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joined Dec 16, 2014

I really can't take this as seriously as it's trying to be. These two are just silly

joined Jul 29, 2017

I really can't take this as seriously as it's trying to be. These two are just silly

I don’t mean this sarcastically on anything—just asking: do you really think this series wants to be serious? I agree that there’s a bit more of an edge to it than a standard-issue yuri “idiot couple” comedy series, but to me the whole premise has seemed pretty over-the-top, especially Wakaba’s irrational responses to Komaki’s challenges, from the very beginning.

joined May 26, 2020

The absolute worst thing Wakaba could do is to ignore Komaki. She will NEVER do that, because she can't. These two idiots were made for each other.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Komaki noticing Wakaba's warning up to doing physical things with her and still doubling down on being a shit to her. Is it any wonder Wakaba's stance is that Komaki is pretty but too fucked up right now to want to be with?

I don't think Wakaba's issue is primarily with the treatment--she seems to enjoy the treatment, though is a bit ashamed/in denial. The core issue seems to be her believing Komaki doesn't like her. If she knew Komaki likes her, I assume things would be different. Komaki's behavior makes it hard for Wakaba to understand things but that's intentional on her part and part of the "fun," for us.

Also, Komaki didn't really cross the line Wakaba made, which is why Wakaba asks again for Komaki to actually be rough with her if she indeed hates her so much. She seems to feel Komaki is treating her too nicely for someone who is supposed to be doing despicable things. This "gentle" treatment is also further intensifying Wakaba's feelings for Komaki which continues to make her uncomfortable ("chest aching" and all that). She'd rather be treated in a way that actually is terrible, so she'd not have these growing feelings.

Wakaba physically enjoys the treatment, while at the same time considering that treatment as proof that Komaki doesn't actually love her. That's why she keeps talking about what Komaki really loves. Right now they've got a somewhat functional sexual relationship but not a romantic one, in Wakaba's eyes entirely due to Komaki's feelings. She seems to harbor a hope that if she can beat Komaki at something she'll chill and stop being so weird and then maybe romance can happen.

joined Jun 17, 2021

These two disgust me every chapter, haha.
Definitely not ever going to stop reading.

joined Nov 28, 2021

Do they count as an idiot couple, or are they just a couple of idiots?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Do they count as an idiot couple, or are they just a couple of idiots?


joined Apr 25, 2020

sex arc incoming

joined Sep 10, 2022

They're so dysfunctional it wraps around to being cute. They are both clearly in love with each other and have been for a while. In any other manga, this chapter would be a sweet umbrella date between a couple and a memory of when they fell in love as kids. That's basically what this was anyway but with a lot of "fun" on top. They'll get there eventually but the journey is entertaining.

last edited at Jan 17, 2025 2:17PM

joined Jul 21, 2024

Well, that explains the obsession with beating each other at everything. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

There was a "play" on words on pages 23/25 on "matsuri".

In the raws it was written in hiragana and not in kanji, to be kept ambiguous on purpose. ("matsuri" also means festival)

Which "matsuri" she's talking about I wonder...

last edited at Jan 17, 2025 5:11PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

How can two people be so smart yet so stupid?

joined Jul 29, 2017

Jesus, get a room, you two.

joined Sep 6, 2018

I love how Komaki is all ”I know you’re straight. You’ll never love me like I want. I just want you to hate me more than anyone. I know you’ll never be mine but—“ and then as soon as wakaba says ‘I love you’ to a female friend she’s so fucked up about it that when Wakaba says a word that sounds like her name Komaki’s immediately like “I’m more than her. I can give you better than she can. Don’t look at her. Don’t talk to her. I’ll give you everything you want so you don’t need her. You’re mine. She can’t have you.”

joined Sep 14, 2014

Lmaoooo it’s actually funny reading them and then seeing them so blatantly in love with each other but not saying it out loud. Delusional and hiding behind that to not admit they actually like each other. Whew how complicated their minds are

joined Sep 11, 2020

God they used to be so sweet and normal what the hell happened to them lmao

joined Sep 27, 2017

God they used to be so sweet and normal what the hell happened to them lmao


joined Nov 27, 2022

Wow they're actually being cute and almost normal. Excited to see a more enjoyabke side on both ends soon as they fight their feelings for no stinkin reason. Ah, good yuri.

joined Sep 8, 2017

I know it’ll never happen, but I actually want to see Komaki get cucked by Matsuri lol. Show that overconfident toxic asshole the power of ACTUALLY COMMUNICATING YOUR GODDAMN FEELINGS instead of doing the exact OPPOSITE of what you want and trying to make the person you love absolutely despise you.

I get this story and its characters shouldn’t be taken THAT seriously, cuz holy shit do they not make any sense or behave even somewhat believably. Yet I still can’t help but get a little pissed off at Komaki when she monopolizes and takes advantage of Wakaba without real consent, and Wakaba for being an idiot and letting herself get swept up by Komaki’s stupid “challenges” she can never win. Like, why not just challenge her to something she KNOWS she could never win and be done with it? Challenge her to fit inside a small box or something, use your small stature to your advantage! It’s just such a glaringly stupid relationship from the beginning I can’t help but keep reading to see how the author is going to “justify” it when they inevitably get together.

Something definitely seems up with Matsuri, but at least she’s more honest and not “abusive” towards Wakaba. It’s impressive how this manga has me cheering for the “villain” love interest lol

joined Nov 28, 2021

They're a couple of idiots and they're adorable.

joined Sep 10, 2022

and Wakaba for being an idiot and letting herself get swept up by Komaki’s stupid “challenges” she can never win. Like, why not just challenge her to something she KNOWS she could never win and be done with it? Challenge her to fit inside a small box or something, use your small stature to your advantage

Because she doesn't want to. She enjoys their time together, and loves Komaki, although her feelings confuse her. She is giving real consent, as per their agreement that she does not have to comply with. Missing that will make the situation look more chaotic than it already is. Once she comes to terms with her feelings and/or Komaki finally confesses how she really feels, they'll be fine.

I'm assuming Matsuri will inadvertently help with that somehow, if even just as a fake threat like in this chapter. They've already shown the capacity to be a cute couple--they sort of already are one--but they've got this overly dramatic hangup in the middle. That's what makes it "fun," though.

last edited at Jan 18, 2025 12:27PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

Alternative interpretation: Wakaba follows the philosophy of Michelle Obama: "When they go low, we go high." She doesn't want to pick a battle she could win by default because she is proud and prefers to win 'fair and square', even if Komaki doesn't care about being fair to her. Wakaba is a liberal </3

joined Aug 29, 2019

That was an almost sweet and non-toxic by the standards of toxic yuri manga.
That's not saying much, but I think it's cute.

Also I think it's a bit of a break from their previous interactions as Komaki is explicitly saying that she'll do something nice to Wakaba. She still puts it in a negative context as taking away something from her and taking her away from her friend, but still... the mask is slipping.

last edited at Jan 19, 2025 11:11AM

joined May 29, 2022

So are they both the tsundere? One is expressive tsundere while the other is not?

joined Aug 28, 2019

At this rate, they're gonna move in and get married while still saying the other hates them.

Seriously two of the most useless gays in modern manga I've read.

last edited at Feb 23, 2025 2:33PM

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