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Love Bullet discussion 09 Jun 15:36
joined Dec 16, 2020

Fuck the second half of the chapter really got my eyes watering ; ____ ; I've been thoroughly enjoying this manga but chapter 6 really cemented it as a new favorite of mine. Can't wait to see what the next arc is about!!

joined Dec 16, 2020

Holy shit, I can't believe someone put so much time and care into such a long doujin. Amazing read!!

joined Dec 16, 2020

I love love love Ogi's Love Live doujin!!

joined Dec 16, 2020


Why do you say this?

Pretty sure it was announced recently. It sucks, I feel like this one had potential to run for at least 5 volumes or more :(

joined Dec 16, 2020

Holy shit the manga's back! I was wondering if it'd come back after the announcement of the anime. I really hope it survives this time until the leads get together (I don't even know if the light novels have gotten there but alas).

joined Dec 16, 2020

This manga is soooo slow burn but soooo good. It makes me kinda sad that the artist is self-publishing since they're clearly talented enough to put out a proper serialization and make better money off it.

Love Bullet discussion 14 Apr 10:05
joined Dec 16, 2020

It's entirely possible some, or all, of her suitors were shot before Koharu even arrived, as was the case with the first chapter, so there's no need for them to be shot now. Koharu's here to shoot her friend so she'll [i]reciprocate[/i] someone's feelings. She could also create a new suitor, if she feels the need to, but that isn't actually necessary.

Fair point. However, somebody actually willing to make a bet that she won't also shot heart-eyed girl in the same chapter that she shoots Aki? Because it's a losing bet, I think.
Just pointing out what seems to be a minor inconsistence betwen the actual action and the internal rules, which as I've explicitly stated, is likely done deliberately by the mangaka in the name of storytelling. Which is a good thing. Storytelling should reign supreme in, you know, story telling.
Of course, if Koharu does not shoot the girl in the next chapter (let alone, if someone actually mentions the girl was already in love), the whole point will be moot :-)

I still don't get what you're trying to claim here. There's literally no inconsistency, all of the friends already have fallen for Aki prior to Koharu showing up (shown by the dialogue and their heart eyes in the last three chapters) so Koharu's only concerned with who Aki should fall in love with. There's no reason for her to shoot any of Aki's friends in the first place.

Love Bullet discussion 14 Apr 01:43
joined Dec 16, 2020

Unless I'm forgetting some exposition from the previous chapters, I think one has to go into this series under the assumption that Love (that is, actual mutual romance) is not a thing that just happens in the organic way we think of it but always by the hand of a cupid.

based on chapter 5, where we see characters being clearly lovestruck without cupid intervention, it follows that love is something that can happen, and the work of a cupid is to ensure it does happen.

The "rules" of Love Bullet's universe are being doled out in in small chunks, and from what we know love must be sparked by Cupids. But whether those feelings last or fade away afterwards is up to each human and their interactions with the person they fall for. The author mentioned in her interview that she made a world "where love is only possible thanks to Cupids". So we can assume that anyone who shows up in already in love has had those feelings triggered by another Cupid's love bullet/bomb in the past, which was stated to be the case for Aoi and Daito in Chapter 0's love triangle.

That might be what the author tries to depict. That is not what the autor does depict.
Clearly already in love waaaay before being shot by anyone.(1) (Unlike who is clearly shot from off-panel by someone else).
If those are the setting rules, then the author ignored them (an author, ignoring the setting's rules in the name of the actual story? OUTRAGEOUS!) :-)

(1) I mean, with the whole point of the chapter being that it's going to be Koharu the one that will match that girl and Aki, to say that she has not yet being shot is a safe-ish bet.

What are you talking about, heart-shaped pupils/heart-shaped eyes are the indicator that people are in love in the story and all of Aki's friends were shown with the heart eyes back in Chapter 3. None of the friends are falling in love in this chapter, they're all already in love. The "bullet" in page 5 of today's chapter was clearly a visual gag or else Koharu would've panicked at the indication of another Cupid hiding within shooting distance. And like stated by lore, if anyone who died without falling in love and wanted to can become a Cupid (and keep the gig for years), it makes perfect sense that all of Aki's classmates were shot by other Cupids in the past while she remained unable to fall in love with any of them back until now because she was in love with/hung up on Koharu.

last edited at Apr 14, 2024 1:46AM

Love Bullet discussion 13 Apr 13:41
joined Dec 16, 2020

The satisfaction of seeing Chiyo get blown up after antagonizing poor Koharu lol

This series really feels like Yuri-flavored shonen (I know it's seinen), I wish more manga were allowed to mix up action and yuri romance like this.

joined Dec 16, 2020

This chapter truly had me giggling and kicking my feet, gotta love when a slow buildup starts to pay off

last edited at Apr 8, 2024 10:20AM

joined Dec 16, 2020

This is a case where I should happy about the premise and the yuri but the execution (especially the lead up to this confession) were lacking...It doesn't help that the art's been a little wonky lately too with the big heads and short necks.

joined Dec 16, 2020

We need a tag for "amnesiatic childhood friends", or "mistaken childhood friends"

It is such a cliche.

I actually had a friend I played with as a kindergartener who I didn't recognize was in my high school math class until a few months into the school year. She had worn a lot of skirts as a kid but had a very edgy, tomboy look in high school. I don't think I would've made the connection if she hadn't brought up our old recess hangouts when we ended up in the same pod of desks lol

So does it happen irl but the way manga/anime does it often feels unrealistic and forced.

last edited at Mar 2, 2024 12:08PM

Love Bullet discussion 28 Feb 00:27
joined Dec 16, 2020

It can't be only me who is already shipping her with Koharu... right!?

I know people are unstandably more invested in who Aki ends up with but I feel like there are already hints that Kanna will fall for Koharu at some point (or are my goggles on too tight? lol)

Love Bullet discussion 27 Feb 15:12
joined Dec 16, 2020

Agh my heart at Aki not recognizing Koharu....... Looking forward to seeing the Cupid CQC next chapter though, I swear this manga escalates in the most unexpected ways lol

joined Dec 16, 2020

Um what?? Did we just get confirmation of romantic kisses (not as a joke) from multiple duos that weren't "there" yet? Especially Nononon/Yumimi and Haruka/Kanae, we've been getting extremely slow but steady progress between those two pairings...Why am I even complaining when I've been waiting so long for those two couples to properly hook up lol

Two's Rock discussion 15 Feb 02:58
joined Dec 16, 2020

Wow this was like an entire oneshot of this AU and the art is incredible!

joined Dec 16, 2020

I love all of Ree's doujin soooo much __ Sad there was only one page of the juicy stuff though lol

Love Bullet discussion 18 Jan 20:09
joined Dec 16, 2020

Shit it's been FIVE YEARS??? Man I don't know if it was a good or bad thing for Kanna to have Koharu be Aki's Cupid right off the bat but Koharu probably would've looked for Aki as soon as she woke up anyway?? It's a painful form of closure for sure... ;_;

joined Dec 16, 2020

What an interesting chapter name lol

joined Dec 16, 2020

Even taking into account all the hate sex that crotch shot in chapter 9 was just playing dirty lol

Love Bullet discussion 09 Dec 06:46
joined Dec 16, 2020

might be weird but i'm already shipping koharu and kanna together

Reading through the comments you're not the only one lol

Page 29 (with Aki hovering over Koharu as she dies) and Page 32 (with Kanna hovering over Koharu as she wakes up) have the same panel layout but in reverse order. I'm jumping on the delulu train and deciding that has to mean something

Love Bullet discussion 05 Dec 23:16
joined Dec 16, 2020

Okay I knew the death was coming because how else would she have become a cupid but I was /not/ expecting it to be like that, ouch.

I also get why last chapter was numbered "0", this is the real start of the story. Now I'm wondering if it's just gonna be Kanna and Koharu or if the whole gang's there as part of the welcome party

Love Bullet discussion 01 Dec 03:30
joined Dec 16, 2020

Do poly relationships just not exist in this universe?

Might just take more effort on the Cupids' part since the bullets/explosions only make you fall in love with whoever you're looking at. So to get 3 people to all like each other it wouldn't be as simple as throwing them all in one explosion but hitting each person twice and then hoping all of them are "compatible" with each other. Ngl it'd be kinda fun to see a chapter where they try to coordinate that lol

Love Bullet discussion 01 Dec 01:22
joined Dec 16, 2020

You're telling me there's four female main characters that would perfectly pair off into two yuri pairings and the lore says they can't fall in love?! :<

This first chapter was kind of insane in so many ways lol I really like this artist's Love Live comics so it's super cool to see a full-on manga from them

joined Dec 16, 2020

A rare update from this manga is always much appreciated! Sensei was definitely acting super sus, it was kinda cute how the girls couldn't stop staring at her chest lmao