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joined Jun 27, 2018

Dang. I completely forgot about narcolepsy. Also anemia.

Depression and brain lesions generally present with a range of other more prominent symptoms, so they're more easily recognizable, it doesn't apply to the situation in this story. It's probably anemia, I guess.

Also, good article, thanks.

joined Jun 27, 2018

I'm aware of a number of syndromes of chronic insomnia, but I never heard of one that causes chronic sleepiness (apart from, maybe, anti-histamine overuse). Any clues?

Love Bullet discussion 09 Jun 20:30
joined Jun 27, 2018

There is a lot poetry in page 15

I never thought a headshot at point-blank range could be adorable.

joined Jun 27, 2018

I swear, people are taking this plot a bit too seriously.

On the contrary. It's hard to take this particular plot seriously. And yet, somehow it's a fun story nevertheless.

joined Jun 27, 2018

This plot is some prime grade inane bullshit. How is it so fun to read?

joined Jun 27, 2018

Oh shit—“Her eyelashes are so long.” That’s it—game over. The Yuri Express is now barreling down the track, brakes gone and the throttle wide open.

I don't know what it is about Japanese lesbians and eyelashes, but this line shows up in every story at some point.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Props to Miku for being able to plot that equation in moments without a calculator. That was insane.

joined Jun 27, 2018

What's with this ridiculously cute story? I signed up for "funny and borderline s&m", then halfway through that I was sucker punched by an overwhelming and addictive amount of fluff. Is this what drugs do to you?

joined Jun 27, 2018

Kinda feels like the author ran out of plots to develop on so they threw in the random underclassmen to get some milage out of

Author has bills to pay, after all

joined Jun 27, 2018

I don't really get what happened in the second half, did she confess? Hypnotize her? What spell is she talking about?

Yeah, she cast a spell to make Kana-chan fall in love with her. It’s not a spoiler to tell you but it’s also explained later on, so you don’t have to understand at this point; I think it’s intentionally confusing.

Oooh that's fucked up. Give me more, please.

It is definitely fucked up. I don't think I'm interested any more.

To each their own, as they say.

I, for one, live for the fluff, but die for the fucked up drama.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Definitely not. It's at chapter 50 and weekly.


I believe the feeling comes from being so used to main couples that need 150 chapters for a first confession, that tangible progress feels rushed. Like, 50 chapters minimum? I doubt the title will remain true for much longer.

Nah. It's more like, it was progressing rather slowly up until chapter 19, and then a whole bunch of stuff happens in chapter 20. The pacing feels wrong.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Is it just me or did they just cram a whole lot of story in just a few pages? Did this get axed?

joined Jun 27, 2018

I don't really get what happened in the second half, did she confess? Hypnotize her? What spell is she talking about?

Yeah, she cast a spell to make Kana-chan fall in love with her. It’s not a spoiler to tell you but it’s also explained later on, so you don’t have to understand at this point; I think it’s intentionally confusing.

Oooh that's fucked up. Give me more, please.

joined Jun 27, 2018


joined Jun 27, 2018

Shou's useless-lesbianess reached peak levels this chapter

joined Jun 27, 2018

"I'm barely ever hit anyway"

joined Jun 27, 2018

This is still going?

15Y+ discussion 17 Mar 06:43
joined Jun 27, 2018

Wow, the incest is the least fucked up thing about this story.

joined Jun 27, 2018

The Secret of the Princess, Usui Shio-style.

I knew this set up seemed familiar

joined Jun 27, 2018

Can someone please explain the last few panels? I'm a little lost here.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Bit brash, kid. Could have waited a few days, at least.

joined Jun 27, 2018

In other words, sci-fi.

As long as sci-fi isn't being used as a pejorative, then sure.

Never. I actually do write sci-fi and fantasy stories in my spare time, I love the genre.

On the subject of sci-fi stories that make use of an alternative biology to explore sex and gender, have any of you folks read The Left Hand of Darkness?

joined Jun 27, 2018

Omegaverse is wild. When they talk about glands and stuff it feels like a scifi story.

While the ABO genre has been maligned by lots of folks for years as pointless and/or toxic smut (and, to be fair, a lot of it is), at its core, it is just a speculative fiction setting that, at its best, allows for an examination and even critique of sex and gender dynamics through a decidedly fantastic lens.

In other words, sci-fi.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Anyways as someone with many siblings I don’t understand how y’all romanticize incest so much. Yes I know it’s fictional. The only incest I’ll allow is step siblings that just met each other.

This particular story does not romanticize incest at all. On the contrary, it explicitly deals with how hard it is to feel attracted to a sibling. Because you cannot help who you feel attracted to. You can only control your actions.

Stories like these are super interesting (even some of the ones with actual incest, depending on how it's written). They allow us to get a different perspective about the world that we wouldn't have otherwise. It's the same reason why Nabokov wrote Lolita (although I haven't read that one so I can't tell if it's any good): to explore a difficult subject matter in a medium where it causes no harm to anyone.

Of course, that's considering the story doesn't actually romanticize these themes, in which case it may well cause harm (I will forever hate a few bdsm movies on Netflix for how much they romanticize abuse and other clear violations of consent). But it's not the case here.

joined Jun 27, 2018

I can't wait for her to do something stupid while Kaye is tutoring her and for Kaye to reflexively call her by her past life name and that's how they figure out that they've found each other.

Mild spoiler: It's gonna be better than that.