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joined Sep 1, 2017

Was the author trying to get a world record for the most uses of the words "cute" and "fav" in a single chapter or something.

joined Sep 1, 2017


joined Sep 1, 2017

I still would like something like a canon couple tag. It would definitely help me find anime series that would satisfy my yuri sweet tooth.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Lets see here. A Spoilers tag in the heading. Falin and Marcille in a clearly intimate moment. Falin showing no obvious signs of monsterfication. Could this be actually spoiling a canon couple. I'm cautiously optimistic.

last edited at May 25, 2024 5:14PM

joined Sep 1, 2017

I'm disappointed to find out Falin and Marcille hooking up isn't what earns the Spoilers tag

joined Sep 1, 2017

Yeah yeah I agree the story was cute 'n cuddly and all. But Edison wasn't really a scientist. He was more of a businessman who took real scientists' inventions and marketed them as his own. Ayano should have worn a Nikola Tesla yukata instead.

last edited at Apr 29, 2024 6:17PM

joined Sep 1, 2017

Could someone explain the whole "daddy" line please.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Am I the only one who wishes they could go to yura's school and do some face punching? I know violence is never the answer but sometimes I just want to get the answer wrong on purpose.

joined Sep 1, 2017

^ ^ That's pretty much the same conclusion I came to. ^^

joined Sep 1, 2017

I feel, in many cases the only difference between a suicide and a school shooting is where the bullied student(s) aims their rage. Maybe getting students, we see are in trouble, help, instead of turning our backs on them, is in everybody's best interest.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Doll nudity

last edited at Feb 13, 2024 12:17PM

joined Sep 1, 2017

Wait. This story had a Romance tag, right? Oh no, where did it go!? Why did they take it away!? Does that mean it's not a romances, after all? That it's a one sided love story. Or worse it's just a story of an ambiguously close friendship. Damnit those are the worst.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Wait. Were they eating cake and cuddling naked at the end? That's kind of sexy.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Honestly it seems a bit cruel.

joined Sep 1, 2017

I hate stories of highschool yuri romances destroyed by the siren song of men and the traditional family, or the outside pressure to lead a heteronormative life. It always leaves me feeling sad. And I can't help wonder how many of my favorite school girl couples fall prey to these pitfalls after their manga series ends.

EDIT: I really hate it when the story is a side chapter centered on the mom(s) of the main character(s). It just makes me feel the main story is just history repeating itself, and the daughter(s) relationship is doomed.

last edited at Dec 30, 2023 12:43AM

joined Sep 1, 2017

Apparently, Chia runs for the same reason Tom Cruise runs in all of his movies.

joined Sep 1, 2017

You might want to slap a NSFW tag on chapter 17. It got a bit blue at the end there.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Aaaaahhhhhh! Isn't anybody going to tell me what the hell poggers means!? LOL. I really do want to know what poggers means though.

Poggers is a bastardization of Pogchamp a now deprecated twitch emote, the videogame livestreaming website, Pogchamp was used to show excitement when something cool happened, and Poggers while itself also a new emote in turn has become a very online way of saying you think someone is cool.

Pogchamp itself was called that because the emote had been copied from a youtuber's face during a video in which he played in a pog championship. Pogs being a game from the 90's in which you stacked little carton circles with various drawings on one side, and used a little plastic circle to flick it into the tower, then depending on how many of the carton circles ended face-up or not you were given points and also sometimes the circles themselves.

I breifly wondered if it had something to do with pogs, but I thought why would a Japanese highschool girl reference an American fad from nearly thirty years ago. It does have a ring to it, though. Maybe I'll use it with my friends. If nothing else I'll get a good laugh from their confusion.

Gracias, mi amigo. For the explanation.

joined Sep 1, 2017

I've always said women are just as hung up on breasts as men. Just in a different way.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Aaaaahhhhhh! Isn't anybody going to tell me what the hell poggers means!? LOL. I really do want to know what poggers means though.

joined Sep 1, 2017

What I'm hearing here, is our gansta girls need to do is start a protection racket. Keep the other gangs out in exchange for a "modest" cut of the store's profits. They win the store doesn't lose so bad, and the other gangs can SUCK IT!

joined Sep 1, 2017

When there is multiple series, with similar plots, on the site, and long gaps between chapter updates, it gets hard to remember what's going on in each story. And I don't really want to waste time going through the previous chapters, for a recap.

EDIT: It helps if the uploaders posts a brief sysopsis on the the story's chapter page. But it seems that hardly anybody does that.

Besides being a villainess story, what other series is like this one right now?

Just search isekail villainess and yuri.

joined Sep 1, 2017

When there is multiple series, with similar plots, on the site, and long gaps between chapter updates, it gets hard to remember what's going on in each story. And I don't really want to waste time going through the previous chapters, for a recap.

EDIT: It helps if the uploaders posts a brief sysopsis on the the story's chapter page. But it seems that hardly anybody does that.

Besides being a villainess story, what other series is like this one right now?

Just search isekial villainess and yuri.

joined Sep 1, 2017

When there is multiple series, with similar plots, on the site, and long gaps between chapter updates, it gets hard to remember what's going on in each story. And I don't really want to waste time going through the previous chapters, for a recap.

EDIT: It helps if the uploaders posts a brief sysopsis on the the story's chapter page. But it seems that hardly anybody does that.

last edited at Oct 9, 2023 11:51PM

joined Sep 1, 2017

Damnit! It ended just as it got to the good part.