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joined Feb 24, 2023

A first strike out but the game isn’t over yet, keep playing!

last edited at Jul 25, 2024 12:13AM

joined Feb 24, 2023

Nagisa watching her GF get verbally tounge lashed by this annoying creature everytime they meet and she has the gall to act shocked/annoyed that Mashiro doesn’t like her and wants Nagisa to stop hanging around her? Definitely not a good look for her.

Like we’re all the same page here yes? That Mashiro has done nothing wrong and her feelings are completely valid? But this hacky narrative wants us to think otherwise? Like bruh what is this entire arc lmao

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 7:46AM

joined Feb 24, 2023

Why swerve with that awful bad end twist at the last minute knowing there’s no follow up? They’ll probably be beaten, disowned and thrown out on the street for all I know, damn I liked everything up to that moment

Frostbite discussion 21 Jul 16:59
joined Feb 24, 2023

Well this is extremely dark but after what she went through, can’t exactly blame her

joined Feb 24, 2023

Aya’s friends really stepped up in so happy to see them helping Koga while she has a panic attack

joined Feb 24, 2023

My father left a (not quite as) large library when he passed. I'm a peaceful person, but I woulda thrown hands if someone tried to do that to the collection.

Don’t think a 4-5 year old baby fist is gonna do much against a bunch of adults

joined Feb 24, 2023

We’re just never getting 3-5 cuz it’s just to hard huh..?

joined Feb 24, 2023

I have no idea what posses someone to turn into a anime villian like this and arbitrarily decides to ruin the life of someone they don’t know and had zero prior interactions with like that just seems like completely psycho shit to me, but bullying is just sorta like that I guess

joined Feb 24, 2023

So like is there some romance going on between Ms Mangaka and the other idol? I honestly am not sure

joined Feb 24, 2023

It takes some guts to upend your entire life and move to the country on the assumption that the cute woman from the poster at the supermarket is

  • not a model from a stock photo agency
  • single
  • gay.

imagine how creepy it would be if protagonist were none of these & some rando shows up on your doorstep trying to get in your pants

Thank god the pursuer was a attractive young women and not a 40 something male lmao

joined Feb 24, 2023

These are the horniest group of lesbians I’ve ever read in a Yuri jesus lmao

joined Feb 24, 2023

This was cute I look forward to the next chapter in a year

joined Feb 24, 2023

The split face gag caught me so off gaurd I laughed for real, don’t think I’ve ever seen that one before LOL

joined Feb 24, 2023

I am honestly surprised how most of this seems to have flown completely under the radar here (I did not check the Forum in general in nearly a year, until today). It seems the issue of Xiaoyang's gender completely overtook the discussion when he was introduced.

Hmmm ok reading your response and re-reading those pages convinced me to re evaluate my thoughts, I must’ve had some shit memory not to recall any of this and well it definitely changed my perspective, you’re right, I straight up just got facts wrong here lol. I’ll definitely strive to be more aware of stuff like this for future chapters

last edited at Jun 25, 2024 3:52PM

joined Feb 24, 2023

It's clear he's not biologically related but Mu Xiaoen's parents seem to accept him just fine as a guest at least, including snuggling on her mom, so he's obviously not just a stranger who's inserting himself into this family based on nothing. Yundao kinda comes across as being mean for no reason, claiming he's unwelcome here when at least for the parents he clearly seems to be accepted. She says "you don't make life easy for them" but since when is it the job of a needy child to make the lives of adults easier? Fuck off Yundao lol.

Basically, even with the knowledge they’re not related (really this whole character is just confusing I thought he was Xiaoxen’s little sister but he’s neither a girl or even related to her apparently despite looking exactly like her) it’s still just randomly out of pocket to drop on someone on college break and spending time with people that enjoy their company. But Yundao has always been extremely curt so he guess it’s not surprising

joined Feb 24, 2023

“You’re annoying and a burden because you visit your parents for the summer” who thinks like this???


Parents aren’t all the same but you’d think the majority of them would WANT to see their kid come down from college during summer to spend time with them, including holidays and stuff. I just never heard the sentiment “stay away, don’t visit, youre bothersome” unless it’s the child themselves putting distance between them

And it’s not even the parents saying this just a random family friend who dropped that out of nowhere, so it’s just like? Okay? Thanks for your rude ass opinion, didn’t ask, lmao

last edited at Jun 25, 2024 8:18AM

joined Feb 24, 2023

“You’re annoying and a burden because you visit your parents for the summer” who thinks like this???

joined Feb 24, 2023

God this character is annoying, “why couldn’t she stay lonely and friendless like me” girl piss off

joined Feb 24, 2023

SO CLOSE GOD DAMN IT. Maybe in another 40 chapters she can try again

joined Feb 24, 2023

Cute but that ending was abrupt, not even abrupt it just seems to just….stop? Is it incomplete or is it really just like that?

joined Feb 24, 2023

I wouldn’t call this a retread, Nagisa has long accepted her situation and found a relationship with Mashiro as a result of that, she’s secure and content with how things ended up accepted if. This is exploring Mashiro’s side this fine and dealing with old feelings of guilt that she never fully got over and will probably let her own thoughts and self doubt eat her up over time when dealing with random glasses girl

joined Feb 24, 2023

Definitely not a knife I think Cocoa just being dramatic lmao

joined Feb 24, 2023

That chapter was extremely cringy, to the premature celebration to the implied incest at the end, Ngl I kinda was hoping the story was wrapping up after the Shiho stuff I have no idea why they decided to keep going with this angle

joined Feb 24, 2023

I think this is cute but I think Takebe is a little too prickly for too long, she’s mostly scowly and irritable until near the end which makes her hard to like a tad. I’ll admit I didn’t even consider the position of her being asexual until reading the comments which makes a lot of sen when looking back on things

joined Feb 24, 2023

amazing to me that this is the line that sets everyone off in the teen lesbian cheating erotica story. if y'all made it this far and were thrown off by that then i have to ask what you've been reading this whole time

The straw that broke the camels back has long past but I’ll still be a hater