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joined Jul 31, 2019

The creator isn't a stranger to lesbian romance.

Sure but I feel like if not for the title and the author, this would be just tagged subtext at best (and really I feel like the series is more about the vtubing thing than romance anyway). The collage may feel romantic but it requires some reading between the lines, that seems like textbook subtext to me. (But I do want to reiterate I barely remember most of this series so I may be just wrong :P)

last edited at Jul 26, 2024 6:15PM

joined Jul 31, 2019

Well to be quite honest, did this series have anything explicitly yuri in it? I wasn't too invested in it so maybe I forgot but I always had the impression the most explicit part was the title :P That collage could also work for normal friendship.

joined Jul 31, 2019

I think it's jarring because continuation of Riri and Uda's story felt inevitable, and whatever this particular plotline is going to lead to, I can't see it being nearly as satisfying. We already had a plotline about overcoming insecurities between the main pair and shit, it's not really interesting to see it again no matter how much "logical sense" it makes.

last edited at Jul 24, 2024 1:03PM

joined Jul 31, 2019

... okay, risky prediction but fuck it, Mona and Shion will win the quadrille thing, this seems like some kind of setup to realize that following everything your sister does to the letter isn't all that important :P

last edited at Jul 22, 2024 3:46PM

joined Jul 31, 2019

Minami has cracked the code and doesn't even know it, victory is assured - and I look forward to seeing more of what true best friends really do

joined Jul 31, 2019

Just read this for the first time since it's featured and it was nice but the ending thing is actually a bit weird to me because it's clearly a choice the author made on purpose, it's not like they were afraid jumping straight to love because the sidecouple subplot was about romance in no uncertain terms (it literally said "I love you" :P) so why would the author be afraid to do that with the main pair? I have to conclude they really are just super friends and that's what the author wanted.

joined Jul 31, 2019

... so the script writer somehow came up with a character just like Sakura from scratch (since she never really saw the real one), isn't that very convenient?
Well it leads to a very nice moment even here so I dont mind, I wonder what Sakura is going to think about that when she actually watches the play :P

last edited at Jul 11, 2024 7:59AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

it was all a dream now go back to your class it's maths next

joined Jul 31, 2019

Saw this before on dex but I really like it so far, kinda melodramatic but I guess it's thematically appropriate :P

joined Jul 31, 2019

This might be the longest I kept reading a series without enjoying it too much, it's kinda hard to drop if it's only 4 pages at a time but I realized I actually stopped caring about anything that happens in it long ago :P Not sure I can pinpoint why, I think it's partly the author's very chaotic presentation style and heavy reliance on "a character reacted in a funny way, please laugh".

last edited at Jun 30, 2024 5:14AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

This hat is basically like Clark Kent's glasses in this chapter, all these girls attend the same school so they would surely eventually notice that one of the underclassmen is the little cousin :P

Anyway, can't lose much harder than Kujou does. Suou is just straight up ignoring her and mocking her to her face, she knows she won already.

last edited at Jun 28, 2024 6:58AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

That confusion at the end made no sense, how would one mistake have my way with your body with making you a maid uniform? That was waaaay too big a stretch just to deliver the usual joke, I could have take it if maybe she mistook it with giving her a massage or something, but that just made no sense.

yeah I just assumed after reading this that it's something impossible or very hard to translate, it was very weird

joined Jul 31, 2019

I'd encourage people to check the start of chapter 55 again to see that parents aren't necessarily fully happy with this either :P

joined Jul 31, 2019

joke's on you Yunduo, you're literally in a Chinese cartoon and don't know it

joined Jul 31, 2019

They really just introduced the sister and shoved her in the back pocket, so far everything is unfolding as if she didn't visit :P

joined Jul 31, 2019

You’re not stupid, you probably just misread something. From what I gathered, Wakaba had a crush on the senpai, and told Komaki. Komaki reacted to this by winning the senpai’s affections, promptly dumping him in a particularly painful fashion, and then telling Wakaba that the whole reason she went for him in the first place was so Wakaba couldn’t have him. I’m pretty sure she did this in order to keep monopolizing Wakaba, but Wakaba figured that the reason Komaki did it is because Komaki hated her, and blamed herself for Komaki developing a personality twisted enough to hurt people in such a way (not to mention getting her crush stolen). This caused the two of them to have a falling out, and thus, this story. Does that help?

It mostly makes sense, thank you, although I feel like I'd have to reread the whole thing again to see if that is actually supported by the text and I don't feel like it, so taking your word for it for the next chapters :P

joined Jul 31, 2019

Regarding Tsukasa's and Aju's relationship, I feel like they could have chosen either way (romantic or not) and it would have made sense, but I suppose this further cements the notion that the relationship between the ogre and its bartender is very special :P

joined Jul 31, 2019

Goddddd this manga is driving me crazy!! Their feelings are so complicated!!

I kinda agree but more in the vein of "I can't make sense of any of this" :P Late to the party so I just read the available chapters in one go and I straight up don't get what their deal was in middle school or whatever, that whole situation leading to their falling out involving the senpai I just don't understand, maybe I'm too stupid.

last edited at Jun 20, 2024 6:32AM

Usui Shio discussion 18 Jun 15:13
joined Jul 31, 2019

Fetish Yuri? In my Usui Shio series? It's more likely than you think, apparently

Usui nooooo

joined Jul 31, 2019

Okay so the excuse about training to romance the other girls better is immediately confirmed as bullshit then? Nagi's motivation suddenly seems way simpler :P

last edited at Jun 14, 2024 5:08AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

She was more bold in chapter 1 though

joined Jul 31, 2019

Asako at least has had sex with her past girlfriend according to ("She cheated on me! She said I was 'the Tuesday girl'!")

I think the reasonable conclusion is that they're intimate with each other, just off screen.

I don't think you can infer that at all, since she was cheated on, not the other way around :P

joined Jul 31, 2019

I like the parts in this manga that feel like something that was actually done by Yodokawa (mainly interactions between the main pair of course), but the rest kinda just makes me roll my eyes :P Well, no matter, hoping this paid the bills for other Yodokawa stuff, and it's somewhat enjoyable for what it is.

last edited at Jun 9, 2024 7:27PM

joined Jul 31, 2019

Senpai is bait and it's never happening, that would be the funniest trolling at least and we know author is capable of it

joined Jul 31, 2019

are scanlators really protective of where their translations end up or something?

It's not that. From what I've seen dynasty sticks to only one scanlator for a manga.

I don't think it's really true, plenty of cases where active translator group switched and it was reflected on dynasty - it's more that on dynasty there is some sort of nebulous submission and vetting process (I never bothered to learn how that works :P) while on mangadex literally anyone could upload a translation to anything.

Personally I think that last chapter should be here, quality seems perfectly fine to me.

last edited at May 28, 2024 5:45PM