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joined Feb 3, 2023

I was not expecting an Ides of March reference on my lesbian manga lol lets go ancient Rome nerds

joined Feb 3, 2023

I'm sad Rollo is just in a regular suit but Bunny is perfect lmao

joined Feb 3, 2023

Omg the chapter was all serious but the last page made me laugh. What is this line?! lol

joined Feb 3, 2023

So her granny is Doctor Kureha from One Piece? Love her already haha

last edited at Apr 26, 2024 4:15PM

joined Feb 3, 2023

Now we also know that Aya's grandfather was somewhat in danger, probably from illness? Was his condition become a burden to Aya? Since after the time-shift Aya was relieved from something related to her grandpa by thinking "the picture is not all dark" in early chapter.

From Aya's reaction, I believe grandpa was an abusive asshole. Sadly, abusive assholes also grow old and get sick, and it falls onto their families(often the victims) to take care of them.

I don't think this story is heading towards the readers finding out Aya is someone that would be glad her nice, caring and loving grandpa died while she was gone. That would destroy all sympathy towards her lol So this is my guess.

last edited at Apr 23, 2024 5:07PM

joined Feb 3, 2023

I loved this chapter. It gave us a look through Koto's grief and it is SO real.

What happened to Koto happens a lot. I had a friend that became a widow at 30 yo and he was just like her.

Even after years, he never managed to date someone, because he was always thinking about his late wife. In his mind, she was perfect, their life would be perfect, their house would be perfect, the children they would have would be perfect, they would never fight, never struggle. How could any living person compete with that? Everyone makes mistakes, every couple argues. But when someone isn't here anymore you can just say "well A would never do that! A wouldn't say that!" and how can anyone prove otherwise?

Idealizing the one you lost is a sure way to be miserable forever.

Grief is no joke.

last edited at Apr 23, 2024 5:34AM

joined Feb 3, 2023

I noticed a small difference in EP1 from the manga where, in the scene in which the SSGIRLS are talking about Yori's feelings to Himari in the classroom, Aki does a surprised gaze once Yori spills her feelings. The reader only knows about Aki's feelings towards Yori a little later in the manga, right? But the anime is already setting that up in EP1. At least, that's what I assume the gaze would imply to a non-manga reader.

Yup, I'm watching the anime with a couple of friends that never read the manga and they picked up on it "oooh blonde girl is jealous!" It was obvious haha

joined Feb 3, 2023

Sorry to have asked but why the 'public transportation' tag? o.o?

See literally the first page of the manga? They meet on the train.

What did you think? o.o

last edited at Apr 17, 2024 7:31AM

joined Feb 3, 2023

Uh oh, stalker alert?

joined Feb 3, 2023

Nah if my parents could read my mind I would jump

joined Feb 3, 2023

The hate she gets and the way people are dissecting her actions each chapter is a getting a bit old...

People here are kinda unhinged with their hate lol the first few chapters everyone hated Erika and thought she was horrible for having feelings for Koto and never speaking up, ignoring that she had no way of making a move on a friend grieving the tragic disappearance/death of her SO

Then after Erika didn't turn out to be the classic villain trying to stir shit, everyone hates Koto, ignoring she is clearly traumatized over losing Aya.

Next on the hate train is Aya probably, after she makes a typical 14 year old blunder, instead of acting as a perfect enlightened human haha

last edited at Apr 7, 2024 11:18AM

joined Feb 3, 2023

I'm surprised people here are saying "wow who cares if everyone finds out about the curse!"

Being shunned by everyone else isn't easy.

Imagine if people knew there is a family around turning men into women. The women would be seen as evil and the men as perverted freaks. Add in the religious supernatural part and its even worse.

I don't know how religious freaks are in Japan but this seems like the recipe to get harrassed NON STOP.

People just want to leave in peace, not be treated as a freak show.

Its obvious why they would keep this hidden. People are scary af when they see something they don't know or don't agree with.

last edited at Mar 22, 2024 10:35AM

joined Feb 3, 2023

Oof I hate Fuuko's mom and I laughed when she complained saying "My sons do nothing but work!"

Yeah, no shit you cruel bitch. Guess whose fault is that? lol

Go study your modern japanese and be a lesbian, Fuuko.

last edited at Mar 22, 2024 8:49AM

joined Feb 3, 2023

I'm having a little trouble pinning down what the relationship between these two is meant to be. They're beating the hell out of each other and used to be fighting a war against each other, but they're also talking like friends and getting all blushy talking about how pretty the other is.

You never heard of the Enemies to Lovers trope?

joined Feb 3, 2023

Even this, there is still no sign of Yuki being gay, but plenty of signs of her wanting to get rid of Yuni. The question now is her motive.

Yuni was making Yuki's best friend miserable and admitted she was cheating on her. Plus she called Yuki fucking ugly and jumped her.
I don't think there is any question about why she wants Yuni to go away lol

last edited at Dec 19, 2023 11:01PM

joined Feb 3, 2023

And Yuni realizes it was much more exciting when she did it with Fuuko.

Please I need this so bad! Tasty drama.

joined Feb 3, 2023

Oh no he is hot

joined Feb 3, 2023

Dang, great chapter. Growing up is hard, people change, move away or get busy with work and family so you can't hang out like you used to in high school. But you understand and accept it because you're also changing and doing your thing, but not Chitose. She is immortal, she will stay a teenager forever while her friends change, grow old, build families and die. So I guess she decided the only way she won't be lonely is by traping the people there.

joined Feb 3, 2023

Dating a middle schooler and moving in together... This is kinda super weird, Koto. I'm surprised the manga went with just "I changed!" and didn't even brush on the obvious age-gap issue.

joined Feb 3, 2023

Aju representing every goth/emo teenager here lol

IT'S NOT JUST A PHASE, MOM! THIS IS WHO I REALLY AM! puts on black clothes and eyeliner

joined Feb 3, 2023

Lol Vena going all "I'm just a silly little magical girl mascot, I don't know how that happened :D (I'm actually evil incarnate)"

joined Feb 3, 2023

Even tho I don't really agree with that representation of lgbtq people, like, lgbtq will never be the majority and would never be the ones bullying, even less in Japan, but whatever, still I like this a lot

Huh... so many weird assumptions here

1) where did you get the idea everyone there was lgbtq? The girl that got turned down is, but there is no indication that the others are too.

2) Japan is conservative, true, but its not a monolith.
Young people are becoming more and more aware and accepting of lgbtq issues.

And 3) lgbtq would never be the ones bullying??? Have you ever met any? There are some nasty people out there, we're NOT saints AT ALL lol

joined Feb 3, 2023

Oh boy, here comes the good old "I had a crush on my friend and never said it and now she has a crush on someone else!"
But so far she looks the type to just suffer in silence and not bother the main couple. Works for me.

joined Feb 3, 2023

I was already in love with this manga, but the reference to my favorite book and movie really got me. Thank you, creepy little sister. You're as crazy as Jack, keep it up lol

last edited at Sep 5, 2023 6:14AM

joined Feb 3, 2023

I wanted to like this, but I just don't feel this one.

Calling this original would be a stretch, there are quite a few manga out there where the protagonist meets a past version of his/her love (Ashita Dorobou would be one), and this one feels very rushed, and the time travel just feels forced.

Fam already decided its time travel, rushed, forced and inferior to other mangas from a single chapter lmfao

last edited at Aug 25, 2023 5:31PM