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joined May 7, 2017

You cannot kill Kon like that, I refuse to believe she will become a plot point or a monster for the sake of fiction, it would be extremely distateful and poor writing.
She's not a monster nor a dream, Mari's the actual monster and ensnared Kon into some sort of dream trap. Yes, that's it. I've figured it out. She wants to claim Furuka for herself, but Furuka will break free off her trap and everything will follow. Done!!!!

joined May 7, 2017

This story is the gift that keeps on giving, top ongoing yuri miles away the second position. Kaguhara is amazing and I love that Mikamo is becoming like her sidekick, also love the fact that we are being introduced to their connection, not like the usual long-last pals that have a history but only glossed it over. Character design could use a little more discerning features but that's a very small nitpicking, everything else makes up for it.

joined May 7, 2017

Yeah, I hate when Aerith asks me to Starshower her in bed, sometimes you just want one cozy night, that's all.

joined May 7, 2017

An absolute, complete, and degenerate litter chaser. That’s Yuni in a nutshell. I’m honestly thankful for that, would be done with this otherwise because Ms. Girlfriend is too perfect, straight-ish even.

For the next chapter I’m expecting nothing less than: Fuuko and Yuni having an ardent demonstration of their love in front of Fuuko’s mother. It has to happen. No buts. Or perhaps some.

joined May 7, 2017

That was surprisingly the best chapter in the slowest pace this manga has ever been so far. Gave this story a hard time early on but you know what given the recent draught of good stories of this genre in recent times, this story is without a doubt one of top dogs of this genre.

On a devilish note: I hope the moms hook up with each other. Yuni's mother corrupting Fuuko's would be peak debauchery..

joined May 7, 2017

If you read first chapter, and this story really piqued your interest, I feel positive, if we're talking about Time Travel after all, that this tag would spoil anyone binge-reading this for the first time. Personally speaking, Time Travel was the last place my mind went after the first chapter.

joined May 7, 2017

The resemblance to Death Note's Light and L is uncanny.

last edited at Dec 21, 2023 10:14PM

joined May 7, 2017

Yuni will break up with Nanase and Fuuko too - after reconnecting and settling in for a little bit -just to realize she is that selfish and can’t stay in a normal relationship, eventually, she’ll open up her feelings to both Nanase and Fuuko and start an open relationship with them, at some point, Nanase will realize Yuki’s feeling towards her - if she hasn't already - and will decide to have a little fun of her own with Yuki. That’s my prediction, a Trio with Nanase having Yuki on the side.

Inversion discussion 31 Jul 22:53
joined May 7, 2017

Pretty good start. No beating around the bush. And I love how much "passion" these eyes transmit to the reader.

Artist Negom 28 Jul 08:39
joined May 7, 2017

Don't keep tabs on Twitter drama, but I'd say this is common practice, I dunno the extent of Genshin's community, but I know that is pretty big right now and that's a recipe for disaster, when you have such large community you'll have to thread lightly because as ludicrous as it sounds the homophobia out there is pretty big and the bigger the community the easier it is to spot people like that, some people just can't stand any type of gay pairings and that's the reason why she's being attacked, I'd imagine. It is sad, but it's the cold, hard truth, guess the only thing we can do is support the artist (encouraging her) or reporting any homophobia on sight, that's an actual feature at our disposal.

joined May 7, 2017

This is going to be a great read, I feel positive about it, but I'll rather stop here because encapsulates drama to the brim, this chapter alone was too much for me, and I'm at stage in my life I would rather stick with sweetness since I've already have my fill on my own.

joined May 7, 2017

Alright, this has reached a point that is not laughable or funny, got into the territory of blunt weirdness, and extremely poor executed. The characters are completely awful, dumb to a point. And I mean, we are still ignoring the fact that MC does not even belong to this timeline, and whatever she pulls here might have an consequence on her own timeline, are we? Okay, bring on the ecchi then ... if that's the best author could do ...

joined May 7, 2017

That was a spectacular reading, and just so happens when I was running my daily legs research, very informative and thorough

joined May 7, 2017

At this point I'd checked out the story and I'm here only for the ecchi, everything else is just pretty bad.

Naturies discussion 20 Jul 15:09
joined May 7, 2017

Loved how all these universes intertwined. Pretty cool reading.

joined May 7, 2017

FYI The manga was indeed axed but not because of bad sellings but because of Flowerchild's health.

That's really unfortunate, it goes to show how difficult it is to be a manga creator in Japan, one has to write, come up with storyboards, and put in the work even if you're not okay because you have a deadline to meet, yes there are assistants, but they can only do so much, it is mostly on you.

joined May 7, 2017

This is the ending everyone waited in My Unrequited Love but tMnR not only failed to deliver but raised so many questions it had to go out of its way to put it out an epilogue chapter to dot the i's and cross the t's. Really like how broken the characters are and how they come out of their shell little by little, Aya rocks. Haruki and the Closeted Brat (they totally deserve each other) not so much but if you ask me, they fit this world just perfectly, pretty solid development overall. Flowerchild is on my list of MUST-READ for good.

last edited at Jul 20, 2021 3:16PM

Image Comments 06 Jul 07:28
joined May 7, 2017

^^^^^Well, if you ask me, Magilou and Velvet is some SERIOUS yuri gymnastics, there's nothing there, Magilou is just ambiguously flirtatious by default, but you might be on something if were talking about Velvet and Eleanor, still though you'll have to put up a lot I mean A LOT of crap this game throw at you my god, I do not have the fondest memories of this game to the point I don’t to want play ever again, but if you’re feeling the jitters, by all means, try it yourself, my experience is own, you might love it.

Image Comments 27 Jun 13:50
joined May 7, 2017

This is why I'm done submitting images for this site, look at the crap that make the cut, even memes ...

joined May 7, 2017

Oooooffff that was a rooough chapter

Semelparous discussion 23 Jun 03:19
joined May 7, 2017

While I appreciate all the innovations this story has (in the yuri realm, that is), it's hard to get too invested because of excessive ecchi and lack of depth of the characters, laughable to a comical point, then again at least it's not another yuri school theme, just extreme poorly excuted.

joined May 7, 2017

More like Failed Blackmail or (Not) Blackmail?

last edited at Jun 22, 2021 12:26PM

joined May 7, 2017

That was so sweet, with so much angst-authors out there you almost forget that SWEET THINGS are nice, and even though these are a rare sight, I appreciate them very much,

joined May 7, 2017

It would be beyond creepy if Alice were to make Magenta her play thing while in a baby form, that would make me legit insta drop it, thank God that wasn't the case.

joined May 7, 2017

Ahh I like the dynamic between Maria and Dorothy so much, feels sweet yet sour at times, feel like this story is flying under the radar for a lot of people, very much underappreciated, may not like the hyper-convoluted fight scenes or how Helen and Miranda were treated/disposed, but overall I'm enjoying all the aspects of this story. Unfortunatelly it feels like is heading to a rushed conclusion.