Looking all the comments in here it seems like you guys don't know about this little extra that the author posted on their twitter a while ago...
I was looking for a translation but couldn't find it, so I'll leave the link there for anyone interested!
Sounds like they're shocked to see that new girl was ranked 1st in the character polls, and megumi is overjoyed to see her rank has increased to no 3 as well.
I'd infer that their ecchi gambit paid off and new girl is a lot less likely to be demoted now, not to mention that since the fans liked it, they'll probs continue doing this in the future
This one shot had such an interesting and fun concept, would've loved to see more
It's obvious now that in order to compete with this yuri couple, the other protagonists must become yuri themselves
I wonder if a similar concepts been used before. Where two yuri couples try to compete for popularity and outdo the other. I kinda wanna see that now
last edited at Jun 4, 2024 3:05AM