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joined Mar 23, 2019

This was a beautiful and emotional chapter! T____________T

joined Mar 23, 2019

can't wait for the anime

VAMPEERZ discussion 18 Apr 03:18
joined Mar 23, 2019

So I see everyone is going out in a 'true' Yuri fashion.


If this gets anime, I'd really appreciate an alternative episode. Maybe a movie special?


last edited at Apr 18, 2023 3:22AM

joined Mar 23, 2019

Now that's what I call secondhand embarrassment! ;)

last edited at Mar 3, 2023 6:42PM

VAMPEERZ discussion 24 Feb 21:39
joined Mar 23, 2019

Start the orchestral music when Ichika becomes a Salvador Dali painting.

VAMPEERZ discussion 24 Feb 21:37
joined Mar 23, 2019

Lmfao Ichika being Ichika even when faced with god xD

Ichika got them Goku levels of wholesome idiot.

joined Mar 23, 2019

Maybe what we are seeing now is a "mainstreamization" of the ABO/omegaverse concept? As far as I understand it, it had begun as a niche fetish based on a popular misunderstanding of animal relationships, but as more authors encounter it, it starts losing its focus on non-consensual sex and becomes just another New Weird setting to write stories in. Since the number of authors and readers who are into light and fluffy plots is much higher than that of those into animalistic rape fantasies, the number of works that focus on relationships and plot over ABO will similarly increase as more and more people discover it. It's all just a hypothesis at this point, though.

ABO finds its origin, like all of modern fanfiction itself, in Star Trek. Specifically in Kirk x Spock fics, because in startrek Vulcans go into "Pon Farr" aka heat/rut. ABO is a result of people taking that already existing dynamic and turning it into a more universal variant that could apply to almost any setting(and therefore any ship).

I have no idea why the writers of star trek chose to have Spock go into rut, but we all have to live with the consequences of that decision.

I've personally never really had any issues with encountering noncon/dubcon in any ABO I've read(at least not between the protagonists), but I'm starting to think I've just been very lucky, so I can't really say if it going mainstream has anything to do with it. Based on what I've heard about it though it does sound like straight ABO is more rapey than sapphic ABO, so that might have something to do with it too. All though that doesn't explain what others have mentioned in this thread.

I originally thought A/B/O was from the Doctor Who Universe in the early 2000's. What with the rampant fanfiction and stuff. Or that just a Subgenre?

last edited at Feb 12, 2023 5:45PM

joined Mar 23, 2019

xD ahahaha, that credit page!

Yo, eat her up! Eat her aaaaall up Shiori-san! Stop playing the guilt trip game already, you lost!

last edited at Jan 25, 2023 7:12PM

joined Mar 23, 2019

Shiori really is a truly horrifying beauty. o_o

Her body barnacles trigger my tropophobia so bad that it borderlines Junjo Ito's works. Makes my skin crawl and I fucking LOVE IT!!.

joined Mar 23, 2019

Bless their gay little hearts.

joined Mar 23, 2019

Funny as always. x'D

joined Mar 23, 2019

a hahaha, that vore tag! xD

last edited at Aug 9, 2022 1:18AM

joined Mar 23, 2019

yooooo, that better not be a 'bad touch' lady...

joined Mar 23, 2019

ya'll better not double sudoku!

joined Mar 23, 2019


whoops, surprise smex!

last edited at May 23, 2022 8:46PM

joined Mar 23, 2019

Soooo, big question. Will clam slam time be done off the page and just suggested like Nanoha and Faito? Or are we going to have a full-on sex scene with Hinako and Shiori bared naked to the world?

Is there like a fine line of being tasteful on page that the manga has to abide by? I am not familiar with DC Next publications.

last edited at May 23, 2022 2:48PM

joined Mar 23, 2019



joined Mar 23, 2019

Very gay, very pleased!

joined Mar 23, 2019

This is getting very interesting!

joined Mar 23, 2019

sees notification for HSL

Welcome back to the dead lesbians club. Why are you looking at me like that? Did you honestly think you could leave?

last edited at Apr 14, 2022 2:45PM

joined Mar 23, 2019

omg! PETPLAY, yiiiiisssss!!

Failure discussion 23 Mar 21:25
joined Mar 23, 2019

Just jab the knife in a little further, right into our very hearts!

joined Mar 23, 2019

omg, it's the kinky version of PMMM now. lol

joined Mar 23, 2019


joined Mar 23, 2019

Reading the forums for this as somebody who's never read the (apparently) numerous prequels is a little surreal, because I'm like "whoa fighting scenes, cool" and then I go into the forums and read stuff like "Ah yes, just like her 27th reincarnation, you can also see her channeling the 15th and 8th reincarnations in the elegance of her stance, though I would have like to see more of the 32nd. The rooftop fight scene in the 32nd where they channel the spirit of the 7 dragons and rain lightning down on each other was truly amazing, IMO the pinnacle among all the preceding reincarnations because it really distilled the essence their internal alignments into a single climactic battle." Like alright, cool I guess

Yes, yes, totally this for the new yuri enthusiasts. ~ Glad you've discovered this classic.