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joined Aug 18, 2015

I like the story so far, though the pacing makes it a bit difficult to follow at times. It would be nice if something was done to anchor the timeline a bit, but I don't think this is the kind of story that's meant to last a long time. The art is great, it's very pretty and the characters have appealing designs that don't try too hard to be "special".

"But I guess I'll just have a normal love"

I can't be the only one who read that as an attempt to reel the other girl in right? Expressing strong support at the thought of same sex relationships and then seeming to resign herself to the status quo in the hopes of spurring the other girl into action?

Yeah I read it that way too. Combined with what I saw as a pained, insincere smile it felt more like a "I'm resigned to a fate I don't want" kind of statement than anything else. It's sorta putting out feelers to gauge a reaction. Not a terribly kind thing to do, per se, but understandable as they're both scared to state their feelings out loud.

edit: also RIP tomboy childhood best friend. she never stood a chance. :(

last edited at Jul 26, 2024 3:08PM

joined Aug 18, 2015

^Username checks out.

joined Aug 18, 2015

The first time I saw people fighting over "A x B" vs "B x A" I thought it was a joke about fandom infighting.

I guess it is a joke in a way... but not one being made intentionally.

joined Aug 18, 2015

(in the format of a souls message) why is it always school girls?

And Aweida's manga are unrepentantly horny and also are structured like jokes (exposition to a sudden subversive punchline) like please you could have just drawn a standalone picture at that point

Twitter manga getting more and more popular as a medium sucks. Even the green manga is just stuck in a status quo loop

I know, right? All this free stuff is so not worth the money.

I miss the good ol' days when artists paid us to read their tweets. :(

joined Aug 18, 2015

How does that work? Does she hate it or is she just apathetic?

Yeah... that's the thing. It doesn't work.

She cares for her, but she doesn't love her. It's an entirely doomed one sided relationship. Areo Ace people can deeply care about and love people, but they can't ever be IN love with them. That's the aromantic part of aro-ace.

Functionally, she might as well be straight.

Ok so, this is a take I see a lot on stories about aro and/or ace people, and it's not always wrong, but it definitely isn't always right.

I think there's two issues people struggle to understand.

The first issue is misunderstanding what it means to be aro and/or ace, and the answer to what those words mean is... "it's complicated". Like, really complicated. Imagine trying to describe "falling in love". How do you get someone to understand what love feels like using only your words? Then add on to that the fact that even among ace/aro people it's not always the same. They're referred to as spectrums for a reason.

So yeah, it's complicated.

The second issue I see people having trouble with is understanding the area between "friends" and "lovers", which is, ironically, exactly what this manga is about. That's where a lot of the details lie for aro/ace people. Some don't want anything past "friends" at all, but many still desire companionship. A lot of the time, like in this story, that kind of companionship is really tricky to nail down with a label.

These things combined obviously lead to a lot of misunderstandings, which is really tough because god knows it's confusing enough already for the people it even matters to. And all this is barely scratching the surface.

At the end of the day, I at least would really just prefer if people didn't try and decide for others how a relationship "should" work or what it "should" look like. I think that we can all agree that even if it's well intentioned it's not really anyone else's business.

TL;DR if their relationship works for them, it's fine, isn't it? if it changes course then that's fine too. people change in many ways as they grow.

joined Aug 18, 2015


This was the funniest thing I've read in a while.

joined Aug 18, 2015

^^^ Well somebody has to keep count, right?

joined Aug 18, 2015

^there's also "alice unclearly remembered the precious lyrics" and "marisa tanked my score with an incredible hand"

I particularly like the latter

edit: Oh my god marisa stole the precious thing is over a decade and a half old. Say it ain't so...

last edited at Jun 29, 2024 2:38AM

joined Aug 18, 2015

As per usual, here I am getting emotionally attached to characters I have never seen the source material for, simply because my appetite for yuri is insatiable.

You should absolutely watch Lycoris Recoil, it's fantastic.

joined Aug 18, 2015

Human Goombella is extraordinarily cursed.

Also re: the trans tag, in the original game she was trans in the Japanese script but the English localization changed it. The remake restored the original script, so now we get trans Vivian too.

joined Aug 18, 2015

At this rate it might be best for Ruka if Suuna never learns what sex is. Poor girl won't be able to stand up for days if the beast inside Suuna awakens.

joined Aug 18, 2015

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was surprised by her hair color. I thought for sure she had brown hair.

joined Aug 18, 2015

^^^Yeah that looks to be the case. Mitsuki's hand is on Aya's back, and Aya's hair seems to stop abruptly about where her back would be, as if it's hidden behind. Her hips still seem a LITTLE disconnected, but not so much as to be outside the realm of possibility.

joined Aug 18, 2015

^^^That reply is so wholesome.

joined Aug 18, 2015

suit x dress...
suit x suit...
dress x dress...

Why not have all three? :P

Also Suletta, Miorine, and Chisato look great, but Takina is just... she looks quite nice to say the least. You might say her outfit...

suits her.

last edited at May 6, 2024 5:57PM

joined Aug 18, 2015

Marcille.exe has stopped responding.

joined Aug 18, 2015

^I read that as on you, as if Marcille rolled a 1 on her flirtation check and just flubbed the line.

joined Aug 18, 2015

My only real problem with this game was that the support rapport conversations were mostly pretty weak and far too few. Pretty much every character but Alain only had conversations with people they already had a connection to prior to them joining up, and the rare times there were ones between totally unrelated characters it almost always just had one conversation that might have some interesting backstory tidbit that's never followed up on.

For example, between Ridiel and all the other elves there's two conversations total. One that barely alludes to a past history between Lhinalgos and Ridiel's mother with no further exploration of that history, and one conversation with Galadmir that's really just "they practice together for an afternoon." You'd think given Ridiel's aspirations to joining the Elheim knights there'd be at least a single line about it, SOMEWHERE, but no, nothing.

All that said, Sharon and Ochlys are very lesbiams.

last edited at Apr 26, 2024 10:54PM

joined Aug 18, 2015

Wait, is Kurumi older than she looks? I've only watched the show so maybe there's some supplementary material I don't know about, but I didn't get the impression she wasn't a kid. Or is the tag just because she's (probably) not kindergarten-aged but dresses as one for the story?

last edited at Apr 23, 2024 7:14PM

joined Aug 18, 2015

All I want is FES and P3P combined into one game. :/

I played the first hour or so of the remake but it just didn't feel correct. Right from the get-go. The opening cutscene was just... worse, in every way. The pacing, the editing, everything, it was all wrong, and it just continued to be wrong for the next hour. I can't explain what the exact problems were, but it felt like they tried to take P3 and fit into into a P5 shaped mold. And I adore P5, but it's not even close to the same game. Doesn't help that it doesn't have the voice cast of the original (though Mitsuri's new VA did a reasonable enough facsimile of Tara Platt's performance).

I might try it again some day, but it's more likely I'd just play FES or P3P again instead. At least I played it on game pass instead of spending 70 bucks on it.

Farewell, my dreams of a complete P3 experience. :(

...this is a nice image though, so that's a plus.

joined Aug 18, 2015

"A Song of Singing, a dance of dancing, people die when they are killed, it's snowing on Mt. Fuji."


100% Butt discussion 08 Apr 22:42
joined Aug 18, 2015

No butts on page 19

Excellent point, this is only 95.45% butt.

I want my money back.

joined Aug 18, 2015

Utena: I'm busy doing stuff.

Kiwi: I'm stuff.

joined Aug 18, 2015

^^I'll admit I had something of a "fictional character crush" on her when I was younger. Smart, pretty, a wry sense of humor...

Which surely has absolutely nothing to do with how much I've loved glasses ever since. No connection between those two things whatsoever. Nothing.

last edited at Apr 2, 2024 2:22AM

joined Aug 18, 2015

I'd heard about this manga being sussy, but this...