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joined Feb 19, 2016

its cute and light-hearted not everything is a parallel to reality

The issue is the toxicity of Mizuki clashes with what is supposed to be, as you said, tonally light-hearted. Her actions are manipulative and mean-spirited, which is off-putting when the author obviously intends it to come off as just cute jealousy.

joined Feb 19, 2016

I was fully expecting the new misunderstanding to be that she was secretly dating, I even misread "training" at first and had to do a double take

Love Bullet discussion 10 Jun 18:09
joined Feb 19, 2016

Man, that was good. In a way, everything came full circle: Koharu used her matchmaking skills to help Aki find love and move on. I hope we get to see the two of them as a couple in the future.

I also hope the series keeps a similar pacing, maybe one or two "hits" per volume. It's nice to really get to dig into the meat of the whys and how's of people's chemistry.

joined Feb 19, 2016

suspicious bulge

joined Feb 19, 2016

I thought the ISS was fucking exploding behind them at first
Bocchi and Ikuyo during Second Sun (Modern Warfare 2), what will they do

joined Feb 19, 2016

Just decided to binge the first chapters, it's a neat premise, but am I the only one that feels that this is so dramatic and angsty it somtimes wraps around into being darkly comedic

joined Feb 19, 2016

Virtual sun forgiveness

joined Feb 19, 2016

Oh, it's an anthology

joined Feb 19, 2016

I don't know what is meant by a "Tosa Girl" but I assume it doesn't mean she's from Wauwatosa

joined Feb 19, 2016

Man, how did it take me this long to clock Shou as autistic

joined Feb 19, 2016

I'm going to guess her new cellmate has some sort of regeneration ability, and the humans want to test on which will go faster, her eatin or their regeneration
That or cellmate is actually incredibly dangerous and they're hoping Kopeko will "dispose" of her

joined Feb 19, 2016

My man was shocked into misogyny so hard he became gay

joined Feb 19, 2016

As heartbreaking as it would be, it would almost feel more in line with the feeling of the story if Kaori never gets the chance to read the ending. There's a lot of themes of regret, and how often our relationships end without a satisfying resolution, and I feel like Shizuku not being able to show Kaori how "their story" ends would sort of tie that all up in a neat, heartbreaking bow

joined Feb 19, 2016

Yeahhh, that divination teacher is definitely giving skeezy vibes. I half-wonder if him grooming her in the original timeline was a contributor in her becoming the Demon Queen.

That does put the thought in my head, maybe he has an ulterior motive to his grooming, other than child-diddling

Like, maybe he wants the Demon Queen to come back, and hopes to be taken as her king or something, or is just a follower of the previous Demon Lord and wants to speed up the return

Or maybe he's just a pedo

joined Feb 19, 2016

There should be a tag for anthology or vignette-style manga, ones where each chapter is about different couples or stories in a shared setting, like "In Yuriful Classroom". It would be helpful to be able to distinguish them from manga with a consistent cast and plot

joined Feb 19, 2016

Big acespec vibes

joined Feb 19, 2016

I feel like there's a line between teasing someone and being emotionally manipulative, and Ami's certainly crossing that. I don't get the idea of wanting to see your partner emotionally distraught, it just feels like being an ass to someone who cares about you deeply. Is this just some weird Japanese cultural thing where borderline abusive relationships are normalized or what?

joined Feb 19, 2016

I think the funniest thing is, if you really look at it, Makimo's mom has absolutely no leverage here. Her plan was to have her daughter marry and inheret the business, but if she kicks her out like this all she's doing is pushing the girl who was reluctant to inheret it even further away, and even if she forces her and Satou out of her cram school, they can always just join another one and continue their studies. Basically, Makimo and Satou have hit a (perhaps minor, perhaps major) bump in their plans, but her Mom's plans have basically entirely collapsed and all she has left now is petty vengeance.
The funniest outcome would be if in the end, Makimo and Satou start their own cram school.

joined Feb 19, 2016

rereading the first chapter to remind myself of what happened, that felt like... an abrupt change in direction?

joined Feb 19, 2016

The ending was a bit rushed for Tokujira, but Itsuki ending up with Botan totally made sense with all their romantic developments since ch 11. At a certain point Itsuki's feelings towards Tokujira became more like Botan's feelings towards her (wanting to help their friend overcome her flaws) instead of a romantic crush. Meanwhile Itsuki and Botan really does have that chemistry together, Botan willing to look past his apperance and mistake to see his good intentions and they share similar interests with him too. It just make sense for them to be together.

Not all's bad for Tokujira though, despite being a third-wheel in a lovey dovey couple, she's still pretty close to both of them at the end. Their dynamic remained almost the same, just with Itsuki and Botan now dating.

All in all, a cute romance manga with pretty solid writing (could've delve more on the cross-dressing thing or polish out Tokujira's backstory though).

Y'know, this just made me notice something
Itsuki first falls for Tokujira because he believes she was able to overlook his appearance and see him directly for who he is, but was mistaken
After clearing up the initial misunderstanding with her, that's exactly what Botan does though, she sees past his exterior and is honest to him in the way he thought Tokujira had been

joined Feb 19, 2016

Oh, this is really great. I love seeing the male character showing such a vulnerable level of honesty and understanding of his own feelings and seemingly being comfortable with sharing such a level of intimacy.

joined Feb 19, 2016

More cucked you actually..... wait

joined Feb 19, 2016

Okay but can I get a matching ShishiLamy book too

joined Feb 19, 2016

I wonder if Hiroko's inability to be open and okay with her sexuality, outside of select "safe spaces" like the bar is the reason she's become a womanizer; it's much easier to hide that you're gay if you refuse to commit to anything of substance. It makes me feel bad for her, thinking of how lonely I'd feel if I forced myself to make any romantic interactions just superficial and fleeting, but I agree with many here that I'm iffy on if I want her to actually end up with Ayaka now. I'd like Risa to get a bit more spotlight, from what we've seen she seems like she'd be a better fit.

joined Feb 19, 2016

As a person of faith, I really like the Priest's portrayal in this series so far. It strikes me as the kind of things I'd hear from pastors I've met in real life.