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joined Sep 26, 2020

That's a Tanjiu-level gag.

joined Sep 26, 2020

Pandacorya manages to make her stories completely predictable (at least for her) without them ever getting stale. This was fun.

joined Sep 26, 2020

Whoah, Arai mentions Clueless!

So, is there an actual CD with licensed music? Or just a liner of song titles for you to seek out on your own?

It's an official soundtrack for the manga you can get on vinyl or cd. Released in Japan, but also found imported in the US at Kinokuniya bookstores. Both versions come with the same booklet content. Considering they had to get license for each of them not a bad selection.

There is also an official streaming playlist that has more songs.

There is also a vinyl LP that I think is only available in Japan, which I have a copy of. Because I used to be a (techno / drum'n'bass) DJ, I have a fair amount of vinyl, including some pretty exotic things, and this is still easily the goofiest record I own.

It is kind of funny that this is the first time that "Heart-Shaped Box" has been included on a compilation.

joined Sep 26, 2020

Did the scanslating team drop this?

Dunno, but there's a physical volume now, and it's marked 上, which implies that it's intended for either a 2- or 3-volume release when it's finished.

joined Sep 26, 2020

For those who aren't aware, Yuri Hime and Kashikaze put out a whole-ass volume of one-shots and bonus material for the series called "Flowers for Lonely Girl" / ロンリーガールに花束を on December 17th. Some of it's stuff we've already seen, like "marking", but some of it, like these two chapters is new. It's a pretty thick volume and I just got home from Japan with my copy, but I'm interested to see if there's anything else in there I haven't read already.

joined Sep 26, 2020

I'd almost managed to forget about these cursed things, which are apparently a Costco Japan exclusive. I have read several posts and even seen a couple videos about them, and nobody seems to know why they exist. I wonder if Costco in Japan got started after Japanese people got experience with it in Hawaii…

joined Sep 26, 2020

Also someone should get Kuran a FACELESS TECHNO BOLLOCKS T-shirt. As a DJ and producer, I feel both seen and attacked by her takedown of DJ culture.

joined Sep 26, 2020

Seriously – seriously – what is it about the Japanese and the Red Hot Chili Peppers??

joined Sep 26, 2020

A sequel to my favorite yatosaking one-shot? Straight (um, you know what I mean) into the favorites with you!

joined Sep 26, 2020

I am 95% sure I've seen this artist's H account because their art style is immediately recognizable, and given their interests there (largely various Magia Record ships) this is not what I would have figured their non-lewd account would be like.

joined Sep 26, 2020

There actually have been two more doujinshi published that continue this story. They are extremely horny and also pretty cute.

Slow Start discussion 11 Sep 20:15
joined Sep 26, 2020

I am fully recharged now, thank you little lesbians in my phone.

This, only for the latest chapter. Seeing Eiko so flustered by Enami-sensei is healing for my soul.

joined Sep 26, 2020

This really is a palette swap for Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games, only in that the competitive tension between the leads emerges naturally from the text of the story, and here it feels incredibly forced. There is absolutely no way for a guitarist in a duo or trio to wrest control of the flow of a song away from the drummer, who is there to act as the timekeeper and tempo regulator for the music. It kind of blows my mind that 15 years on K-ON is still somehow the manga / anime gold standard for more or less accurately depicting the intraband dynamics of a high school band, especially given how much time HTT spends doing anything but working on music.

Those screwtails are ridiculous and remind me more of Souryu's Machimaho (the magical girl parody where the a yankee is made a magical girl) than I Favor the Villainess or Marimite.

joined Sep 26, 2020

What is it with Japanese rockers and the Red Hot Chili Peppers? If these girls are math rockers they should be listening to Polvo or Slint or something.

100 Percent discussion 25 Aug 09:04
joined Sep 26, 2020

Sorairo Melancholic isn't canceled, it's on hiatus. And only the first chapter of two full volumes has been scanlated, so it's not like there's not plenty there if people want to find it / help Yuri Project get it scanlated.

I really liked the paneling and how faces were framed / cut off in this one.

joined Sep 26, 2020

Yukiko's style is a good match for these girls. This was cute! Thanks for the translation!

joined Sep 26, 2020

The true yuri is hallucinating an entire dramatic love story after spotting two women giggling together on the bus.

Yuri Espoir has entered the chat.

(I thought that series was too fluffy to deal with at first and it has its silly aspects (like the forced marriage framing story), but it's been getting steadily deeper as it goes along and now it's one of my favorites. The quoted text is pretty much the entire premise of the manga, where the main character imagines yuri lives for pairs of women she sees out in the world and then later we see the reality of those two, which is frequently different from her delusions in surprising ways.)

joined Sep 26, 2020

I want this all to be a long con on the part of class rep to get closer to the prince.

joined Sep 26, 2020

Given that this story is set in the gayest school in the history of Japan / the story's insistence in pairing off every character who shows up in more than one panel, I think you're probably right that it's going to be the Yuri Hime version of My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover. I mean, Miki seems pretty aware already that remaining hung up on her sister is not doing her any good, and also that Swimming-senpai is a nice girl (and also that Himari's situation at the beginning and hers are very much in parallel). This story seems only moderately more committed to its melodrama than Anemone Is In Heat. It seems like Miki + Girl Who Is Also In This Story are going to be a thing before too long.

joined Sep 26, 2020

It was just recently that shoujo decided to take a more wholesome approach to romance ie sonó bisque doll, shikimori is not just cute, tonikaku kawaii, the dangers in my heart etc

I know that the above quote was posted literally a year ago, but I just saw it, and it cracked me up that every example listed here of a "more wholesome" shoujo romance is in fact a shounen romcom / romance.

A big part of the split I see in responses to this story come down to how tolerant people are of melodrama and shoujo tropes. Messy feelings, acting out, wanting things that are bad for us, refusing to let go of doomed feelings – these are all shoujo tendencies, especially when deployed in a melodrama. I'm not going to say that shoujo is all vibes and feeling and shounen is about realism, because it's not true and leads to fruitless argument. One thing I do think is true is that shoujo fans enjoy mess / interpersonal melodrama / toxicity more than shounen fans, and it's interesting to see that play out in this comment section.

I'll lay down my marker here and say that while I think that Takeshima Eku is a ferociously talented artist, I have yet to see a story or character drama from her that I find compelling. That said, when I look at her paneling, her character designs, the flow of interactions between characters, and the tropes she deploys in the interest of writing drama, she neatly splits the difference between shounen and shoujo. It's pretty striking, and the only other mangakas I can think of that follow that pattern even a little are other women primarily publishing in shounen manga, like Shinichi Fukuda with My Dress-Up Darling. It's interesting to see the ways in which putting your story in a yuri magazine frees you up to tell it in an unconventional way (even when the story itself is deeply, deeply conventional).

Also, whether she planned to or not, she did manage to innovate a bit by stealthing some toxic yuri into what started as a super fluffy coming of age story / yuri romance. At the very least, it was good at starting fights!

(I'm not gonna comment on the recent developments with the anime because I predicted it was gonna be a trainwreck and I take no pleasure from being right.)

joined Sep 26, 2020

I know it's a very small thing but Sunamori sitting in her room drinking a can of ORANGE JUICE made me laugh, like yeah can't let her be drinking beer so let's just make real clear that she's just drinking



it's delicious

I had a copy of the collection of this drop in my mailbox on Friday because that's the tier of Galette I'm currently subscribed to (I think… things have been pretty confusing over at Fantia with all the nonsense going on with American credit cards on Fantia and Pixiv… I have to buy Toranoana Bux from some shady-looking American web site and then redeem the codes on Fantia's web site, and remember to do this every few months because autorenew doesn't work with the fake currency…) Anyway, I had never even heard of this story before, although I guess I had seen it in Galette, and it's really cute. The whole "oh no we've gotta go back to the inaka" part feels like a Hakamada Mera plot contrivance and the art does kinda look like Yatosaki Haru and Yorita Miyuki, so it makes a lot of sense that this ran in Galette.

I like it. I like that Rurika is so twitterpated that she's begging her weird fangirl to come along so that she doesn't collapse from the sheer anxiety and stress of trying to keep up her cool-girl act for a whole day. In real life that's gonna lead to an awkward day at Tokyo Disneyland, but I'm interested to see how it turns out here!

Say MaMa discussion 07 Jul 04:33
joined Sep 26, 2020

I saw the pairing and then the mangaka and all I could say was, "oh noooooooo."

joined Sep 26, 2020

Person who has only ever seen Bocchi the Rock: This sure reminds me a lot of Bocchi the Rock!

joined Sep 26, 2020

I have some… ah… questions about the pacing of that first chapter, but I admire the main character's burning urge to not be stuck on her own during the class trip.

joined Sep 26, 2020

Also, this manga contains an excellent collection of sourpuss ojousama faces.