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joined Mar 18, 2023

ayalu greatness

joined Mar 18, 2023

oh, i knew that they are rather racist, i just didnt understand how deep into its ideology they were.

joined Mar 18, 2023

^ well.... damn, i guess china is off of my list of countries to visit.

joined Mar 18, 2023

^ isnt this excuse already played out, where is the proof of this ever happening?

joined Mar 18, 2023

cute art, shit characters.

joined Mar 18, 2023

yes miss waitress, i would also like to order one wife with extra toppings.

joined Mar 18, 2023

sigh... so its really this type of arc, huh... sigh

joined Mar 18, 2023

Is it me, or do a lot of these yuri manga series always use the love triangle trope. I find it annoying that this trope is constantly used as a tool to entice conflict in these stories. It's overused and a waste of time, considering we already know who the MC would get with in the end. Why not change it up a bit and let them all have their happy ending? Or, better yet, not use the trope.

I feel bad for Jun, even if she seems to be okay with it.

its unfortunately a problem with the romance genre as a whole.

joined Mar 18, 2023

this was the expected outcome, why make it all dramatic?

joined Mar 18, 2023

its crazy how i got what i wanted with this chapter, yet i dont even care anymore.

i guess a bad arc can truly exhaust you, huh?

joined Mar 18, 2023

what a chapter of a manga.

joined Mar 18, 2023

I wish this had more romance. I like all the plots and the characters, they're fun. I just wish we would get a bit more out of Hinata and Naori. I'm not sure for how long this will go, but I hope we'll see them confront each other about all these feelings somewhere in the middle of it all, so we can have them sail to the end as an official couple. I'd hate it if they did that at the end "just" before the curtain falls.

And yes I know, they're into each other. Bad. But this "idiot couple sideshow" will get tedious at some point. I'd hate for it to happen to a series I'm enjoying.

this manga has so far been the most generic romcom ive ever seen, so id definitely say that your hated scenario is exactly whats going to happen.

havent you noticed the effortless protag harem forming?

joined Mar 18, 2023


joined Mar 18, 2023

another red flag yuri series featuring unskilled adults, ill pass this time.

joined Mar 18, 2023

the tone of this manga is truly all over the place.

It's pretty consistent. It's shit is scary and monstrous until it's not because Naori is so sweet and caring that she disarms all her foes by being herself

which just means, that its consistently all over the place.

joined Mar 18, 2023

the tone of this manga is truly all over the place.

joined Mar 18, 2023

its crazy to me, how much damage a single character can do to a story.

joined Mar 18, 2023

this is a sweet little side dish, but its getting a bit too stale for my gourmet taste, i hope we can get back to the regularly scheduled event of our bottom queen offering herself up as a five star buffet.

joined Mar 18, 2023

why is the author making her issue a fake apology this late in the story?

joined Mar 18, 2023

all those pages of proper discussion and genuine criticism, yet somehow it all gets boiled down to simply loathing a character for just existing, and getting called a hater for not enjoying an unlikable character?

can someone make sense of this gross mischaracterization? is this poor sarcasm or something?

joined Mar 18, 2023

i guess after aki and hima, this means its now time for yori to get assassinated for the sake of shiho supremacy?

joined Mar 18, 2023

the simple truth, is that kamiya is a plot device before she is a character, so it isnt all that hard to see how or why many have come to dislike her sudden inclusion.

and to make matters worse, the method she uses to move the plot forward is through negative actions, to which goes against the grain established so far.

why do authors always chose artificial growth (external force), instead of organic growth (character development)?

joined Mar 18, 2023

seems fun.

joined Mar 18, 2023

as far as i can see it, there seems to be a dissonance between the readers understanding of the severity of the slap, the authors intentions for the slap, and the characters actions in regards to the slap, which causes things to be out of order.

this results in how charitable you are towards shacky writing, determining how out of order this section of the story feels.

joined Mar 18, 2023

I didn’t ask you what an empty apology is—I already know that. I asked you why you thought this one was empty. I thought you might conceivably have some support for your argument besides that it subjectively “rings hollow” and “feels like a bad joke.” You have clarified that you do not.

okay. lets end this here.

the apology is all good, nothing is wrong with it.