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joined Jul 31, 2019

So we found the plot trinket that contained literal plot explanation in it, it turns out it changes absolutely nothing, and also brother is back I guess? At least the romance part is consistently pretty good, you have to turn your brain off for the rest of this nonsense :P

last edited at Mar 26, 2025 6:50AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

Interesting that we now have confirmation that men existed in the "real world" Nana is from.

We knew that from the first pages of the first chapter, Nana is talking to her mother on the phone about her husband... not to mention, I would probably assume so even if that little detail wasn't there, since it would be very weird to have a plotline about teleporting to another world, and having the original world be different than the actual real world (now that I think about it, are there any examples of that kind of storyline ever? usually the referenced "original world" has so little screentime that it never actually matters).

... also, a little thing obvious in hindsight, why would Hannah have to knock on your window instead of on your door, when she's effectively the host? Some fuckery is happening here.

last edited at Mar 25, 2025 5:44AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

Their motivations are easy to get and teenagers being a touch insecure and selfish (Diana) or stubborn in their plans (Lapis) is what makes a plot move forward.

Speaking of that, I completely forgot by now what is that plan by Lapis, was that even revealed? Killing everyone or something? I don't remember except that it's all for the sake of that guy becoming the king for some reason, which at this point no one wants including him :P

joined Jul 31, 2019

Maybe I forgot but do we know how experienced Sumie is (she seems in control and comfortable)?

Vague flashbacks about a tutor or something was all we got, so who knows :P

joined Jul 31, 2019

oh you can just block the whole damn goal, that seems balanced

joined Jul 31, 2019

I know it's somewhat friendly and all, but "will you take me if no one else wants to" sounds to me like a backhanded jab, no one really wants to be someone's last resort :P

joined Jul 31, 2019

Now that I think about it it's very obvious, it's their daughter

joined Jul 31, 2019

I kind of didn't expect to shift this so quickly from theatre to writing, but I'm not complaining... and I guess it was kinda foreshadowed when Takamine was talking to Mikemori about how writing is cool and stuff.

Also did I forget someone or that person on the cover of this chapter is completely new? Or just a one-off hybrid of Sakura and Takamine? :P

last edited at Mar 18, 2025 2:23PM

joined Jul 31, 2019

This one is cute but should it be tag yuri? It’s just about 2 dumbasses messing around

Yuri isn't just romance, it's about relationships (of any kind) between women. Especially when the author is a known yuri mangaka I think people need to adopt a broader view of what yuri actually is.

Hard disagree on that one. At least for the purpose of tagging on this website the romance component seems mandatory to me, I'd argue this one doesn't even pass the "subtext" bar since there is nothing to read between the lines. I don't see why author being known for other things should matter at all, if anything it just makes more likely to make a mistake.

last edited at Mar 17, 2025 7:02AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

I wouldn't expect anything less wholesome from the author of Wanna Sip?.

Did you consider it's also the author of Romance Code though? :P

Love Bullet discussion 10 Mar 10:26
joined Jul 31, 2019

Damn, the love just fizzled out of her eyeballs.

Yea took me a minute to visually parse it, I expected a teardrop or something but it's literally this lmao

joined Jul 31, 2019

The more things change, the more they'll stay the same...

you can say that again

Lmao I noticed that too, it was like author telling on themselves that this was the extent of story planning for this one.

Whatever it was the author wanted to end the story with, I'm confident this wasn't it

Well, I disagree, I think this is exactly what it looks like when someone bad at writing stories writes one :P Cheesy happy ending without much substance was probably always the plan.

I also disagree about that point about romance trauma, the problem wasn't that it was portrayed at all, the problem is that it was actually just inconsistent with how Yuzu behaved in the first part. Theyre were legit just two different people :P

last edited at Mar 10, 2025 12:10PM

joined Jul 31, 2019

I thought the author will torment Ruka more to be honest, maybe it's still coming

last edited at Mar 9, 2025 8:51AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

Made me check if this was the same author as Princess of the Princess but surprisingly not :P

joined Jul 31, 2019

man, she does all of this while not even being into yuri. crazy

just imagine if she was into yuri. she'd be a menace hitherto undreamt of

I somehow think she wouldn't be nearly as powerful, it would suit her, she seems to be best at things she specifically doesn't intend to

joined Jul 31, 2019

Are we having a full on LOCH NESS MONSTER ARC? Usui Shio's genius horrifies me sometimes

joined Jul 31, 2019

"why do you kill the mood by saying silly things, by the way your tits are small"

joined Jul 31, 2019

to those of you who have gave up halfway thru out the series, HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM GAY APPLES NOW?!

I dunno how do you expect them to answer since I bet they don't check the comment sections anymore, except idiots like me I guess :P I gave up on reading this right before the prom, so not exactly halfway, but 4 pages at a time finally wore me down and I'm not resuming :P As they say, sometimes it's about the journey, not the destination, and the journey was nonsense for like the last 30 chapters or so

last edited at Feb 23, 2025 4:26PM

joined Jul 31, 2019

this is too great of a template not to have a little fun with

joined Jul 31, 2019

Each episode should be 30 seconds long to preserve the great pacing of the source material

last edited at Feb 20, 2025 4:21AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

I know this series' whole thing is basically going with typical yuri and romance tropes, and cranking them up to 11, but could we not have maybe waited a chapter before introducing the absurd love rival? I feel like it completely spoiled what could (and should) have been a really moving confession.

I liked it, I feel like almost no other manga would try to go for something like that, this is the edge that separates it from the rest (although I get how this can just come off as nonsense to someone :P) Reminder that the person who convinced Shun to confess wanted to throw her of the stairs in earlier chapters lmao

joined Jul 31, 2019

When boobs smell so nice you start crying

joined Jul 31, 2019
  • "Watch out for the curse and stuff!"
  • "No"
  • "Alright"


joined Jul 31, 2019

Oh, now Yuzu gets it? I said last chapter that the only way Yuzu would realize that Minami was in love with her was for her to console Minami after an awful heartbreak, only for an irate Yuzu to eventually demand the name of the person who broke Minami's heart and get the answer "Makita Yuzu."

This whole manga was me going "alright that's kinda stupid but it would be really cool if this thing happens next" and then the opposite happens lmao, I see you got that experience as well

joined Jul 31, 2019

That payoff with all friends celebrating feels like the cheesiest and fakest thing in the world lmao, I don't know why, maybe because the author didn't even give enough of a shit to write dialogue for this...

... and yeah in retrospect the writing in this was really bad. Every time something happened that made me think that this was clever, or funny (even if most of this comment section hated it), the author proved to me the very next moment that it was probably completely coincidental. This had almost no continuity to speak of.