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joined Sep 8, 2017

Needs a yandere tag

joined Sep 8, 2017

I'm a bit torn on this. On one hand, there definitely seems to be an issue where some of the ideas and design choices in the manga are ... not great. You brought up the use of indigenous aesthetics for "savage, bad giants", but there was also the line in chapter 11 where she says "Those who hold no beliefs, have no dogma or creed to follow, are in capable of treating other people as human beings!" which is incredibly similar to lines used by some religious groups to demonize atheists and agnostics in the real world.

I read that more as Hinako saying “If you have no personal philosophies or moral standards that you hold yourself to, you can’t possibly treat other people with basic human respect.” She even states before that line that she’s not talking about any specific religion or anything. She’s saying that if you don’t have ethics or a conscience, then there’s nothing stopping you from doing horrible awful things to people and treating them like trash.

Atheists are more than capable of realizing that it’s immoral to murder people. They don’t need a religion to tell them that. Hinako recognizes this. Her wording is probably kinda confusing since she mentions “having a God”, but we’ve also seen her define “God” as less of an established, definitive deity and more like some nebulous force of the universe. So I don’t think we’re supposed to be taking Hinako’s words as some sort of Christian crusade there. Just her saying “if you have no sense of right and wrong, you cannot possibly treat people right”.

joined Sep 8, 2017

Great story so far and really good characters, too. I'm excited for more updates. The only downside is that there's been three other girls who look similar to the antagonist and it has confused me a few times

I feel you, it's hard to differentiate Carla from Hidako at times with the close ups.

Easiest way to tell is to look for Junko’s upside down “hair horn” curl things, or, failing that, the eyes/eyebrows. Carla has more distinctive eyebrows.

joined Sep 8, 2017

I am a bit peeved about how indigenous American aesthetics have been copped for the "savage, bad giants," but it seems that the author mostly just didn't even slightly think about optics. People who don't live in proximity to certain issues will fail to understand how subversion of the concept is an issue.

I do agree that the author probably didn’t even think about any of this cuz they’re Japanese and just saw the Native American aesthetic as “cool” and “tribal”. But I wouldn’t even say that the giants depicted in this manga are “savage” or “evil” or anything. They’re civilized enough to form their own societies and coexists with others through stuff like trade. Despite what some humans believe, they don’t just rampage around and kill everything in sight. And, though we’ve seen some bad eggs in the form of Elis’ original clan and some of the giants of the quarry, that’s more just an example of this author showing that “some people are bad” than “this whole race is bad”. Just like how a lot of humans in this series are awful, but there are also lots of decent folk too. Sure, it’d be a problem is the author just depicted all the giants as dumb and violent and made them stereotypes. But I haven’t seen anything like that yet. This really isn’t anything different than like a DM of a DnD campaign giving Dwarves Scottish accents and stuff.

joined Sep 8, 2017

How can she slap!?


joined Sep 8, 2017

Her skills are more useful for dating than she expected. :D

But yeah, don't buy her remembering a QR code either...

That was definitely pretty out there, but it could be that she has a photographic memory.

Honestly, I found it more unbelievable that nobody saw her rigging up those bombs or tossing them into the water, or that people were only very mildly concerned with the seemingly random explosion going off in the water. Thought the event was gonna get shut down due to suspected terrorist activity or something.

joined Sep 8, 2017

Why does Risa kinda look like the tiny Keanu Reeves meme when she says she’ll take Ayaka home lol

last edited at Jun 1, 2023 8:08PM

Laundry Cat discussion 30 May 10:58
joined Sep 8, 2017

Local lesbian couple discovers an SCP in their laundromat. More at 11

joined Sep 8, 2017

So glad she didn’t end up going home with the player. Tired of seeing the same old trope where girl A watches Girl B seduce a metric ton of women but never ends up targeted herself, then the two end up getting together after girl B is abandoned by her hunnies or has a “but I always had my eye on you” moment or whatever. It’s too cliche at this point and that kind of thing always rubbed me the wrong way for sort of rewarding the player and their heartbreaking behavior.

This was much more realistic and mature tho. Jill Stingray here aint gonna let herself be obviously swept in like all those other girls. That would be shi…unacceptable. But still having a nice connection with the player customer is cool. Maybe it’d be cool to see them together after she decides to settle down and get serious.

joined Sep 8, 2017

Now this is downright stupid and senseless, author can't even come up with a good excuse on why she misunderstands it, she gives her the lunch, she says she made it for the one she loves, and somehow Hiroko ends up on the conclusion Ayaka loves some random dude? Doesn't even make sense, and this completely sucks

She thinks Ayaka was “putting in effort for the one she loved” in terms of practicing her cooking. So she thinks the lunch she made for her was just her way of honing her cooking skills so she can impress some guy she likes or something.

Idk why everyone says this sucks lol. Sure, the excuses Hiroko comes up with are kinda dumb and obviously a reach from any bystanders perspective, but that’s kinda the WHOLE POINT OF THIS MANGA. Girl is so deep in denial for various reasons that she actively looks the gayest of girls in the face and thinks, “ah, yes. She straight. Can’t believe I almost misunderstood her.”

That’s the joke. The whole schtick of this series. It’s SUPPOSED TO BE DUMB AND GOOFY. It reminds me a lot of an inverse version of that “You’re Totally in Love With Me, Aren’t You?” manga where it’s just as goofy and the whole joke each time is the MC asking her friend who’s obviously crushing on her if she loves her and the friend always denying it. I think the only reason people are fine with that one and bash this one is cuz this manga has a more realistic art style and isn’t in 4-Koma style, so subconsciously think it’s supposed to be a realistic drama and not a silly comedy.

Maybe this isn’t your brand of comedy or whatever, but that doesn’t mean it sucks. It’s actually doing what it set out to do quite well.

joined Sep 8, 2017

I'm not arguing that sometimes cheating is actually good (though I'm sure you could invent a philosophical thought experiment where it is). I'm saying that cheating on your partner doesn't make you an irredeemably bad person with no positive characteristics. The character in Run Away with Me, Girl doesn't cheat on her fiance out of malice; she does it because she's lonely and terrified and can't muster up the courage to escape her abusive relationship unless she can prove to herself that someone else wants her. That doesn't make it "right" or "smart," but is is extremely understandable and sympathetic. In any event, calling this "pure selfishness and vile scummery" is, in my opinion, an extremely unreasonable insistence on seeing the world in black and white terms.

Now, Baba here is not nearly as sympathetic as the character in Run Away with Me, Girl, to be clear. His motivations are not nearly as sympathetic. But if we extrapolate from what Midori says in this chapter, the point is that he, too, did not cheat out of malice; he's not an evil villain snickering to himself at how he's taking advantage of his poor girlfriend. It's more that he's kind of immature and thoughtless and didn't really understand that his actions were hurting his partner. This makes him an awful boyfriend, of course. But to Midori, it doesn't cancel out his positive qualities -- that he's fun to be around, that he doesn't care how she barely shows any emotion -- so she's still regularly hanging out with him. (She also doesn't really seem to have any other friends, which I'm sure is a factor.)

This may not be the choice you would make in her shoes, but that doesn't make her crazy or stupid as other posters here have called her. It just makes her not you.

Lol ok maybe I do see things a little too “black and white”, but you are way too much of a devil’s advocate. Cheating is ALWAYS out of malice, whether it’s conscious or not. It’s a malicious, selfish act, plain and simple. Sure, the boyfriend might not have been twirling his villainous mustache and cackling evilly about wanting to hurt Midori, but he made the CONSCIOUS DECISION to commit an act that he knew would hurt someone who cared about him. Then, when he’s caught (multiple times), he tries to excuse his behavior instead of owning up and apologizing and never doing it again. All for his own selfish reasons. That’s fucked up, and that makes him an awful person. And if Midori is stupid enough to still wanna live with him and treat him to sweets and take care of him after the clear disregard he showed her and the drunken spirals he sent her into, then, yeah, I’m gonna call her crazy and someone not very capable of making intelligent decisions, even if she has rationalized it to herself with her own dumb logic.

Like, sorry, but when someone hurts me big time like that in a way that does nothing but fulfill their own selfish desires at my expense, doesn’t apologize, tries to excuse it, and then continues to do it while knowing I don’t like it,
I ain’t forgiving that or gonna hang out with them or whatever lol. And if I saw someone get treated like that, but they still wanted to pal around with the person who clearly displayed they have no regard for their feelings, I would say that’s mighty stupid.

That may not be how you see things, but that’s the lens I (and, apparently, many others here) see things through.

Though, no matter what I say, I doubt it’ll break through your shades of gray. If you refuse to believe that some things can just be objectively bad and some people and their actions undeniably awful (even if they aren’t actively monologuing about how happy they are to be doing said bad things or hurting people), I can’t help ya. Sure, dude apparently had some positive qualities. Everyone does, even truly evil people (well, as “evil” as your worldview seems to allow). Hell, even fuckin Hitler apparently loved animals and was vegetarian cuz he didn’t like the idea of animals suffering. But dontcha think that maybe sometimes the bad and negative shit supersedes the good and positive? I think so in this case. Of course, I’m not Midori. But that doesn’t mean I can’t judge her for her actions based on how I see them. Cuz, in fact, I’m not anyone but me, so there’s no other way I could see em.

(Also, no, I didn’t find the girl in “Run Away with Me, Girl” sympathetic at all. She broke up with her girlfriend in high school, denying her own sexuality while fucking up the other girl’s life for years and making her feel like she was weird for being a lesbian, then realizes she doesn’t want this relationship with this abusive guy she’s with and tries to toy with her old girlfriend’s heart to whisk her away from her troubles and take care of her and her unborn child. I understand why she would wanna get out of that relationship, but I don’t sympathize with her manipulating her old girlfriend and using that love she still has for her as a dumping ground for her problems and an escape from her shitty life).

joined Sep 8, 2017

moral simplicity over understanding and empathizing with humans in their full complexity

all I can say is that certain experiences shape each and every one of us, so I sympathize with both sides of the argument. to be fair, I am not disagreeing with you but I hesitate to fully agree

I don't think cheating is necessarily done with the intent of malice, but that doesn't excuse the consequences and trauma of such an act

I was probably being too strident in my original comment, but I just get annoyed when people act like anyone who cheats must be an irredeemably awful person. Cheating is bad of course, but in other contexts we recognize that people can do bad things while still retaining positive qualities; people are generally willing to sympathize with literal murderers in fiction, so why is cheating beyond the pale? It really makes me wonder how they'd react to something like Run Away With Me, Girl. So people in this thread going further and arguing that merely not cutting off contact with a cheater makes you bad, stupid, and/or crazy yourself kinda set me off lol.

It’s been a long while since I read any bit of “Run Away with Me, Girl”, and I never finished it (spoiler alert: I hated it too lol), so forgive me if I’m misremembering some details. But I’m guessing you brought it up since it involves a complex series of circumstances and feelings where woman A is stuck in a relationship with an asshole abusive (possibly also cheating, I forget) husband and seeks relief and true love with woman B, who she “cheats” with.

Honestly, my main problem with it was more that (if I’m remembering this right) Woman A and Woman B used to date in high school, until Woman A broke things off cuz “it was just a phase lol”. Then she comes back into Woman B’s life and tries to worm her way back into her heart. It felt less to me like an actual realization on Woman A’s part that she did actually love B and didn’t realize it till now, and more like she just wanted a convenient out from her abusive relationship and thus saw Woman B (who clearly still loved her) as her escape. That, along with Woman B’s complete lack of self respect and just falling all over this bitch who broke her heart and jumping to take her back, just made me hate that story so much lol.

As for the “cheating” part, though, I don’t really condone it there either. I know that’s probably a hot take, but I don’t support cheating at all, even if it’s a victim of abuse cheating on an abuser. But that’s for different reasons, since I think the sole focus should be on getting the abuse victim OUT of that awful situation before anyone can even think of getting them into a new relationship. The victim probably needs therapy, not another romance right then, and, at it’s worst, what if the abuser found out about the cheating? That would most certainly just make things worse for the victim. Safer for all involved to just not cheat at all.

And, anyways, fighting fire with fire doesn’t “excuse” the act of burning anyone. If someone cheats on you, I don’t think it gives you a “free pass” to cheat on them with moral impunity. We don’t allow the family of murder victims to get away with killing the murderers who wronged them. We don’t sentence rapists to rape. If someone burns your house down, you don’t get to torch their crib right back while everyone turns away and whistles and pretends like nothing’s happening. Cuz the act itself is scummy and won’t fix shit. I can see how, in some instances, we might empathize with these people who do something bad (like a character who kills someone that murdered a loved one), but some things I think are beyond empathizing with, like cheating and sexual assault. They’re awful acts and I don’t think you could ever even justify them as “being in the service of another” or something. Just pure selfishness and vile scummery.

Anyways, just my two cents. This got a lot more philosophical and shit than I originally intended, so to summarize my thoughts and feelings: “cheaters bad, me hate cheaters >:(“

joined Sep 8, 2017

Blech, cheaters are absolute scum who should be kicked to the curb and damned, no exception. They have no consideration for their partner’s feelings and are selfish assholes. Even if the girl didn’t mind the cheating itself (for some dumb reason), it still ended up bothering her, and really throws off this “maternal feelings” excuse she gives for still wanting to be with him. Why the fuck would you still wanna hang around and care for someone who has proven multiple times that they don’t care about you at all? I mean, she took a big step forward and confronted him about his cheating and broke up with him! Then she does a fuckin marathon sprint backwards and goes back to living with him and buying him fuckin cakes? Seriously?

Either the author is pulling a pro gamer move and setting up this woman to be a real looney tune with a red flag on her back so big she looks like she’s cosplaying superman, or maybe they’re trying to treat her as a genuinely well adjusted character and trying to make us look at her like how the protagonist does, like “oh sure she’s a little odd…bUt ShEs JuSt So HaWt I cAnT eVeN!” Considering the author just had Kyouko freak out for a second but then go “oh okay” after she explained her dumbass “maternal” reason for staying with him, I’m pretty sure their intention here is to genuinely try to pitch us this character as believable and someone who DOESN’T have some major problems, even though she clearly does to any casual observer. Hell, even her weirdly calm, kinda yandere-ish vibes that other people have noticed were probably unintentional on the author’s part. But when you make a character that makes fuckin insane choices with stupid reasoning, everything else they do is gonna look crazy too.

Idk, I’m just worried for the direction of this manga. Hope it turns around quick.

joined Sep 8, 2017

Ok, now I’m just wondering if these two actually do any studying or whatever.

Like, I think sensei is supposed to be a home tutor or something, right? Is she just over everyday, lazing around and taking naps and watching movies and flirting with her “student” that she never teaches? All while getting paid?

Must be the best job in the world.

joined Sep 8, 2017

And there's the Yuri tag so sooner or later there will be somebody to comfort poor baby witch. All's right with the world!

Idk about that. I mean, I hope it is, but I see stuff get posted here sometimes that’s preemptively tagged with yuri, but is later removed when it turns out to not go there. This manga seems good so far, and I’m definitely looking forward to more, but right now it kinda seems like one of those stories that was just tagged as yuri by default when it debuted on this site. I hope I’m proven wrong. This is just the first chapter after all, but I just feel like it’s really only gonna focus on the witch and her trials and tribulations, not her relationships.

If anyone can confirm that it’s yuri, though, that’d be awesome. Our little witch could use a Japanese girlfriend to help her out in this less than welcoming place, after all.

joined Sep 8, 2017

And then they scummed all over the place, queue credits.

"What are we, some sort of Scummy Gap Students Squad?"

My favorite part of "Scummy Gap Student" was when Scum-chan said "It's scumming time" and then scummed all over those gap students

Makino, it’s you!! You’re the Scummy Gap Student With a Hard Life that Calls Upon a Lady of the Night?!!

last edited at Feb 7, 2023 12:34AM

joined Sep 8, 2017

Meh, still don’t give a shit about Kaoru. She’s been a bitch to just about everyone, even our main girl, and has been nothing but selfish, and I think this chapter doesn’t do anything to change that. If anything, it makes it worse, since it shows she can’t even control her desires anymore and just wants to have her way with our mc, just cuz “she smell gud”.

Even kissy girl has gotten way more development and turned out to be more than just some kiss slut. Like, when she was first introduced and wanted to kiss our mc, yeah, it was probably just cuz she herself wanted to have som fun and fulfill her own desires. But she quickly fell for the girl genuinely and has been doing things for her sake and trying to take things at her pace, rather than just doing whatever the fuck she wants whenever the fuck she wants like kaoru.

Tamamusi’s got some catching up to do with kaoru if they really want to make her a viable candidate by the end. Seriously, even the age gap, power gap teacher who’s kinda barely had any time to spend with our mc still has more development, sympathy points, and genuine care for our mc than this bitch kaoru.

joined Sep 8, 2017

I completed don't get the plot.

Ri-chan had a crush on her brother’s fiancée, but that clearly didn’t work out. It’s most likely that she never told the woman her feelings and kept it her own secret, as evidenced by the old secret crumpled picture of the woman that she had hidden in her old yearbook and the somewhat wistful attitude she treated her with. Mika was able to piece these things together and either just realized her own feelings for Ri-chan or already knew. Either way, she decides to start acting on them instead of waiting and keeping it to herself, since that could lead to “losing” her, kinda like how Ri-chan lost the fiancée to her brother. Mika gets Ri-chan to teach her the organ in order to get closer to her. In a few years they will probably be happily together and fucking like rabbits.

And yeah that’s pretty much it.

joined Sep 8, 2017

Yeah, didn’t really like the ending. And I’ll fully admit that it’s probably cuz I just don’t “get” ace stuff. Like, not because I hate ace people or something. Just cuz I’m a deeply sexual and affectionate person when it comes to relationships, so two people being in a romantic relationship without those kinds of things I see as “necessary” or “given” just seems so alien to me I guess. And they’d probably see my relationships the same way too lol

Enjoyed the characters and story a lot overall tho. Just kinda wished I knew it was gonna be ace by the end so I could wish em well but not bother spending so much time on something I ultimately would have no hope of ever understanding

joined Sep 8, 2017

For a second, I seriously thought she said “How about a pic of your feet?” and thought this shit was about to go in a decidedly…less wholesome direction.

joined Sep 8, 2017

Really liked the art for this one, but the story and “twist” don’t make any sense. I would’ve bought it if they had avoided concretely saying which of them was the ghost, but the light haired girl clearly calls the dark haired girl a ghost and talks about her “passing on”. You can’t just then pull a “…but the other girl was actually da ghost!” like that if you already clearly established which is which and they both seem to know their own roles in universe, too.

joined Sep 8, 2017

I feel like I should like this, but for some reason I just can’t bring myself to. I’m no prude; the humor should be in my wheelhouse. But I just don’t find this shit funny.

Maybe it’s cuz the mom is so goddamn annoying. She just screams “Rape! My daughter is scary and gonna rape me!” over and over and over again. It’s literally the only “punchline” and it’s repeated ad nauseam. And it also just feels so mean spirited towards the daughter. Sure, it would be surprising to discover that a family member of yours had a fetish for incest porn that mirrors their relationship with you. But screaming and treating them like a rapist when they haven’t even done anything is not the right way to handle it, especially if they’re young and still probably working their way through their sexuality.

I know I’m probably taking this too seriously and this is supposed to be played for laughs. But because I can’t see it as a comedy since I just don’t find it funny, I guess I can’t help looking at it a bit more seriously, which really makes it an annoying read.

Idk, just an alternate opinion on this. I’ve been seeing so much overwhelming praise for this that I was starting to wonder if I was the only one who didn’t find it that funny and absolutely fucking hated the mom lol

joined Sep 8, 2017

Idk why but I get the feeling that someone murdered her. Something about that girl talking on the tv at the beginning of the second chapter just made me think “this bitch killed her”. Maybe she got jealous of our ghost girl’s popularity/talent and wanted her out of the group…permanently? Maybe the other idol girls were in on it?

Or maybe I’m thinking a little too hard over “Local Lesbian Attempts Try Not To React Challenge with Cute Ghost Girl: The Manga.”

Also, can she not talk/make a sound? I know 90% of this manga’s text just seems to be the inner thoughts of our protagonist, but it seems like the ghost girl can’t even say anything?

joined Sep 8, 2017

Kokeshi and the Elf are DEFINITELY fucking

joined Sep 8, 2017

Didn’t know I needed to see Kokeshi with long hair until now. Looks good on her