Happy ending!! So happy for them!!
last edited at Nov 17, 2023 5:32AM
Her friend said that her gf is not romantic, so why didn’t Nanoha react to that part???
last edited at Jun 14, 2021 1:52PM
I recognize my OTP’s anywhere and anytime i see their fanart, and that’s adorable, but all them bite marks tho (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)
last edited at May 28, 2021 1:49AM
God damn i love the last picture of them in the train look so good together
I’m jealous
Now that’s what i needed(●´ω`●)
Oh my oh my( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hahaha i love this!! And the end credit ... i felt that ngl
The cuties :D
About fucking time( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Those pants are ruined for the night, but i guess they wont mind
Oh my
Wow~ they look fucking fantastic!
Damn this was fast
Bruh rgose buttholes are darker than my future I could only focus on those I don't know why They're blackhole drawing in your attention maybe.
Bruh rgose buttholes are darker than my future I could only focus on those I don't know why
Bruh rgose buttholes are darker than my future
I could only focus on those I don't know why
They're blackhole drawing in your attention maybe.
I was looking at them too... i got distracted on why the hell the holes was so detailed and shaded like that
The mom should just perish
My gawd i wish
^ yeah, makes me jealous
I recognize Nekomura and i love it