Forum › Run Away With Me, Girl discussion

joined Apr 17, 2017

Is no one going to talk about how great the mangaka put the perspective of the MC? I keep on reading these comments of just cliche arguments, etc. How about we talk about how the artist shows the views and certain things we can relate to. Well some things. The way the MC truly loved that girl even though she’s married she’s very aware that she can’t exactly do anything about it. Like some of us or maybe most idk, we in some situations have to face things but don’t do anything about it when we should have. Another thing is the way this is realistic. Instead of it being a little bit too dramatic they have conversations that aren’t over the top or just everything is sad life sucks.

I just love the fact that whenever her ex or crush acts in the panels we don’t know what she’s thinking. It’s hard to understand her just like the MC is having a hard time understanding her too. We can understand her position.

These are the things I like about this manga also. There is a real ambiguity as to how much of what we are seeing is Maki's unreliable read on her situation. There are a lot of unusual panel compositions in this manga where we see Maki from a low-angle, moving through rooms––implying a sense of vertigo, or a skewed perspective. And yet, when Midori isn't in a scene, our perspective on the scene seems to flatten out into more traditional head-on compositions. There are also other more experimental panel compositions and design motifs when Midori is present in front of Maki, like the ovular sparkles that rip across the page when Midori and Maki are walking hand in hand. This stylized design, present only when the MC is in the presence of the woman she loves, seems to suggest that you can't quite trust Maki's point of view when Midori appears within it. It makes it seem as if these sequences are in some way heightened––enhanced by Maki's repressed and overwrought romantic imagination. So even though the husband writes himself off as a villain in his first appearance, I wondered to myself whether or not what he said was in reality somewhat different than what Maki heard him say. Not to say that he wasn't a jerk, but maybe he wasn't quite such a jerk as appeared to Maki. In the times I've been in love, I often found myself interpreting things people said differently than they intended them, and sometimes seeming to hear things people said a little differently than they actually said them. I'm not saying that's definitely how to read this manga, but I feel like the writer is giving us a perspective laced with swooning shifts of perspective, from rational to pie-in-the-sky-romantic. As a result, when I read it I don't know how much I can trust Maki's point of view––she sees situations through rose-tinted glasses, and she frequently dips into flashback. And so when Maki's around Midori it's hard to know exactly what's going on in Midori's mind, how much indecision she's grappling with, and what her motives might be. Is her appearance in front of Maki in the first chapter a lucky accident, or is it something she did on purpose? Does she want Maki around because maki might just run away with her, and help her escape her problems? Sometimes she seems dense and weak-willed, but sometimes she has a little bit of the air of a manipulator, like a femme fatale.

As far as the cliches in the manga go, I think that they have so far been employed to good effect. The story is moving at a brisk clip, and that's one of the really good uses for storytelling tropes––to take us through more commonplace or expected aspects of the story quickly, in order to set up something hopefully heartfelt or stirringly well-crafted or unexpected and delightful enough to move us. Of course, if that next leg of the journey leads to yet another cliche, it can get a little tiresome. I find myself very accepting of most cliches in storytelling, and willing to let them lead me to something I hope is more cumulative in its effect than the cliches in the story. So far I find the emotions Maki feels in the story seem very genuinely rendered, and the art is very special.

joined Jul 29, 2017

^ Great post.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

feihong posted:

In the times I've been in love, I often found myself interpreting things people said differently than they intended them, and sometimes seeming to hear things people said a little differently than they actually said them

Not disagreeing with what you wrote, but I think it applies to any conversation. It's so easy to misunderstand and misinterpret other person, especially when your expectations and norms are different or you don't know them that well.

joined Apr 17, 2017

I see what you mean. Personally, I always felt the acuity of my perception was extra–unreliable in those situations, but I suppose that communication is equally ambiguous in so many other settings.

And thank you, Blastaar! I've been reading for a few years now, but this is my first time posting. I am planning to be more sociable here in the future.

joined Apr 15, 2013


joined Sep 6, 2018

Yes, runaway in the opposite direction... pregnant lady is a sinking ship waiting to happen.

joined Aug 19, 2018

But in all seriousness, I hope Midori tries to take a better look at her own life

joined Jul 29, 2017

For some reason, and unusually, I have to say that I relate to this, not in regard to romance, but having had long-time friends who, while I might have always known they weren’t the sharpest tool in the shed, made life choices in early adulthood that demonstrated beyond all doubt that they really were complete idiots (“dense and weak-willed,” in @feihong’s phrase above).

But they were people who previously had meant a lot to me, and that connection doesn’t just go away.

So it seems easy, and completely rational, to say, “Maki, run away—and maybe sign up for a lesbian dating service!” But it’s actually not that easy.

joined Dec 5, 2019

this is really interesting, I'm curious to see Midori's mindset, her side of things either right now or by the time they broke up
loving the series so far.

joined Jan 16, 2017

A lot of people will call this overly dramatic, but I think it's a pretty realistic take on a situation like this if it ever happened in reality. You can't always immediately jump the gun, and I like seeing how Midori's dancing around the issue. Each chapter adds a little bit more hurt along the way too, can't wait for more!

joined Jun 29, 2015

What make me really depress about the series is the utter sense of inescapable of misery that I cannot avoid, yet I come back for more to know what happened next. The author managed to convey the nuance (or the complexities of emotion and circumstances) in day to day life problem that I think others cannot convey, which is also the curse of this manga. I think anything from here can be either extremely cliche in optimistic way or extremely cliche in angsty way. There is no conclusion of this manga will ever satisfy me, it is truly the loop of misery that I just sometimes drop by to see the trainwreck that going to happen.

last edited at Jan 5, 2020 11:50PM

joined Mar 27, 2018

Nah, I'd bet my left arm that the guy is just scum. He is a guy that stands in the way of yuri so death is all he deserves.

I mean, we can see objective things he's done in regards to being controlling, suspicious and callous that illustrate he's a shitty guy without needing to factor in Maki's bias for Midori.

last edited at Jan 5, 2020 11:56PM

joined Feb 9, 2019

fuuuck this is heavy. but holy shit the art is gorgeous.

joined May 26, 2011


joined May 7, 2017


Wheeeeeew, that felt great, Maki-san should try it too

joined May 28, 2018

Nah, still pretty standard and kinda boring plot. It’s only excuse that this is short story. With longer story, guy not need to be this level of scum, he can be equally lost and didn’t want serious relationships and baby with this woman. And here is main character, maybe too in not so satisfying relationships with other woman. Than story can be explorations of sad and difficult decisions in life.
Art is still good, really liked some frames, and, yeah, still will be reading till the end, mostly because of it.

last edited at Jan 6, 2020 12:35AM

joined Mar 10, 2018

The one cliche with stories like this is if this somehow gets written as Maki's fault because she didn't do enough to 'get the girl'. As far as I'm concerned, Maki did her part, reached her hand out. If Midori wants her life to be better, she should be the one to take the next step. No matter what happens with Midori from now on, I do hope Maki can move on a little and be more confident with herself.

joined May 27, 2019


how you get...pregante?

joined Feb 21, 2019

Girl please don’t do this to yourself, move on

joined Oct 22, 2018

Still not sure if the running away is gonna be Midori finally taking up Maki's offer to run away, or Maki moving on from Midori and running away with the girl she's been chatting online.

joined Apr 1, 2017

She's pregnant so she probably feels like she's locked in and can't do anything about it at this point, even if she wants to leave because she fucking hates her life now. Japan isn't exactly big on abortions. This one instance of cheating with the only person who ever cared about her is meant to be the last moment of happiness she'll feel, before she punishes herself by marrying someone she doesn't give a shit about, and raising a kid she didn't want.

last edited at Jan 6, 2020 2:19AM

joined Sep 4, 2014

She's pregnant so she probably feels like she's locked in and can't do anything about it at this point, even if she wants to leave because she fucking hates her life now. Japan isn't exactly big on abortions. This one instance of cheating with the only person who ever cared about her is meant to be the last moment of happiness she'll feel, before she punishes herself by marrying someone she doesn't give a shit about, and raising a kid she didn't want.

On the contrary, Japan is pretty big on abortions... It's not talked about, but they happen pretty frequently. You have to have a man with you to sign for it (or had to for a long time, not sure if still true), but the usual way around that is to find a friend or something to do it (this was the beginning plot point for a manga I read, I can't remember, the main character gets talked into going to a clinic to sign though it's someone else's kid). For a long time, the pill was not available in Japan either, but it is around now though not that popular or well known compared to the west. So yeah, lots of abortion. Nobody talks about it.

Well, we'll see what happens but I have to agree with other posters, Maki has made her play. She has put it out there, thrown the line, and Midori has to choose to take it or continue doing what she's doing. I mean, if you tell them pretty much, "fuck your fiance, run away with me to a beach town somewhere" you can't be much more assertive than that without crossing over the line into kidnapping territory. That's already stepping all over the "friendship" line, that along with the kiss... This is already pretty far into affair territory, even if they haven't done more than kiss.

This is kinda like a weird reflection of "Like a Spring Storm", both have the marriage thing but one is before and one is after, one has pregnancy and one doesn't, one is fluffy and one is straight angst.

joined Nov 27, 2017

A lot of people will call this overly dramatic, but I think it's a pretty realistic take on a situation like this if it ever happened in reality. You can't always immediately jump the gun, and I like seeing how Midori's dancing around the issue. Each chapter adds a little bit more hurt along the way too, can't wait for more!

Those people have never been in the MCs shoes, bc like... It's dramatic and tense, with denial and incomplete reads on the other person forming a dangerous dance. I was in a somewhat similar situation, but with lower stakes, (no marriage/baby) and even then it was a mess of backsteps and drama.

Everyone is a dramatic flawed bitch when put in positions with such uncomfortable stakes.

joined Apr 29, 2019

Whether japan is big on abortions or not, considering her tummy seems to be pretty noticable it's prolly too late at this point

joined Jun 28, 2018

I dated a girl for 2 years when we studied abroad together. After we graduated, she said that she loved me but she wanted to have a normal life (being gay is unacceptable in her culture) so she dumped me and started dating with guys. We have not spoken for years. I do not know what she is doing. I guess she is married now. For people who said that this story is over dramatic, I can say that this kind of thing actually happens in real life.

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