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joined May 27, 2019

What a great illustration of getting consent while keeping the mood going. It’s not hard!

joined May 27, 2019

I’m rooting to see the polyamory tag on this eventually

joined May 27, 2019

It’s so rare to see the term “service top” in the wild and used correctly

joined May 27, 2019

I want Asumi and Senpai to do it so bad

If I don’t see an orgy tag or a threesome tag on the next chapter, I’m going to be so bummed out

Citrus + discussion 20 May 08:53
joined May 27, 2019

Yuzu trying to get any affection out of Mei is like squeezing blood from a stone. Even if Yuzu says she’s happy, her needs are clearly not being met by Mei.

It’s just so frustrating to watch

joined May 27, 2019

So what I’m seeing from the extras is that the editor is holding the mangaka back from making a better version of this story

joined May 27, 2019

The idea of "closure" these series propose has always been selfish to me but maybe that's my hangup.

I think that was precisely what Mona was getting at.
Her whole point is that being selfish and doing selfish things is just something people do. That being in love with someone (and thus projecting their feelings onto them) is inherently selfish to some extent.

She also never says that it doing so isn't wrong, or that she shouldn't feel bad at all, which i feel is important. Just that nobody is a saint and Shion shouldn't wallow in self-hatred like she's the worst person ever just bc she's, y'know, acting like people do.

The impression I got was that Mona now wants Shion to vent her frustrations, how she felt and how she still feels to Haruma and to do so for closure. So they would be continuing that selfish act, rather than avoiding it. That's what my response was focused on.

That kind of thing is unnecessary to me and serves mostly to make the venter feel better at the expense of someone they claim to care for, yet many series treat the act like a good thing. I'd rather (and still hope) that she continues talking with Mona (who is trying her best to show her worth to Shion), comes to terms with her feelings together, and then meets Haruma after she's overcome her issues. She doesn't need to trauma dump on Haruma, for "closure."

Bottling up your emotions and never giving them an outlet is unhealthy and can trap you in those feelings. Taking up emotional space is not some odious thing you inflict on other people. Is there a form and pattern of venting that can be toxic? Sure. But that doesn’t mean that accepting someone’s offer to emotionally support you is inherently bad.

joined May 27, 2019

“I can’t call this ‘gap moe’” If you’re a coward, maybe

last edited at Apr 9, 2024 10:35PM

280 Days discussion 06 Apr 10:59
joined May 27, 2019

God damn this artist’s version of Suletta is so hot

joined May 27, 2019

Nice song choice for the bathroom lol

joined May 27, 2019

It’s so nice to see a full story from Birdhatter after all of the great Fate comics

joined May 27, 2019

Kiki looking happier in the dress, as well as a lot of the rest of her arc, gives me a lot of trans vibes. Not saying that I think she’s literally trans, but a lot of her feelings are familiar to me

joined May 27, 2019

Interesting that we have a new variation on the death eyes

It’s starting to remind of the nasuverse

joined May 27, 2019

It feels like we’re going all in on the romance now!

Also I don’t think we’re going to see them get into it, but there’s a debate to be had about the line between cinema verite and exploiting people’s real, private feelings

joined May 27, 2019

Honestly I don’t feel like this undercut Nononon and Yumimi at all, since it’s so easily couched in the school trend and Yumimi springing it on Nononon without warning. The emotional tension of their relationship hangs more on Nononon actually realizing that the feelings are mutual rather than any physical milestone to me

also at this point I want Ayano and Miyoshi to go all the way under the pretext of friends. I want them to be married with kids before they finally talk about the topic of maybe going on a date date and not just a friend date

last edited at Feb 26, 2024 11:30AM

joined May 27, 2019

wow, those classmates sure are something, deciding for her that it’s no big deal right there in the group chat

joined May 27, 2019

I really like boniji for many reasons, but the main one is that it’s fun to say

joined May 27, 2019

I am surprised at how many people hate Erika. I know her actions are wrong, but the way she handles the situations is very interesting to me. And like some said. She is a well layered character with gray morality.

Which actions are wrong, even? She's done all the right things, AFAICT. It's just that she also has selfish thoughts. Which I can't blame her for.

Agreed, the heart wants what it wants and Erika’s doing her best

joined May 27, 2019

what an incredible twist

joined May 27, 2019

I like Erika's maturity. She had an inferiority complex towards Aya but didn't let it drive her, she realized what Koto was going through and did what was best. And with her lines at the end, I'm sure she feels like a villain, but there's nothing wrong with her watching over Aya and Koto.

It's a bit strange because she's not the usual "helpful friend" that helps a relationship progress in most stories, but it might be because there isn't anything that can be done to help them.

oh please give me a break! Erika is mature? BRO! in this situation she is sooo god damn selfish she ONLY thinking of when will you two break up so that Aya can SUFFER SOME MORE for my plan is to FINALY get in the pantys of Koto!

how’s that NOT A VILLIAN!?? she is UNHELPFUL! and only stay on the side lines thinking ONLY for herself and NOT EVEN KOTO! cuz she has to deal with Aya! that is an level of selfishness you can’t joke about! she only wanna see Aya suffer cuz what in hell do you think Aya will feel? did Erika EVER not once care about how she will feel? in this CHAPTER we finaly got Erika advising Koto and how to deal with Aya!

YAYA not trying to just push them to break up like she originally “helped them”, this chapter makes it clear one Erika saw Aya return, she was making SURE that Aya talked with Koto not for good reasons but to make Koto move on from her past romance, cuz Aya is a child now! that’s been confirmed in the last chapters!

Erika confimed she wanted to do only one thing!
Watch Aya and Koto break up so that Erika can open her legs for Koto! that is the only thing she cared about! and she is making it CLEARLY by this chapter, so yeah! i really hate Erika immaturity!

And I’m happy Erika feels like shit now! good!

Who hurt you?

Slow Start discussion 10 Feb 12:54
joined May 27, 2019

I’m pretty sure hanatama is endgame, but I can’t help rooting for hanahiro

joined May 27, 2019

It’s actually incredible how much she takes her girlfriend’s feelings for granted

last edited at Feb 3, 2024 3:38PM

joined May 27, 2019

Canon as far as I’m concerned

joined May 27, 2019

Patchy and Suika look so good in this style! I’m really liking this artist’s interpretations of everyone

joined May 27, 2019

I didn’t expect to come out of this story liking the bodyguards so much