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joined Apr 2, 2023

Thank you for the quality translation, I very much appreciate it!

What does she mean by "I want to be your mama"? Fuuko has mommy issues but Yuni has a good relationship with her mom from what we have seen. I doubt she will be into this.

joined Feb 3, 2023

Omg the chapter was all serious but the last page made me laugh. What is this line?! lol

joined Jul 29, 2017

Thank you for the quality translation, I very much appreciate it!

What does she mean by "I want to be your mama"? Fuuko has mommy issues but Yuni has a good relationship with her mom from what we have seen. I doubt she will be into this.

The ambiguity is what makes it so great.

The author could have played it as, “I thought what I felt for you was lust, but seeing the baby made me realize it was love.”

But it comes off as, “Sex with you was great, but I really want to change your diapers.”

joined Oct 25, 2023

It's rare for me to laugh out loud as loudly as I did for that last page. Caught me way off guard.

What does she mean by "I want to be your mama"? Fuuko has mommy issues but Yuni has a good relationship with her mom from what we have seen. I doubt she will be into this.

On the contrary, Yuni will be into this because she's such a momma's girl and wants to spend more time with her. Remember a couple of chapters ago how Yuni was acting all sad and lonely because her mom was always getting home late? Also there was the bit about how Yuni was given a cat to keep her company while her mom was gone and she was heartbroken by it's death. Yuni is totally craving a substitute for her mom.

Now how does this manifest into specific behavior with Fuuko acting like her mom? Not really sure...maybe pampering/spoiling her or something? Probably something more toxic, considering what series we're reading.

last edited at May 18, 2024 8:51AM

joined Jun 11, 2021

wuh oh, new fetish unlocked

joined Oct 14, 2014

... Ahaha a new layer was added to the drama this is awesome

joined Apr 10, 2023

I'm surprised people are surprised Fuuko of all the characters has a weird idea of family roles. My bet is that she means it like unconditional love, without any actual parenting meaning, and isn't nearly as good at communication as Yuni thinks she is lol

joined Feb 3, 2021

what is going AWNN

joined Apr 10, 2023

Adding that sometimes people are "reading" using a machine translator and interpret things the wrong way and mislead people.

Oh yeah that's definitely something to consider too. Learned that lesson thanks to story leaks from Mihoyo games, where Chinese to English MTL of social media posts about a beta resulted in people claiming the most ridiculous shit and broadcasting it as loud as they could. The biggest example was a plot reveal about a character X being related to a character Y was instead transformed into "character X is the real character Y!!!" due to the name they had in common lol.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I'm surprised people are surprised Fuuko of all the characters has a weird idea of family roles. My bet is that she means it like unconditional love, without any actual parenting meaning, and isn't nearly as good at communication as Yuni thinks she is lol

Yeah I'm leaning somewhere in that direction as well but we'll see. It's interesting because with Fuuko, Yuni actually takes a leading role, while she's unable to do so with her current gf. I feel that's also significant (ignoring that she also seems to get along with Fuuko more naturally).

last edited at May 18, 2024 10:20AM

joined Apr 27, 2014

That last line....Eeeeeeeeeeeeew. I think she said that because of the baby thing, but...gross...then again, happy they are "friends" again.
EDIT: I read the other comments, I think I get it now and I just took it too literally, as usual.

last edited at May 18, 2024 10:02AM

joined Mar 13, 2014

What the shit, Fuuko has lost all her marbles LOL

joined Feb 11, 2018


I get it how she's been lacking a purpose to even to exist until now, but it was just funny anyway.

last edited at May 18, 2024 10:13AM

joined Feb 16, 2023

Sports girl is out, my queen Fuuko is back!

joined Feb 8, 2021


joined Mar 8, 2016

"Daddy" (and similarly, though less frequently, "Mommy") are common terms in power-exchange (sub/Dom) relationships. They have nothing to do with family, they're about roles and power dynamics.

Maybe I've just been around the sexosphere too long but, especially given the way Fuuko tries to dominate and control in the relationship, to me that's the obvious intent of that line.

joined Oct 23, 2022


joined Jan 26, 2019

This is so peak

joined Oct 2, 2021

Mamma mia, if Yuni - chan starts wearing nappies, and getting breast fed by Fuuko- I'll be so up for it ୧⁠|⁠ ͡⁠ᵔ⁠ ⁠﹏⁠ ͡⁠ᵔ⁠ ⁠|⁠୨

last edited at May 18, 2024 11:56AM

joined Jan 17, 2021

Is the movie a yuri movie? If so, there's at least 5 dudes watching it with themselves. It's kinda nice.

joined Mar 13, 2020


joined Feb 24, 2023

While I can appreciate Fuuko’s growth I will always despise Yuni because she can’t just sack up and break up with Nanase, I’ll pretty much just always hate this character lol

joined May 3, 2014

While I can appreciate Fuuko’s growth I will always despise Yuni because she can’t just sack up and break up with Nanase, I’ll pretty much just always hate this character lol

the whole kissing sceen with all that details and thw whore that is Yuni crying made me wanna ring her neck at this point! i NEVER felts so much rage at cheating, i avoid stories like this cuz i emotional immers myself in them so tragic stories can make me incredible sad, the reason way i read happy ending stories, but THIS? this just makes me incredible angry blood boiling because cheating is something that i take personaly,

next time after i finish this manga i will 100% make sure i avoid stories likw this (this might end with Yuni never getting any punishment for being an human incarnation of garbage)

joined Mar 28, 2015

Lols @ hate reading people

joined Oct 25, 2023

XadarxBlacka if you hate it so much, ya know you can just...stop reading, right?

I don't get why people force themselves to read something that only pisses them off.

For anyone thinking Yuni wouldn't be down for Fuuko being a substitute mama, I present to you mommy's girl Yuni in cute pajamas being depressed while waiting for her mama to get home from work:

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