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joined Jul 29, 2017

Hints of more plot at the end there again. And looks like Shiho isn't the only one with a past there.

Also more proof that scanlators who can spell the word "separate" correctly just don't exist.

“There is ‘a rat’ in ‘separate.’” Until I learned that mnemonic I sometimes had trouble with it myself.

It’s just one of those English words that “looks OK” when it’s not.

(Which is not quite the same as the perennial “complement/compliment”—two different words with similar spellings—or “its/it’s”—a possessive/contraction issue—conundrums.)

joined Jun 30, 2016

This kinda pissing me off now, I mean whats the point of this whole drama? Himari its such a ignorant and naive kid that i cant stand her now, she is complicating the whole thing without knowing and involving everyone into this mess, Yori and Shiho too, Yori a passive idiot that cant say what she wants and Shiho an immature drama queen that because things didnt went her way, tries to ruin the rest, soo stupid.

joined Jul 8, 2019

I agree. Yori is a passive idiot that can't say what she wants - but that's actually her strong point. You can relate with that kind of character.
Shiho, however, is such an inmature drama queen that gives me the wish to strangle her (no small feat). No two ways around it.

joined Sep 3, 2018

Didn't rant last update but can't not do so anymore, this really went from a damn great series to stupid fucking bullshit lmao. Big props to the team working on this though, work is always great (and I can't imagine the mental endurance needed to keep working on this yikes)

joined May 24, 2017

Lovely chapter. Hima is so cute.
Stay strong, Yori! You can tell her how you feel even though you can't change the situation you still can ask for more flirting! I'm sure your gf will be more than happy to hear that.
I have been curious about how these 3 girls get to know each other. Seems like it's not a normal situation there.
Shiho is the definition of "a kid who let her emotions better than reasons". I don't know what happened but I'm sure that 95% of the problem lies within her own heart but she decided to blame others. Bad kid. I hope she will become a better person and sincerely properly apologize to her former friends. Something needs to happen to make her realize her mistake. And the key for that to happen is probably Hima, our best girl.

joined Jan 6, 2017

I genuinely don't understand the hate this arc is getting.

Or Shiho for that matter. She's great

last edited at Feb 17, 2022 1:23PM

joined Mar 29, 2019

I liked this chapter.
Also on the camp that is still likes this manga, maybe not as much as early on, but I just find it decent enough to keep reading.

joined Apr 29, 2017

momo x haji <3 adorable

joined Sep 26, 2020

As someone who was in a band for a few years, the funniest part of this chapter is the idea of showing up to practice dressed in anything fancier than, say, sweats.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Nice to see Laureley being more casual to dispel the idea that Shiho is a bitch all the time. Yori shouldn't worry so much, but I guess it's inevitable. Maybe she'll channel all the negativity into some cool song lyrics.

joined Oct 19, 2020

Or Shiho for that matter.

I think people don't like that she pulled Hima into the bet purely to spite Yori, who did nothing to her on top of that. And now that it causes cracks to appear, they don't like her even more. At least that's how I see her - petty and insufferable.

last edited at Feb 17, 2022 2:03PM

joined Jul 4, 2021

If Kyou is Hajime’s sister, I wonder if it’s fair to assume Kyou is either dead or dying hence Shiho’s intense conviction of being the best before Kyou’s passing or before she passes, leading to her disliking and leaving her former band due to their distractions with love and etcetera which set them behind from what she wanted them to achieve before she thought it was too late.

We also know that Momoka knows Kyou so if she is/was in love with Kyou a lot of things would make sense on her end, and also tie all of the 3 members back together to Kyou.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Poor Yori. This is where Hima realizes she has a thing for musicians.

joined Mar 1, 2013

I feel like this current band contest arc is like trying to remind me what I did when I'm at my teenage years where I actually ruined an actual friendship with someone (a group of friends) just because of my own stupid pride and until today the person still doesn't know why I stopped talking to them, and they probably already have forgotten about me.
Although not everyone would experience this, but I feel like it's something some people like me might experience during school days where pride or whatever takes the place and you just stop being rational and stop talking to a certain person

joined Jul 18, 2017

I don't understand what everyone is complaining about, I'm really enjoying this so far. The conflict is really interesting and the drama is good, I don't feel exhausted by it and I genuinely want to know what will happen next, and want happened in the past to make the rival girls this way. Every character is cute and likeable, I didn't like Shiho right away and I still don't like her fully but I'm warming up to her a little. Overall a great manga imo

joined Apr 20, 2013

Taburabu posted:

I don't understand what everyone is complaining about, I'm really enjoying this so far. The conflict is really interesting and the drama is good, I don't feel exhausted by it and I genuinely want to know what will happen next, and want happened in the past to make the rival girls this way. Every character is cute and likeable, I didn't like Shiho right away and I still don't like her fully but I'm warming up to her a little. Overall a great manga imo

We had a chapter showing how Shiho was in the past and how they met in the first place, it made me like her even less

last edited at Feb 18, 2022 3:47PM

joined Jan 26, 2019

Honestly, I don't get the hate either, because the drama feels secondary to me ? Like, this arc is more about introducing and giving depth to Lorelei and the drama feels very secondary to it. And I kinda like Lorelei and I think their moment with Hima are pretty fun and cute. Albeit, clearly, Hima and Yori still spend a lot of time together, so for Yori to be so jealous over Hima "listening to someone else music" feels very weird to me ? She didn't mind when she used to be in the baking club, so it's not like they spend less time together than before.

joined Jun 25, 2019

so for Yori to be so jealous over Hima "listening to someone else music" feels very weird to me ?

I don't know , maybe because it's the rival band ?

last edited at Feb 18, 2022 8:53PM

joined Jan 26, 2019

I don't know , maybe because it's the rival band ?

A rivality in which Yori barely have any stakes in

last edited at Feb 18, 2022 8:57PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

I don't know , maybe because it's the rival band ?

A rivality in which Yori barely have any stakes in

But it still is.

joined Nov 21, 2017

man this went into the most generic-ass series bruh when some crazy shit gonna go down and someone gets stabbed

joined Jan 2, 2022

At first it was because of Shiho, but now I'm not sure why but I seem to have lost interest in this. It's trying to be cute while maintaining some kind of dramatic tension with the jealousy, but it feels messy, like neither part is getting its due. The karaoke scene in the latest chapter didn't make me frustrated or tense or interested, I just felt bored.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I started off loving this series, but I just can't like Shiho in the slightest. I took a break from this series for over a year just to come back and see the drama ongoing, and I think it's only getting more frustrating.

I know this might sound like a weird and totally unusual take, but in some ways this feels like we're dipping into some flavor of NTR. With the jealously Yori has over Himari being basically stolen away by Shiho, with Shiho "stealing some of Himari's first times", such as Himari's first time seeing band practice. Yori specifically says how she wants as many of Himari's first times as she can have, and is partly upset by this development for that reason. So it's a very weird tone and leaves a bad taste in my mouth, I know it's not exactly NTR but it feels like some flavor of it and I don't like it.

Also Himari asking Yori if her being a manager for the rival band is okay, and Himari apologizes for it, only for Yori to completely ignore that it was a great time to communicate how she's really now we just have their relationship cracking behind the scenes...all of which ultimately comes from Shiho being a petty drama queen that's driving the plot in weird directions.

Edit: These thoughts are formulated from catching up last night, I just saw the 30th chapter and read it. Yori's jealousy and lack of communication continues to be frustrating and tiresome...and I don't even know if I'm excited for a possible fireworks kiss next chapter. Which is something I never thought I'd's a weird feeling with how I really want to love this series and the characters.

last edited at Mar 13, 2022 9:55PM

joined Feb 19, 2016

I was in love with this series when it first came out, but every chapter with Shiho has just lowered my desire to read it more and more. Scenes with her just feel boring to go through, because it's always just her being sulky or mean-spirited to almost everyone around her. I want to like this series, Himari and Yori have great chemistry, but Shiho's just stale at this point. I don't even care why she's a salty bitch, I just want this part of the story over.

joined Mar 16, 2018


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