Forum › Posts by GreenTomato

joined Dec 30, 2018

Is it my internet or did this take 100 years to load in

joined Dec 30, 2018

Author rlly did fuck Risa up just so Hiroko has a chance lord

joined Dec 30, 2018

I've read through all the chapters and i don't really get the incest tag tbh

Im glad that things are going in a good direction now

joined Dec 30, 2018

Classic Risa W right here yet again

Hanagasa discussion 10 Jun 01:46
joined Dec 30, 2018

Very hot

joined Dec 30, 2018

I want to murder Hiroko

joined Dec 30, 2018

That's one hell of an over-analysis, overloaded with words, and even including a stereotypical Kafka name drop. Sometimes a cute love story is just a cute love story. I think trying to tie it into greater themes of self-actualization in a grander sense is absurd.

You're free to dislike long and involved literary analyses, but there's no need to shit on others who do engage in them.

Don’t be a rude mofo my guy. I love literary analysis and I love reading them. It’s just another way to express love and appreciation for a work cause like, if you love something, why not look deeper and interact with it on a more intensive and thoughtful level? People have different ways of enjoying art and you may enjoy the immediate hit and the surface take but saying a work with this level of refinement and pacing like this doesn’t deserve any analysis is just talking down to the art.

Also, the story’s entire premise sits on the MC’s desire for self-actualization in a grand sense. This girl is about to be changed forever. It would be a poor story if she doesn’t come to any actualization.

That being said, I thought this story was very boring lol. I did enjoy reading why others liked it a lot though. I personally don’t like the structure of this story. This story is weaker as a romance genre. Romance implies the book girl is the catalyst for MC’s growth, but I don’t see it happening. Technically she leads to the revelation that MC has to fully finish and invest in a work to the end to decide if she likes it, but it’s weak cause the set up is weak. Yes MC quit the volleyball club, which softly implies she’s the type to be flakey, but her quitting has more to do with others being Mean than actually being the type to drop shit. So the revelation makes no sense since it doesn’t have the set up.

They made the book such a big deal too but in the end the MC makes almost zero reference to the contents of the book, so it’s not like she’s gaining a new revelation that way.

I don’t buy that seeing One Person enjoy a book a lot would lead to a romance. Why not the volleyball girl who got into the team? MC might be jealous that Book girl likes books, but MC ALREADY yearns for the ability to like things,,,, so seeing the girl enjoy books isn’t giving her a revelation or changing MC’s thoughts, weaknesses, goals. She’s the same before and after. And I’ve mentioned why the way the story Tried to change the MC via the revelation doesn’t work. Overall, I get the sense book girl is super disconnected from MC’s growth on an emotional level, even if they’re being presented as the main catalyst. The content isn’t there.

Anyways, this is my own analysis :P. The art is super cute and I don’t hate this story. Besides, it’s just the first ch so who knows where it can go.

Coming back to say I just realized this story had a part 0 and people’s reactions were actually to That rather than ch 1 of the serialization. Haha no wonder our impressions were so different.

Nerd emoji

joined Dec 30, 2018

Fuck i really want a happy ending for those two

But its not possible

joined Dec 30, 2018

Love the way this is going

joined Dec 30, 2018

Nice, glad it's over

Looking forward to more works from this author

joined Dec 30, 2018

I liked it

End to End discussion 05 Mar 03:40
joined Dec 30, 2018

Loved this

joined Dec 30, 2018

Getting horny by being molested by a total stranger... Yeah, I don't think the people who meet a molester during their train travel blush this much and phantasm about their molester. At least they could have showed the molester being arrested to enforce that this behavior is really not okay.

Being embarrassed and sweating a lot due to stress and fear of being found out is not the same as being aroused you weirdo

joined Dec 30, 2018

Act surprised

joined Dec 30, 2018

This looks interesting

joined Dec 30, 2018

Sounds interesting

joined Dec 30, 2018

Looks interesting since this is based on true events i really hope the person this was inspired by is well and alive

Obligatory fuck cancer

And obligatory respect our trans kings and queens

joined Dec 30, 2018

Nah it's weird af bro

God why are so many weebs like this man

Perhaps you should take a class on irony

How tf do you write two contradicting statements in a span of a few min??? Like what

joined Dec 30, 2018

ITT: inability to separate reality and fiction
Expected nothing less (or rather more) from this userbase

I know right, I wish people would just learn to love every single aspect of every single piece of fiction they mindlessly consume.

In that same font, we should also allow for the ability to be gross/problematic characters in queer fiction as there are gross/problematic queer people irl too.

I think most people's problem with it is more how the grooming situation was handled than it simply existing (well at least that is how it is for me). This is fiction, but this story constantly brings up many real life issues relating to the LGBT community so having them kinda "tee-hee" away the whole Karen situation isn't very palatable. They acknowledge how wrong it is with the "that's illegal" statement and Aya warning Marika about Karen, but it was portrayed as something to brush off. The overall situation was painted in a comedic light with the whole bar watching the 2 while they are discussing this with smiles on their faces so it was just...weird.

I think the main problem with this series is it doesn't know whether it wants to be mindless porn or a commentary on LGBT matters. If the whole thing isn't really meant to be taken seriously, which from the beginning was a ridiculous premise, then I don't think there would be much issue with the problematic content. But the story offers actual meaningful discussions on real life matters so it makes it hard to "separate fiction from reality" sometimes.

What?? No, what you sayin fam? These are just DRAWINGS and they have nothing to do with real life, who cares if there's rape or some other idiocies like that, it's FINE as long as it stays in the manga because of course no real person is drawing it out there while thinking it's completely fine and that's how a healthy relationship is IRL. People can be dumb sometimes ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Nah it's weird af bro

God why are so many weebs like this man

joined Dec 30, 2018

On the other hand, we did learn that Astarotte was the one coming on to Karen, not Karen herself going after minors left and right as the first spoilers claimed. However one feels about Karen not turning down anyone who comes to her, calling her a predator goes too far when you consider these revelations.

I'm continuing to read the manga because I can look past some of its weirder characters (and generally don't get into these debates) but this is a bit much. So as an adult: if a 13-15-year-old minor "came on to me first" and I slept with them multiple times, I would not be classified as a predator? What would I be then? A victim of a 13-15-year-old? I'm not sure about that one. I can look past her character and don't have strong feelings one way or the other but at no point do I think what she's doing is fine, or that she is not the predator when compared to a child. I didn't think that was a debatable aspect of her character but I guess I was wrong.


What an insane thing to type holy shit

Don't imagine it tf

last edited at Feb 3, 2023 1:57AM

joined Dec 30, 2018

Great, this manga has it all, from rape and pedophilia to a very retarded fanbase who thinks all these stuff is okay as long as it happens in "fiction" and the two MCs end up together. Dropping this rn my life this made me puke by how naturally all this illegal stuff is addressed by the characters, is this really how you-us lesbians want to be portrayed? Go get a breath of fresh air and a good read of the law please

It sucks but don't use the r slur, you can convey all those thoughts without it...

YuuLily discussion 31 Jan 13:24
joined Dec 30, 2018

Oh wait...ppl saying she's underage character

Man not like this tf

YuuLily discussion 31 Jan 13:23
joined Dec 30, 2018

Why so many tags literally just having trans tag is enough

Im happy that the author is back with more content, i love their nsfw works

joined Dec 30, 2018

Given this authors previous works i would not be surprised if three of them end up together, that's what im hoping for anyway

joined Dec 30, 2018

I dont want this to end man