Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

joined Apr 27, 2014

While I can appreciate Fuuko’s growth I will always despise Yuni because she can’t just sack up and break up with Nanase, I’ll pretty much just always hate this character lol

the whole kissing sceen with all that details and thw whore that is Yuni crying made me wanna ring her neck at this point! i NEVER felts so much rage at cheating, i avoid stories like this cuz i emotional immers myself in them so tragic stories can make me incredible sad, the reason way i read happy ending stories, but THIS? this just makes me incredible angry blood boiling because cheating is something that i take personaly,

next time after i finish this manga i will 100% make sure i avoid stories likw this (this might end with Yuni never getting any punishment for being an human incarnation of garbage)

Hi stranger, you don't have to have a bad time by your own volition! You can....stop reading! Right now!

joined Sep 22, 2021

While I can appreciate Fuuko’s growth I will always despise Yuni because she can’t just sack up and break up with Nanase, I’ll pretty much just always hate this character lol

the whole kissing sceen with all that details and thw whore that is Yuni crying made me wanna ring her neck at this point! i NEVER felts so much rage at cheating, i avoid stories like this cuz i emotional immers myself in them so tragic stories can make me incredible sad, the reason way i read happy ending stories, but THIS? this just makes me incredible angry blood boiling because cheating is something that i take personaly,

next time after i finish this manga i will 100% make sure i avoid stories likw this (this might end with Yuni never getting any punishment for being an human incarnation of garbage)

I agree with you, I hate this story too. And there actually garbage manga involved with NTR and people still read it to see how it goes or whatever their emotion, I could name it but I won't, (And yes most people complaint and still read it until the last chapter). But here most people seems to like cheating story like this, the drawing is good, also maybe the author make it looks so romantic that's why it seems not trashy to them. Regardless of the content, maybe it's how the author express the story. The character action until now so brainless you shouldn't even have hopes for a justice ending.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hate-reading is the only thing this nonsense has going for it.

joined Sep 22, 2021

Holly, people here can be really fragile.

Back to this chapters. I can't take this story serious anymore. It's turning 180 to some ridiculous płot development. It's like author don't know how to milk this series further.

The author just want to milk this manga and continue the brainless development whatsoever, the fans couldn't have anything else to say except told people not to have their opinion just because they tell their manga is bad.

joined Oct 25, 2023

What happens when you take a yuri manga with good art and add cheating to it?

People lose their fucking minds over it.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The character action until now so brainless you shouldn't even have hopes for a justice ending.

Assuming you're someone who cares about that . . .

joined Aug 16, 2014

"I want to be your mama"

It would be wild if the story just ended with her adopting Yuni and raising her as her own

joined Jun 11, 2021

amazing to me that this is the line that sets everyone off in the teen lesbian cheating erotica story. if y'all made it this far and were thrown off by that then i have to ask what you've been reading this whole time

joined Sep 10, 2022

amazing to me that this is the line that sets everyone off in the teen lesbian cheating erotica story. if y'all made it this far and were thrown off by that then i have to ask what you've been reading this whole time

At this point they should stay because those comments have become part of the fun. The dramatics are pretty entertaining.

last edited at May 18, 2024 5:58PM

joined Feb 24, 2023

amazing to me that this is the line that sets everyone off in the teen lesbian cheating erotica story. if y'all made it this far and were thrown off by that then i have to ask what you've been reading this whole time

The straw that broke the camels back has long past but I’ll still be a hater

joined Oct 16, 2013

But here most people seems to like cheating story like this, the drawing is good, also maybe the author make it looks so romantic that's why it seems not trashy to them.

Nah it's still trashy to us, but we're reading it because it's a big trashy mess.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Good pacing.

joined Apr 10, 2023

I don't think this manga is trashy and I'm not hate reading it. This is fine art imo. :)

joined Apr 28, 2019

LMFFAOOOOOO!!! oh fuck.. i really needed that laugh today

joined May 19, 2017

people here taking shit too seriously like just have fun this manga is good and fun that's all that matters

joined Apr 10, 2023

I think you can easily take this story seriously and enjoy it, it's a complex moral drama about characters in a complicated situation, presented with extremely good art and excellent writing. I'm glad the author is writing this for an audience of adults who know the characters are here to be actors in a story instead of being our self inserts, our role models, or being there to be judged or condemned by us in the audience. Even if it makes certain childish readers unhappy.

joined Nov 13, 2022

Excuse me but I would like to have some plum kelp popcorn. I can take or leave the dramatic youngsters tragically kissing in the back of the theater; plum kelp popcorn sounds amazing. My mouth is literally watering right now.

joined Jan 3, 2022

While I can appreciate Fuuko’s growth I will always despise Yuni because she can’t just sack up and break up with Nanase, I’ll pretty much just always hate this character lol

Honestly same, but now, especially after rereading chapter 17, I don’t like Nanase. I’m not crazy to the point of hating her for havin her priorities straight (career > partner— especially when they’re High schoolers, it’s not gonna last) I’m just annoyed with the fact that she’s a total loser pushover who lacks respect for herself.

Literally break up.

I REALLY wanna see a Nanase POV (and how Yuni and Nanase even started dating, idk if it was alr stated but I wanna see what Nanase even likes about Yuri and vice versa, cuz it feels like they’re strangers who wound up dating for no reason.

I cannot fathom WHY Nanase wants to stay with Yuni, when I bet if she were tested, she wouldn’t be able to answer any personal questions relating to Yuni (and Yuri wouldn’t be able to do the same for her)

Between this and The Desperate March of Love, I know for sure that I hate the push over type of character, although, I’m chill with it in the other story cuz the MC at least admits to not caring about whether or not her partner cheats on her, so while it is stupid, I don’t feel morally obligated to GAF cuz she basically consented to being cheated on and is willingly putting herself in a toxic situation, while here, Nanase is trying to get better and Yuni actively chooses another girl over her, so I feel hella bad for her while also being annoyed by her stupidity.

I really hope Nanase never gets to the point where she chooses Yuni over her club cuz it’s not gonna end well for her.

The only good endings for this are Yuni and Nanase split, letting Fuuko and Yuni date or be “mother and daughter”, or the twist is that Nanase ends up being a cuck or developing a cuck-ing (? Cuckhold?) kink and is okay with Yuni’s cheating

I’m gonna be flabbergasted if the “cheating on unsuspecting girlfriend” dynamic stays by the end of the story.

joined Jan 3, 2022

people here taking shit too seriously like just have fun this manga is good and fun that's all that matters

I mean… this manga is portrayed seriously… so why wouldn’t people take it seriously? If this manga was over the top and wacky a majority’s of the time, then yeah, we def shouldn’t be taking it seriously, but it’s not like that.

joined Oct 25, 2023

I REALLY wanna see a Nanase POV (and how Yuni and Nanase even started dating, idk if it was alr stated but I wanna see what Nanase even likes about Yuri and vice versa, cuz it feels like they’re strangers who wound up dating for no reason.

If memory serves, it's because Yuni complimented Nanase's haircut. pretty much no reason.

joined Sep 10, 2022

people here taking shit too seriously like just have fun this manga is good and fun that's all that matters

I mean… this manga is portrayed seriously… so why wouldn’t people take it seriously? If this manga was over the top and wacky a majority’s of the time, then yeah, we def shouldn’t be taking it seriously, but it’s not like that.

There's taking it seriously as a piece of work and there's taking it personally, which is what those people seem to do every chapter. Those aren't the same thing. You can "take it seriously" while also having fun with it.

last edited at May 18, 2024 11:00PM

joined Feb 16, 2016

people here taking shit too seriously like just have fun this manga is good and fun that's all that matters

I mean… this manga is portrayed seriously… so why wouldn’t people take it seriously? If this manga was over the top and wacky a majority’s of the time, then yeah, we def shouldn’t be taking it seriously, but it’s not like that.

In all of the afterword messages from the author, it definitely reads like they're having fun with it though. It's a fun drama where things are dramatic.

Drama makes people feel strong emotions. I think it's fair to hate on the characters that have been made intentionally iffy, but it's worthwhile to differentiate hate towards characters' actions and hate towards the manga itself.

joined Feb 16, 2016

Anyways looking forward to Fuuko shredding some mother-ella on some slay-izza and serving it in a warm cnt-ainer

joined Sep 1, 2019

Sorry, what?

joined May 26, 2022

Excuse me but I would like to have some plum kelp popcorn. I can take or leave the dramatic youngsters tragically kissing in the back of the theater; plum kelp popcorn sounds amazing. My mouth is literally watering right now.

For real, it seems interesting. I'm guessing the plum is umeboshi, so it's basically like pickle flavor potato chips, right?

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