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joined Mar 18, 2023

what a chapter of a manga.

joined Feb 16, 2016


joined Apr 25, 2020

DAMN! but i'm sure it'll work out one way or another

what a chapter of a manga.

this says a lot about society

last edited at Feb 17, 2024 9:55PM

joined Aug 25, 2023

Poor Hinoka. I wonder if Tsukushi realizes she has just hurt her horribly.

I wonder if she realizes Hinoka can only take her attitude as cold rejection.

Probably not.

None of you understands; Hinoka rejected her before (in her dream) so now Tsukushi's answer to the kiss is a silent cold shoulder to Hinoka. It's payback!

joined Sep 16, 2019

C’mon, folks—give Tsukushi a little time to process here. We already know that she takes a bit longer to emotionally process than the average person.

She’ll catch on eventually—like the next Ice Age, maybe.

You’re giving her too much credit. The last spark the universe experiences before entering total heat death is going to be generated by Tsukushi finally putting the pieces together.

last edited at Feb 17, 2024 10:10PM

joined Jan 19, 2015

hinoka might really start to look into someone who values her and themself more.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Ah, godammit. You bloody useless lesbians. They both EARNED the "Idiot Couple" tag.

last edited at Feb 17, 2024 10:37PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

This is all wrong. All the development (or lack thereof) that follows the kiss is gratuitous and nonsensical and I just can't suspend my disbelief.

joined Apr 4, 2022


joined Feb 1, 2021

This is all wrong. All the development (or lack thereof) that follows the kiss is gratuitous and nonsensical and I just can't suspend my disbelief.

Yeah I'm normally fine with almost anything in the genre of Idiot Lesbians Not Getting Together manga if they're cute enough but this was just aggravating.

joined Sep 10, 2022

That went about as expected. It's been dragging this out forever in nonsense ways, so of course it would drag it out again. I'm just slightly surprised with how they chose to do it, this time.

last edited at Feb 17, 2024 11:11PM

joined May 21, 2021

There's no excuse for Tsukishi. The way she is acting, Honoka might as well think Tsukishi is disgusted by the kiss.

…well that’s embarrassing. Pardon the American moment. For some reason, I thought the little Korean flag was a Japanese one, and I didn’t notice the characters were different.

Mangadex never host original language version in the first place because it would be straight up pirating and not just in the grey area of translation.

joined Mar 21, 2019


joined Nov 13, 2022

Why you gotta do that to your girlfriend and wife of seventeen years Tsukushi? I mean come on

joined Feb 24, 2023

WTF was that? Like genuinely, my suspension of disbelief comes to a hard stop here because I have no reason to ever believe this makes any sense for Tsu to react the way she did? No normal human would behave like this

If you have a crush, a MASSIVE one on someone you knew your entire life and want nothing more than to be with them, psych yourself up for a confession for WEEKS, and the time comes and you receive probably the most unambiguous answer said crush could give by KISSING you, and your response is to…back off, send mixed messages, don’t talk about it, act sad/unsure/disappointed/basically give your crush every reason possible to take it the wrong way???

What were they thinking with this direction? It’s just a very forced artificial way to drag this dilemma out

last edited at Feb 17, 2024 11:30PM

joined Jun 25, 2021

joined Mar 10, 2023

WTF was that? Like genuinely, my suspension of disbelief comes to a hard stop here because I have no reason to ever believe this makes any sense for Tsu to react the way she did? No normal human would behave like this

If you have a crush, a MASSIVE one on someone you knew your entire life and want nothing more than to be with them, psych yourself up for a confession for WEEKS, and the time comes and you receive probably the most unambiguous answer said crush could give by KISSING you, and your response is to…back off, send mixed messages, don’t talk about it, act sad/unsure/disappointed/basically give your crush every reason possible to take it the wrong way???

What were they thinking with this direction? It’s just a very forced artificial way to drag this dilemma out

This summarizes my feelings. I still love the manga, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it after this is resolved, but what a janky way to maintain tension. It needs Tsukishi to actually like, sit down and talk through her thinking, or it'll just be weird.

joined Mar 23, 2022

Some useless lesbian needs to step up her game or imma gonna break the 4th wall and slap a fictional character and put some balls to her pussy.

joined Oct 23, 2022

what. the. fuck.

joined Aug 4, 2020

naww why it ended up like this

joined Sep 16, 2019

There's no excuse for Tsukishi. The way she is acting, Honoka might as well think Tsukishi is disgusted by the kiss.

…well that’s embarrassing. Pardon the American moment. For some reason, I thought the little Korean flag was a Japanese one, and I didn’t notice the characters were different.

Mangadex never host original language version in the first place because it would be straight up pirating and not just in the grey area of translation.

Yeah, that thought occurred to me, too. I probably should have connected the dots there.

As for your other point, the only reason I could see this making sense is either she was SO convinced that she’d be rejected that the idea of her feelings being reciprocated doesn’t actually make sense to her, or she was so focused on confessing that being headed off knocked her completely out of wack. In either case, her reaction is so stupid that it pushes the boundaries of believability, and it’s going to make sorting this mess out so much harder once she finally manages to extract her head from her ass.

Some useless lesbian needs to step up her game or imma gonna break the 4th wall and slap a fictional character and put some balls to her pussy.

You, uh… you want to rephrase that one?

last edited at Feb 18, 2024 12:07AM

joined Feb 18, 2013

Wow, good LORD are they going the extra mile to be extra useless!!

Who's "they"? This is all on Tsukushi.

joined Feb 14, 2016

White Rose posted:

Poor Hinoka. I wonder if Tsukushi realizes she has just hurt her horribly.

I wonder if she realizes Hinoka can only take her attitude as cold rejection.

Probably not.

I think the funniest thing that could happen is if the next chapter opens with Hinoka having a dream where Tsukushi returns her kiss and then gets really depressed and anxious about it

joined Aug 9, 2019

Whaaaat the fuuuuck dude, whyyyyy did she react like that T^T

joined May 2, 2018


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