Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Mar 21, 2019

Im die thank you foreve

joined May 10, 2021

Oh shit let's go!

joined Mar 18, 2023

um.... ok, i guess?

joined Sep 28, 2021


joined Oct 4, 2018

I don't doubt that people are gonna talk about Koga being an ikemen again especially now that she's not hiding it anymore

joined Nov 14, 2022


joined Aug 1, 2011

I see she's decided to go full rock mode.


joined Jan 15, 2021

Damn, with an entrance like that, Aya's gonna have a whole gang of girlies trying to compete to get at Mitsuki A.K.A The Rizzler or maybe The Rizz Master. Onii-san just doesn't have the same punch like it used to.

joined Oct 19, 2023

She's here, she's queer, and she's about to rock our ears

joined Jul 22, 2023

Holy sht omg im so excited for what's coming

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

How i wish i could just go to my school dressed like that...

Aya gonna have the whole school as her rival

joined Aug 1, 2022

I'm so proud of Koga.

joined Sep 6, 2018

ohhhhh my gosh. shes unleashing her power.

joined Jun 21, 2021

KOGA MITSUKI, YOU HOUND! You can't just unleash your rizz into the public like that, you'll cause casualties!

joined May 5, 2020

Walls shattered, rizz level: 1 million.

joined May 9, 2017

Mitsuki is definitely super cool in this chapter and I'm glad she is able to show her real self in public, but I'm a bit upset as well that she doesn't let Aya knows that she's fine. Aya have probably been worried sick, to the point were she wonder if she did well getting angry and yet she is being completely let down by Mitsuki.

It's been like that for quite some time already. Aya seems more like a supporting character rather that being part of the main cast and the last panel makes me think she feels that way...

joined Jul 29, 2017

[Prepares trenchant analysis of new chapter]:

Kyaa! So cool!

[Crap—I made a weird sound.]

Kitsune Inari
joined Jul 20, 2011

Title: "show them what you got".

My head:
Cromulon from "Rick & Morty" asking people to show him what they got

joined Jun 27, 2017

Some of the boys in class will start questioning themselves ...

joined Aug 14, 2022

A catalyst indeed ! Koga shows a much more confident face now (because Aya's feelings finally reached her ? =3)
I guess Aya is going to have to suffer through a few more people realising how cool Koga is and crushing on her XD
Hopefully, now that Koga is being more true to herself and more confident, she can confess to Aya~

joined Aug 14, 2022

Mitsuki is definitely super cool in this chapter and I'm glad she is able to show her real self in public, but I'm a bit upset as well that she doesn't let Aya knows that she's fine. Aya have probably been worried sick, to the point were she wonder if she did well getting angry and yet she is being completely let down by Mitsuki.

It's been like that for quite some time already. Aya seems more like a supporting character rather that being part of the main cast and the last panel makes me think she feels that way...

I get what you mean, though I also get what the author is going for with this whole arc. You know the saying that before you start dating someone, you should accept and love yourself and be happy with yourself as you are ? Because otherwise, the relationship cannot be built on steady ground and if you're not happy with yourself, then the burden of making you happy falls on your partner, meaning that you become dependant on them, which isn't healthy.
As I see it, until now, Aya has been much further along on this path of self-acceptance than Mitsuki. She knows who she is and, thanks to Mitsuki, the only part of herself that she didn't feel confident about showing in public (her love for rock music) has become something that Aya feels more comfortable about, including in sharing it with her other friends. Mitsuki, on the other hand, while she had become a bit more confident in herself and open to others thanks to Aya, was still doubting and hiding herself quite a lot, as she wasn't fully comfortable in owning up to who she is in public. This whole arc about Mitsuki making music for Aya, letting her listen to it and even playing in public was supposed to make her grow into the person she needs to be to be happy with herself and able to be in a healthy relationship with Aya, where they wouldn't depend on each other to be confident and happy and the happiness they bring each other is a very special bonus, but not the only happiness they can have.
I'm not sure if that makes much sense, I'm typing this quickly, but basically I think Mitsuki had a lot of growing to do before she could become a person who could actually stand by Aya's side as her lover and not second-guess herself every two seconds, and she had to work for that growth on her own (though Aya's support is part of what made it possible). I'm sure she had a lot of thinking to do in the week between the two eps and she knew she had to do it alone (because I think that, if she talked to Aya, Aya would have told her that she was fine just the way she was and she shouldn't push herself too hard, so Mitsuki's growth might have been halted by this).

joined Nov 13, 2022

I smiled SO HARD
joined Jun 6, 2020

yeah Koga needs to first get comfy with herself before her and Aya could start doing stuff like that

This is her finally embracing. I imagine next week we get Koga's POV where uncle gives her a pep talk

joined Jul 29, 2017

yeah Koga needs to first get comfy with herself before her and Aya could start doing stuff like that

This is her finally embracing. I imagine next week we get Koga's POV where uncle gives her a pep talk

That’s what I was thinking—it’s not like this author to have a major character transformation/epiphany take place entirely off-panel.

joined Jul 31, 2019

... I dunno, this just kinda reinforces to me that I don't like this author's writing- it was more confusing to see than anything that she's now suddenly fine and her closest friend didn't know shit about it.

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