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joined Oct 20, 2017

New updates from Hanamonogatari by Schwinn = the world is healing

joined Oct 20, 2017

ah why did the teacher have to come back before she could beat him up kangaroo style

Teachers do not spawn in the area as long the bullying is in progress, but they are immediately summoned if someone stands up to the bullies

joined Oct 20, 2017

Calm down Nina, have some yogurt

joined Oct 20, 2017

Okay, maybe it will be a whole thing. I just think it's kind of funny to freak out about this after how many chapters were devoted to the student x teacher love polygon drama. Unlike back then, here we have a reason to care about the couple's happiness, since we have already seen what their good times look like. Can you really call this an "abrupt nosedive in quality", considering what came before?

joined Oct 20, 2017

You're so right, the shorts that barely reach below their asses just scream "masc"

Men can wear booty shorts too /shrugs.

Besides, the thing that caught my eye onto that is their hair and general body type. Idk, I just read them as masc, but unless it becomes a critical plot point it doesn't really matter beyond "this is a prison with female sex (and so far just sex) robots being tested on the prisoners"

Male = "masc", booty shorts are masculine, and everyone in a dystopian max security prison who doesn't have massive tits or long hair is automatically a man. Much to think about...

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 9:41AM

joined Oct 20, 2017


This arc continues to be annoyingly stupid and the worst part of the series thus far. The angst feels forced and stale already, I just want to move on as quickly as possible.

I feel like calling this an "arc" is more melodramatic than the actual content. It's just one chapter split into two parts.

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 8:26AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

And as my “world without yuri stories” crack was intended to imply, there’s a curiously old-fashioned tone about this one, with “but we’re both sisters” taking the place of “but we’re both girls.”

I think I actually and finally get what you mean now.
It's like before same-sex union exists, in order to have the same-sex couple to be together, since they couldn't marry each other, therefore the only way to do so is to have one of them as their 'family', so that one of them could inherit property, or to take care of the other person etc.. if the other is unavailable or passed away.

One of the founding mothers of yuri, Nobuko Yoshiya, legally adopted her partner Chiyo Monma for that very reason. And since Yoshiya was the older of the two, Monma addressed her as onee-sama (older sister) in their letters. (The same way the younger girl would address the older girl in the Class S literature where Yoshiya did most of her writing.) You could say metaphorical sisterhood is part of the DNA of the genre.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Which anthology?

Yuri Anthology Dolce Due.

And now I'm noticing that it came out 11 years ago... That's a blunder on my part, but I'm also blaming Dynasty for not providing basic context like release year

joined Oct 20, 2017

You're so right, the shorts that barely reach below their asses just scream "masc"

joined Oct 20, 2017

I don't know about the sexual minority part, as there is straight men it seems (or I think is implied?)

What is it that implied to you the existence of male prisoners?

Picnic discussion 17 Jul 22:16
joined Oct 20, 2017

Very cute, but shouldn't it have the subtext tag? There's nothing really explicitly romantic here.

I thought the whole thing was very obviously romantic. It was a classic falling in love scenario.

Yeah, I guess you can say it's technically unstated, but the relationship is the sole focus of the piece, and feeling comes through very strongly, so to me it makes sense to tag it as yuri.

Both of them are just a little too eager to get closer. Remi got pretty flustered when Sayaka was taking her measurements, and the fact that she had to tell herself "nothing strange is happening" means something was definitely happening there. The last we see of the picnic isn't really Sayaka asking Remi out, but it's close enough; as they're lying next to each other, Sayaka asks Remi to stay with her while cupping Remi's face with her hand, and Remi says yes with her hand on Sayaka's hand.

So I don't know if they're going out by the end, but I think it's obvious how they feel about each other, even if they haven't admitted it to themselves yet.

joined Oct 20, 2017

It's interesting to hear about Asako's sister eloping, but it seems a bit too simple of an explanation. I personally think there will be a flashback of some sort to elaborate on this.

From the way Asako talks about it her sister's departure ("she left me"), I think gaining experience is not just about catching up, but to understand why her sister would give her up for the sake of "love". If she can confirm that "love" really is so amazing that it's worth burning bridges with your family, including an innocent younger sibling, then maybe she can make peace with being left behind. But it's possible that she will fall for Nagi anyway, and it still won't fill the void left by her sister.

I'm not judging her sis or anything; we really don't know anything specific about the situation yet. Just speculating about Asako's inner logic.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Bro literally fell ass-backwards into the plot

joined Oct 20, 2017

There's a lot to process and think about here, and I think you provide interesting view points. I want to clarify at least that I wasn't saying anything against this story, or against what you're saying. I was mainly referring to page 2, where she says she gets dumped and told she doesn't have enough sexual appeal.

The focus of my initial comment is on that I believe this relationship is genuine, and that she's responding positively and strongly to someone that does view her as attractive with sincerity. I think regardless of gender it's important to find people that genuinely see you, value you, and respect you. A partner in that regard might open up new doors for sexuality, a person might realize that they're bi or something else, that they can have a partner that they didn't think was possible before. Though also don't disagree with you that there's an importance on women with the story, and the lesbian nature of it.

I don't think we really disagree here, we might have slightly different focuses and that's okay I think. I hope what I said didn't offend or anything though? I was not trying to be rude or anything like that, I was mostly aiming to make a simple comment in agreement with Rusi, and how I do think this relationship is sincere.

No offense at all, and I appreciate that you replied; I was a bit worried that I came across as too aggressive. I don't disagree with your assessment of the relationship as sincere, I just felt like complicating it a little based on the little information we got.

I have read through the work a few times, but I somehow forgot about that line on page 2, how embarrassing... Feeling desirable in the general sense definitely plays a role here then, yeah.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Suddenly turn gay..... Until she gets a new boyfriend. At least she gets the chance to "play" and "experiment" lol

Satomi being the narrator means that we don't get to read Makita's thoughts, but even without that I thought it was obvious that some switch in Makita's brain was flipped as soon as she realized Satomi was into her. Like, immediately taken over by the urge to touch her, to the extent that she only stopped to ask for permission when her hand was baring down on Satomi's crotch. It didn't look playful at all; she said "it's normal for two girls to play around" to give herself and Satomi permission to not think and just keep going.

If Makita hasn't realized it yet that she's bi and likes to take the initiative when it comes to women, Satomi is perfect to draw out that side of her. Even if we look at this as an experiment, her reactions indicate that she's super into it, meaning the result of the experiment is that she probably likes women.

Hey, this may be the experience that finally gets her a long-term partner. Like she said, it feels nice when someone recognizes your sex appeal and actually values you.

Yeah she's experiencing something new, that might be better for her in the long run. Seeing someone that is really and genuinely attracted to her. I also feel like part of the tone of this was people can do their own thing, and don't have to follow societal "norms".

While Makita does say she is happy to learn that Satomi is attracted to her, I think Satomi being a woman in this scenario is crucial. On its own, a man being attracted to a woman while being 'respectful' is not really that special (even if way too many men can't clear this bar). What makes this situation different is that even though they're both women, Makita's sex appeal makes Satomi incredibly (and adorably) flustered.

Satomi being so nervous and afraid to get close to and be alone with Makita is not about respect, but about protecting her own heart from rejection, being made aware of her own attraction, and an understandable safety measure (being outed could be very dangerous). And I think Makita can sense this on some level. Though that's not to say Satomi doesn't respect Makita, since even when she chides her about taking her pants off, her tone remains gentle and never calls her gross or anything like that.

If Makita acted like this while being alone with a male coworker instead, even if he initially seems respectful, she would be taking on a much greater risk. A lot of men's respect for women is flimsy and conditional, evaporating when one acts sexually forward, so even if he accepts her advances, he could internally write her off as "a slut", and later spread rumors about her, without risking his own reputation. Satomi being a woman means that she has an incentive to keep their encounter a secret.

I think what makes Satomi irresistible to Makita in this situation is that Satomi is very obviously attracted to her, she's adorably shy, and she's a woman. Rather than just treating Satomi to an orgasm for being such a good girl, Makita seems intoxicated by having such an effect on Satomi and getting to touch her. There's also probably something exciting about celebrating Christmas Eve not with a guy, but with her hand between the thighs of a cute female coworker.

Well, maybe I'm just yapping about something obvious, or reading too much into it, I don't know...

last edited at Jul 9, 2024 3:36PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

I'm getting Amano Shuninta vibes from the art style, with Aiko especially

last edited at Jul 6, 2024 9:01AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

Nice to see this one here too

joined Oct 20, 2017

What is Hinata's deal on pg 14, like what is she freaking out about

joined Oct 20, 2017

Fact: 90% of yearners quit right before they're about to reach their Happy Ever After

joined Oct 20, 2017

This has a very similar premise to A Monster Wants to Eat Me, so doesn't it feel a bit played out to debate if this is yuri or not? Both of these series employ a story mechanic that we could call "cannibalism edging". Even without the cannibalism, a relationship where a girl hangs around another girl who intends to kill her has a pretty clear eroticism to it.

joined Oct 20, 2017

Tbf aki went through the exact same thing with yori, her feeling just sat there while the plot was happening until they magically disappeared and developed new one for shiho out of nowhere. With Miki at least her unrequited love and struggle to accept her sepai are the main focus of the story

As far as I remember Aki had to accept that her love for Yori would remain one sided. She couldn't really do anything other than live with it, so when Aki learned Shiho has feelings for her Aki decided to see if she could develop mutual feelings for Shiho by going out with her. I don't think any of this randomly disappeared or came out of nowhere here personally.

Yes! A lot of yuri fans seem to be confused by the idea that one girl/woman can be attracted to multiple other girls/women in her lifetime. I know that lead characters in yuri manga (especially the school girl stuff) can come across like they have a single-target sexuality, but come on... Aki didn't develop feelings for Shiho "out of nowhere". She is just gay! In fact, it's made clear that she isn't 'in love' with Shiho, at least not yet.

Aki being a lesbian (or bi) of course doesn't mean that she has no standards, or that she would be fine with any girl. It's the opposite: Shiho isn't just any girl. She was always bad at getting along with other girls, but Aki still befriended her. Even after Shiho's departure and hostility, Aki still couldn't help but worry about her. She was always special.

I think it makes sense if becoming friends again and knowing that Shiho is into her flipped Aki's switch, and allowed her to see Shiho as an option. (And I think another factor is that now Shiho is letting Aki see the more awkward and clumsy side of her again.) Combined with what she said in her dialogue, I totally get why she would suggest dating.

last edited at Jun 25, 2024 11:22AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

Nina got so close their heads ended up touching (first panel), so I think that's why Momoka flinched and probably made a cute noise

joined Oct 20, 2017

I'm eating my own words, man. The warden is her father??

Man, that feeling when your father who is also the prison warden doesn't decide to execute you and also sends the hottest new sex android to your cell that night.

Freud would have a lot to say about this...

Mature ?? This shi's everything but mature bro ToT

That tag refers to "older adult" characters (i.e. not mature themes or mature content), though I don't see any women like that in this work so far.

Also, why would they send androids to release sexual urges of inmates?

And finally, is the prison for both men and women? That never happens.

If it's women only, why would they send android women? And why not creating also android men for the women who want to?

I'm pretty sure there are only women prisoners in this facility. Maybe they only get female androids because this is still new tech and male prototypes are not yet in service or occupied elsewhere? Maybe it's supposed to humiliate the prisoners that they don't get to choose a male android? Another thing to consider is that e.g. in the United States, lesbian and bisexual women are over-represented in incarceration. Which makes the idea that a lot of these prisoners with nothing to lose (now it looks like they're all on death row?) would be tempted by female androids less unrealistic.

As for why the prison would want to manage the sexual urges of inmates: in a way, this unfortunately happens in real life, just with much cheaper, low-tech methods. Rape is of course extremely common in prisons in general, but e.g. a trans woman who is incarcerated and held in men's prison may be deliberately placed in the cells of the most violent male inmates to give them an easy outlet for their aggression. Even outside of that extreme example, when a prison turns a blind eye to the rape of any inmates, it is basically managing the aggression of inmates through rape, and these fictional androids have the same purpose.

last edited at Jun 18, 2024 7:45PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

Shout out to yuri girls named Hime

gotta be one of my favorite genders

joined Oct 20, 2017

I'm also getting the impression that Komaki is a coward, and that she's doing all of this because she's afraid of asking Wakaba out, but doesn't want anyone else to have Wakaba's 1st time experiences. It's almost dating with extra steps...

Yah, in her head, she thinks it's better to be hated forever by her rather than risk losing her by taking the step to just tell her she loves her.

I think Komaki has convinced herself that she already lost her, and that Wakaba only goes along with the game because of a misplaced stubbornness. And with every single "precious thing" she takes from Wakaba, the idea that Wakaba might still care about her becomes more and more unthinkable.

last edited at Jun 16, 2024 4:29PM