Oh, Akira, my hero! ❤️ I knew I could trust you to do the right thing, read the situation correctly and go for the jugular of the problem!
I dunno if y'all are reading "Run Away with Me, Girl" (if you aren't, you should) but there's a recurrent theme in that story about how the "normal" way to live your life is to do all the things people around you are doing, just like society wants you to do -- never mind whether or not it's what you really want to do. Because of a wish to be normal, and the association of "normal" with "socially-sanctioned behavior," two of the MCs in that manga end up dating males even though they are lesbians.
All of Ayako's worries stem from this misconception: she's amalgamating "correct" and "normal" and "right" with "going with the crowd, doing just what everyone does." This is a horribly toxic and dangerous way of thinking that has historically lead to the damning of homosexuality, polyamory and miscegenation (to name only a few). Ayako has persuaded herself that her feelings are wrong because society would disapprove of them. This is bad and sucks big time.
Thank goodness Akira is here to set things straight. (Pardon my French!)