I know it’ll never happen, but I actually want to see Komaki get cucked by Matsuri lol. Show that overconfident toxic asshole the power of ACTUALLY COMMUNICATING YOUR GODDAMN FEELINGS instead of doing the exact OPPOSITE of what you want and trying to make the person you love absolutely despise you.
I get this story and its characters shouldn’t be taken THAT seriously, cuz holy shit do they not make any sense or behave even somewhat believably. Yet I still can’t help but get a little pissed off at Komaki when she monopolizes and takes advantage of Wakaba without real consent, and Wakaba for being an idiot and letting herself get swept up by Komaki’s stupid “challenges” she can never win. Like, why not just challenge her to something she KNOWS she could never win and be done with it? Challenge her to fit inside a small box or something, use your small stature to your advantage! It’s just such a glaringly stupid relationship from the beginning I can’t help but keep reading to see how the author is going to “justify” it when they inevitably get together.
Something definitely seems up with Matsuri, but at least she’s more honest and not “abusive” towards Wakaba. It’s impressive how this manga has me cheering for the “villain” love interest lol