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joined Dec 5, 2019

"yukata nest"

I see author is doing a themed episode speedrun

joined Dec 5, 2019

Soooo....not Yuri?

joined Dec 5, 2019

I really hate that guy, what a creep

joined Dec 5, 2019

Adult life, het and Yuri tag without the bisexual one.

All aboard the closet and comphet express.

Loving this so far, the feelings of confusion but the rightness of it too, so good

joined Dec 5, 2019

Rina is right to be guarded. If a girl said to me she wanted me as a boyfriend the first thing I would think is. "yup, this streight girl is trying to break my heart"

joined Dec 5, 2019

Ok,seems cool, but Kon gives me vibes she is going to do an octave and try to be streight because of that mommy infused normal obsession.

As for Ai, my prediction with absolutely no info is that the guy there was an arranged fiancee or Kaede's sibling or the spicier option, that is Kaede after transitioning and Ai hasn't gotten over it and still dead names him

joined Dec 5, 2019

OK, this is purely me playing devil’s advocate (I was an early adopter of the “Yundou is into Xiaoen” theory, and still hold to it), but was there anything more explicit in this chapter to support that premise than we’ve seen before?

There certainly was more of the same—statements with implied subtext, significant expressions, meaningful framing and cuts from panel to panel, etc. Is it the quantity of suggestions/focus on Yundou’s feelings that sealed the deal for previous doubters?

A very throwaway comment some chapters ago where yundou said to her father
"When it's going to be enough?"

Makes me think she was always a closet case and would probably always follow what her parents wanted her to do, only now that she is an adult is she considering abandoning that.
It goes in direct harmony whit her telling our protagonist to return to her life and not throw it all away for xiaoen, it could be some jealousy but doing what is expected of her is also what she chose/was pressured into doing when she was a young lesbian like her, she was "passing her torch" in a way.

I like her character as it is a very realistic one in a society like that and I hope she can grow with the passage of chapters

joined Dec 5, 2019

Ooooh, Erika did something, she feels guilty about Aya, maybe she made a wish for her to be gone or something

joined Dec 5, 2019

Sempai being emotionally responsible here and making extra sure to not lead Riri on or give her false hope, respect

joined Dec 5, 2019

Cleavage-san MVP to the end!!! Congrats to her and Risa-chan.

joined Dec 5, 2019

Cleavage-san finally put the moves on Risa, that's the progress I've been waiting for!

Oh and I guess there is drama with Hiroko at her job, tough break.

joined Dec 5, 2019

I just love cleavage-san, go for it!

joined Dec 5, 2019

Miss company boss, with the huge ribbon in her hair? She's my new hero.

Make a new manga series for her.

She's way too interesting to just be a one-shot punchline character. I too demand more of her.

Thirded, that was one of the more brutal rejections I've seen and it ruled. CEO Ribbon Lady x Risa is my new OTP.


Risa x CEO all the way

joined Dec 5, 2019

The plight of the streight passing lesbian....sigh

joined Dec 5, 2019

Is this love for cosplay a thinly veiled mention to relationships?

She talks about insecurity and about her last cosplay partner "dumping" her and she feeling relived because she wasn't certain there was still love there and if she would ever love again. Then the underage girl says that it doesn't matter if she is a kid and the other is an adult if there is still "love" mentioning her closeted clothes to say she still hopes to find love again. Well, I guess we'll see

joined Dec 5, 2019

Louko is too precious for this world, if she doesn't get a girlfriend I swear I'll flip out!

joined Dec 5, 2019

Damn, this opened some old wounds damn.

joined Dec 5, 2019

I love this manga so much thank you!

It just downed on me that Shou's mother is the mermaid, it even fits in with that time Shou said her father was a liar, maybe he told her her mother is a mermaid

joined Dec 5, 2019

I'm loving this manga, seriously, thanks tl team.

And btw, Find Louko a girlfriend is my biggest desire right now

joined Dec 5, 2019

Last chapter it was like, just starting to become sundown. This chapter, the sun was completely down. Were they making out for like 30 minutes?

Really. I saw the color on the first panel and got a little stunned, like how's that even possible?

Lesbians my friend, they will be on the 3rd year of marriage and asking themselves if this is the year their wive will declare it was all a platonic thing the whole time

joined Dec 5, 2019

I was half expecting soldier-xhan to be a skull too, died somewhere to a mine or something, so I was glad that the last chapter was on her perspective since I doubt a skull would have a perspective

joined Dec 5, 2019

Bakery lady turned up the flirt from 0 to 100 after learning the girl's age

joined Dec 5, 2019

I'm sooooo in.

Thank you very much translator/uploader

joined Dec 5, 2019

Well, that was the exact wrong person to be jealous of... :D

Tanuky might disagree

joined Dec 5, 2019

Aaaaa houseplants! My passion!
This reminds me is time to go get more plants and put them God knows where since I have no room anymore

Pakee is officially the cutest