Forum › Our Yuri Started With Me Getting Rejected in a Dream discussion

joined Oct 2, 2021


joined Mar 26, 2014

I don't necessarily hate the stunned reaction, although it carries on for WAY too long, both in the sense of how long she's stunned and how this blank empty brain state fills up an entire chapter (at least, who knows if she'll be better next month). Especially since we're not seeing what she's thinking. We basically spent the entire chapter with one character in a stupor and the other just sitting there awkward, and that's extremely low density storytelling, and the ending didn't help. Tonally, this is the kind of chapter I expect to see after someone fucking dies, not a chapter after the heroines kiss. No matter what she's feeling, this framing can't be right for it unless she hated the kiss. You'd think the title of the manga was "Our Yuri Started With Me Getting Rejected in a Dream, and Ended With Me Getting Kissed and Realizing I'm Not Gay After All" looking at this chapter.

Said perfectly.

This! This right here! God, it reminds me of the manga that ended not too long ago about a writer fake dating her childhood friend and then she starts noticing her feelings and kisses her childhood friend and gets slapped. No explanation no nothing and then later it was cause she was embarrassed. Nah, dog if you shared the feelings either they were drunk or not a slap would not be the normal reaction. Just like here. If anything why didn't Tsukushi end up oh I don't know a blushing hot mess? Ooor to cry tears of joy cause this whole tell she thought she'd be rejected. It's supposed to be a happy thing and yet like you said we don't see what she's thinking. We don't see a typical reaction. It's just (-_-) and then she falls asleep again on the car ride. Overall chapter was just weird cause the chapter before had such good energy where she saw her swimsuit etc soooo yeah we're upset. Cause wtf!? This is not a normal reaction. My God. This story was getting fun and good then Stone-face McGee over here after the girl she likes kissed her WTF

joined Jun 25, 2019

If anything why didn't Tsukushi end up oh I don't know a blushing hot mess?/ It's just (-_-)

Which she did just after the kiss if you paid attention. She even wobble, meaning she is a bit shocked.

This is not a normal reaction. My God.

There is nothing as "normal reaction". People react differently at the same situation. Just because she doesn't reactlike you wanted her to react mean her reaction was "not nomal".

It's something to be upset that the author seem to stall, it's another to re-write what happen in the chapter, which was not even that long to top it off.

joined Mar 26, 2014

If anything why didn't Tsukushi end up oh I don't know a blushing hot mess?/ It's just (-_-)

Which she did just after the kiss if you paid attention. She even wobble, meaning she is a bit shocked.

This is not a normal reaction. My God.

There is nothing as "normal reaction". People react differently at the same situation. Just because she doesn't reactlike you wanted her to react mean her reaction was "not nomal".

It's something to be upset that the author seem to stall, it's another to re-write what happen in the chapter, which was not even that long to top it off.

So to you discussing the chapter is rewriting it? It is not. And it wasn't like I wrote a summary. I'm only explaining my thoughts on the topic. But okay. Look, I'm allowed to think and say whatever I want. Just like you can. If you wanna come across as the internet know-it all lesbo police. Fine, you can do that. I also said typical reaction. This shutting down isn't the norm. But it has been lately in order to "create misunderstandings and drama".
I'm discussing it overall. Which I stated. And I'm restating since there is a lack of comprehension happening on your end. And those blushes weren't nearly as bold or as obvious in a good direction as the swimsuit shopping chapter or the handholding one. It was Purposely subdued in order to create drama. Just like keeping her thoughts and everyone's thoughts but the side characters hidden. Usually, we go along with Tsukushi. Not the case here. We're also jarred like the characters were. And I'm surprised that Hinoka even kissed her. I was glad, but then not when the chapter was on this kind of cliffhanger. Only cause I felt bad for Hinoka.

Just saying anything (meaningful) to Hinoka would've helped Tsukushi here. But the silence doesn't bulid suspense or dread. It only makes things seem ambiguous. Which leaves a bitter aftertaste in comparison to the previous chapter. That is all. That's all I meant. But hey you do you. And I'll do me.

Especially, since we know Tsukushi to be a rather talkative yet awkward person. She doesn't usually think when she speaks like the "touch your boobs" thing so it seems like a odd reaction based on previous conversations and reactions she's displayed. She ran into Hinoka's chest without thinking. And the reactions there were more understandable or understood because we knew her thoughts.
But a see ya later. And a sorry. Oooof, big oooooof. I don't think that's great but she said something at least. But speechless otherwise manic laughter

last edited at Feb 21, 2024 1:44PM

joined Mar 26, 2014

Alright, I read the previous chapter "Failure or success?" again and it isn't all that bad. Besides, no thoughts or explanations. But I'm still kinda miffed cause damn that cliffhanger.
But still not the Tsukushi reaction I was expecting.

Poor Hinoka! Get your crap together Tsukushi! You better make it up to Hinoka for being a complete idiot. LMAO

I was excited in the previous chapter (confession) which is a lie of a title. More like "confusion"

Hinoka is a brave girl. Heck, I didn't kiss my childhood friend until I was 21 (after crushing on her for over 10 years), and she had a boyfriend at the time who was a total abusive tool. But it still didn't make it right to kiss her cause she was in a relationship. And she's still the only girl I've kissed. Cause I'm working on myself. I'm a little too possessive. (2020)

I hear that same ex-friend is now (2024) with a good guy, and they're thinking of getting a house together and instead of being jealous I'm like "Good for her." She wasn't perfect herself, cause she admitted to only hanging out with me when her boyfriends weren't giving her enough attention and I would make her feel better about herself. Gee, I wonder why??
She's bi, by the way. So she did kiss me back. Not all me, being shit. She liked me too, but not enough to date me cause she was raised catholic and wouldn't want her family to disown her.

So it didn't work out for a reason. And also we just weren't good for each other. And we had a falling out cause she would string me along, but then say she was still with her boyfriend. I mean like sending some risqué pictures then being all "well we're not anything more than friends." Friends don't send friends those kind of pics. Clearly, as they also stated in the manga.

The only time I was selfish and went for it. So Props to Hinoka. I get it. That's gotta suck.

I feel bad that Hinoka's first kiss wasn't more enjoyable. But I'm hoping for a better count come for her and Tsukushi. She felt guilty or on edge cause it's new and it's a girl's love. I'm just kinda happy that there was a kiss. In the more beginning chapters (unless this is written close to the end? I hope not a lot of older mangas also ended with a kiss or the next step then timeskip etc). But even if it does end here or close to it. There is,"Hana Ni Arashi" Where from the beginning they're a couple, but keeping it a secret (but barely) hahaha. Or "Take my fist of love"
Whispered words of course. And Girlfriends

joined Feb 17, 2024

inb4 she admits the kiss shattered her belief in liking girls and the manga nosedives into unapologetic rage bait, that would unironically be hilarious

joined May 8, 2017

Hinoka is a brave girl. Heck, I didn't kiss my childhood friend until I was 21 (after crushing on her for over 10 years), and she had a boyfriend at the time who was a total abusive tool. But it still didn't make it right to kiss her cause she was in a relationship. And she's still the only girl I've kissed. Cause I'm working on myself. I'm a little too possessive. (2020)

We like the girls who are bad for us, don't we? I admit, I'm the same.

joined Sep 11, 2019

I didn't know that there was a new chapter release until today, i was expecting my sweet conclusion and this happen ahhhhhhhh!!
Da' girl was simping for Hinoka throught the series and the autor just came with the great idea to make Tsukushi just retreat after find that her love wasn't one sided TF!!!!!!
This is a tough pill to swallow man, i'm still gonna wait for the development of this situation/arc whatever, i'm fine...

joined Sep 6, 2018

Genuinely such a fucked up chapter development, this feels incredibly contrived, to the point of melodrama. You can totally feel the hand of the editor in here like “ah, but we need another volume, and we don’t know if them being together will be compelling” (it would).

Taking off the tinfoil hat, I’m not not sure how to feel about this. If this is just another way to extend the will-they-won’t-they, then it’s super shitty, it kills all the momentum, and Tsukushi’s character is being sacrificed for content.

On the other hand, i’ve definitely had moments where I fuck things up by being unable to take the last step. There’s a plausible, if narrow, path toward this decision being acceptible, if they really lean in and take this seriously. I doubt this is the case, because on top of adding more complexity to the simple concept of the story, it would have a lot to contend with—Tsukishi hasn’t been shown to have any particular trauma about making important decisions, and more seriously her reacting this way to a kiss is pretty egregious and would require a lot explaining.

I’m willing to give the mangaka the benefit of the doubt for a chapter or two even if I don’t think it’ll pan out to be anything other than what it seems, but even if it does, I really really don’t like this development, and I don’t think it serves the work as we’ve seen it so far.

last edited at Feb 23, 2024 12:57PM

joined Nov 7, 2021

I dunno. I take it as after spending all this time preparing herself for a rejection scenario that has settled in her mind as the only outcome to her confession, receiving a kiss that is full of passionate intent just completely broke her expectations and she is in a confused denial of the whole situation. Maybe the drama will now switch to the other one thinking they are rejected haha

joined Dec 29, 2013

I dunno. I take it as after spending all this time preparing herself for a rejection scenario that has settled in her mind as the only outcome to her confession, receiving a kiss that is full of passionate intent just completely broke her expectations and she is in a confused denial of the whole situation. Maybe the drama will now switch to the other one thinking they are rejected haha


joined Apr 10, 2023

After thinking about it for a while, the thing that feels particularly wrong in the chapter is not even Tsukashi getting stunned by the kiss (although that is stupid and goes on for way too long) but rather Hinoka just also being silent?? Tsukashi's reaction is so extreme you'd think Hinoka would at least ask her if she's alright, or ask her to continue what she was saying, even to apologize for the kiss considering the apparently negative reaction. But nah she just goes along with Tsukashi's ridiculous over the top act for some reason, saying nothing but "s-sure" the entire chapter. She actually says even less than Hinoka does.

joined Aug 14, 2020

Let's goooooo! The plane has landed!

Unless that end statement is meant to be literal, in which case someone's losing some fingers.

last edited at Mar 2, 2024 5:22PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Oh she finally confessed guess the story ends now. Aight.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Yeah, ghosting someone (to their face!) will normally make them think they've been rejected! But let's just chalk up not talking for hours to a sudden fever. Whatever, I'll take it if it means it's not extended further. Good for them. Looking forward to what they do next as girlfriends now! Definitely not a dream anymore. Happy times ahead.

last edited at Mar 2, 2024 5:31PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Forum totally overreact with last chapter when they literally just had to wait one chapter.

joined Jul 8, 2019


last edited at Mar 2, 2024 5:45PM

joined Oct 25, 2022

Phew, crisis averted

joined Aug 16, 2014

"It's almost like a dream!"

Smash cut to Hinoka waking up in bed

joined Feb 1, 2021


Forum totally overreact with last chapter when they literally just had to wait one chapter.

Last chapter still feels like the author desperately trying to contrive their way back from the chapter before that, though, even if we now see that they weren't. The last time I saw progress that lurched back and forth this hard, I was still learning to drive a manual transmission...

joined May 28, 2021

Hinoka looks so impossibly happy and relieved, makes the whole ordeal worth it just to see her like that :)

joined Mar 19, 2019

I swear to god if next chapter it turns out to be a dream...

joined Sep 13, 2022

AAAAAAAAAA im so happy for them this is what yuri is all about :*)

joined Mar 10, 2013

Hijiki making a whole ass manga just to troll the readers

joined May 10, 2021

Aight, I can finally die peacefully.

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