, so I have no clue. Somebody good at math tell me.

It does work like that

Nice! I was wondering, too!

joined Aug 4, 2018

Nana and Tsukasa seemed to be well after Tsukasa's (Ex)gf showed up and left in anger (so that means Nana wins). They started to live together in a luxury apartment. But later Nana read Tsukasa's phone messages and discovered something that upsets her. She started to sleep with various people. But eventually they were back together and all is well.

But then again, everything I wrote here could be wrong. So check your raw to see how close I get. I don't quite understand chapter 7 as to exactly how they reconcile and be happily ever after.

This is a really odd manga that I wished were not axed. Nana is pure trash, and Tsukasa is a loser that relies on sugar mamas.

There's an Indonesian translation on Mangadex.

If I got it right, Tsukasa is very high-maintenance and Nana needs tons of cash to keep her happy and exclusive. The money she makes posting naughty pics on Internet is not enough. She keeps hiking up the prices, so she ends up losing all her fanbase. She's forced to turn to good old-fashioned prostitution, and we see her going to hotels with her johns and sleeping with them.

And then the manga ends. It's kind of an awkward ending, that makes me think it really was axed. There was still an enormous potential of delicious toxicity to explore here... sigh, too bad. Anyway, the last pages are just as you said: Nana and Tsukasa are living together in their new luxury apartment, and it seems everything will go well between them as long as the money keeps flowing. So, happy end (or something).

joined Aug 4, 2018

Akuma no sasayaki, indeed.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Nerds and gyarus are found across time and cultures...

What would be the American equivalent of a gyaru? Like a cheerleader a prep? But I don't think that's right because gyaru's are supposed to be a little counter cultural.

That's a little tough. If you go by looks and the counter-culture side, a hip-hop girl wearing loads of bling would be the closest.

But manga, for some reason, also likes to present gyaru girls as school bullies. I have no clue why. Maybe because they're popular with boys, and the other girls get jealous? Or because they don't bother with polite formalities and come off as rude, and the other girls equate rude = bully? Either way, from this perspective, cheerleaders and the popular girl crowd, who are always portrayed as meanies in American media, would be a better match.

When it comes to interesting and hot settings, pandacorya is definitely the goat. That paired with such an amazing and original art-style results in one of the best NSFW/smut yuri artists out there, if not the best.

The best. Definitely. Not "one of." THE best.

Btw I'm tickled that, this time, the jimiko with long black hair and a plain appearance is the dom partner and makes the gyaru into her conquered sub. Hehe, some variety is nice too.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Hace poco salió en inglés el capítulo 3 de Natsu to Lemon to Overlay, y al verlo me acordé que esta serie ya está completamente traducida al español. Se nota que el traductor al inglés tiene un poquito de atraso.

La serie tiene 8 capítulos en total (está finalizada en un volumen, el cap. 8 es el último) y están los 8 en español. Aquí les paso el link por si les interesa:

joined Aug 4, 2018

And this is why this author is so great.

I knew from the time I started reading this manga, from the very beginning, I think even from chapter 1, that this author was divine and her manga was one of the bestest evar.

There are plenty of good manga out there, sure, but no other manga helps me clean the useless baggage outta my mind, and focus on the important things, like this one.

I'm so happy the story goes on.

And I laugh so hard at the grinchy messages that do nothing but bitch and whine at trivial, inconsequential stuff.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Riko, nuevo trabajo de la autora (digo autora porque su nombre es bastante femenino) de I'll cheer on my Yuri Onee san!

Estudiante tsundere x Enfermeraaa seductora aaaaaah no se le puede pedir mas a la vida!

Aaah, ¡qué lindo!

Yo también tengo una recomendación: un manga super dulce por una autora que creo que es nueva, Chiba Raki. La serie se titula "Shy na Ano Ko ni Natsukaretai - Quiero ser apreciada por esa chica tímida" y se publica mensualmente en Dengeki Daioh.

Tumanga link:

joined Aug 4, 2018

That moeblob baby was TOO adorbs.

I am now a melted puddle of goo on the floor.

last edited at Mar 22, 2024 6:48PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

Let's hope there's A LOT OF SEX THIS TIME.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Akaii: Wow! Thanks for your post! So much good information! ^_^