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joined Jan 27, 2016

When next chapter

joined May 16, 2017

"This... brand..." I'm not gonna say it because we're all thinking it.

-"Look! Look with your special eyes!"


joined Aug 18, 2015

"This... brand..." I'm not gonna say it because we're all thinking it.

-"Look! Look with your special eyes!"


Thank you for finishing that. I was starting to wonder if I would have to. :P

Reading what people have been saying here, in a way I'm reminded of Don't Become an Otaku, Shinozaki! as a manga where the protagonist is a girl who makes friends with a plain girl with the intent of making her "prettier" and ends up changing herself instead. It's kind of different I guess, but the general idea of Fashionable-chan falling for Plain-chan after her ulterior motives are forgotten is similar.

joined Oct 15, 2016

I liked this story and the art style is cute. I really like this type of stories where the MC starts as an extremely unlikeable shallow person and ends up a sympathetic likeable one.

last edited at Jul 16, 2018 9:03AM

joined Jun 27, 2018

Kanade's a fujoshi. Didn't expect that.
Also, I think the "yes you're a princess, people should never hurt a princess" speech at the end doesn't actually help to make Nanaki turn into a better person.

joined Jun 30, 2016

Great, shes an M it seems, and that Nakaki still is a bitch.

Little Red Rum
joined Mar 6, 2015

Judging by the pacing, Nanaki is going to go through a bunch of character development until she realizes that being cute doesn't make a girl a princess.

But in this chapter, I see a glimpse of weird obsession in Kurokawa. It's like she'd be really pissed if a pretty girl were in tears even though said girl was a bitch.

joined Jan 27, 2016

Oh this waiting for new chapters is killing meeeeeeeee

joined Jun 27, 2017

... now I want it to go down a messed up codependency route were they are weirdly obsessed with each other and constantly reinforcing every bad trait they have.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 3:38PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Since Ajiichi is a doujin circle, they get a chapter out once or twice a year, don't they?

joined Feb 18, 2015

... now I want it to go down a messed up codependency route were they are weirdly obsessed with each other and constantly reinforcing every bad trait they have.

Yeah... that's kind of what I was thinking. Maybe up to the point where Kanade figures out that what she's really feeling is ATTRACTION to Nanaki because of her looks, and not that she simply doesn't want to see a princess lose her sparkle... Then things might start to get real...

The other thing I expect is Nanaki to try to do the Pygmalion thing with Kanade and turn the plain girl into a beauty. (After all, it was already mentioned that her mother is beautiful.)

Since Ajiichi is a doujin circle, they get a chapter out once or twice a year, don't they?

Oh... now I'm going to be bummed... I'm kinda liking this...

joined Jun 12, 2015

Since Ajiichi is a doujin circle, they get a chapter out once or twice a year, don't they?

It's serialized. Chapter every month.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Well I have more respect for Kurokawa, she feels more human now... She actually hates the B and she has issues from the past, but those issues really made her grown with a distorted view of reality and herself, thinking that society has already dictated her role in the world, I want to see her change that and not really (or not just) become a pretty princess but someone more proud.

As for the B, I don't know... Whatever, right? XD

joined Mar 16, 2018

Uh oh, I smell a rising yandere

joined Dec 12, 2017

"So, you're actually a gay person, Kurosawa!!"
embraces her hand

joined Feb 23, 2016

I feel yandere vibes slowly approaching

joined Nov 8, 2017

Nice chapter, can't wait for the next. :o

joined May 7, 2017

F***k you Ajiichi-sama, the first chapter was standard but his approach in this chapter was really good. Okay, I'm saving this but don't you dare forgetting my beloved 'Dear My Teacher'

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 6:13PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

"So, you're actually a gay person, Kurosawa!!"
embraces her hand

Well that got lewd fast :o

joined Mar 21, 2016

I feel yandere vibes slowly approaching

Idk about u but I did not see that coming..
who would've thought deep down kurokawa is actually a fckn psycho ˚D˚
I really like a char with one hell of a huge gap persona like her, this ist so exciting!

joined Apr 28, 2014

"Are you really that simple? If I were you, I'd have told all my friends and been laughing behind your back. I mean, I've always made fun of you, calling you ugly and everything."

"No one is allowed to deprive Fujishiro of her sparkle."

Cool, so one is completely without empathy or remorse for a life of social cruelty, and the other justifies her behavior with "she's a princess, she was born to be high above us rabble". This feels like a dating sim where King Joffrey is the protagonist.

joined Oct 15, 2014

I feel yandere vibes slowly approaching

Same..well either way I don't really mind hahaha

joined Mar 22, 2014

Hmm, considering Nanaki ends up removing her makeup and is completely okay with being ostracized by the popular group in a later chapter, I wonder if this will change Kanade’s opinion of her.

joined Mar 12, 2014

This has the potential to do so well, I'm very excited to see what direction it goes. I like that eyebrows has her own stuff that she's into (even if she's just a classic yaoi-nerd) and I'm glad she's not been forever lesbian pining for princess girl. And also that she doesn't even really like MC much because well she's a bitch, but still likes her... ascetically? Lol

I'm just super hoping that when (because it will happen) MC tries to make eyebrows look 'cute' that it just looks horrible on her and eyebrows stays as she is but owns it. It's just her confidence that is her problem, not her looks

Even better if MC develops her own interests and doesn't fuss over her hair and makeup so much

Really im just excited to see the romance develop, this shtick is totally my deal

joined Nov 26, 2017

Nice. MC is not mainstream like other Achiji's stories. I love it!

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