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joined Sep 11, 2019

What an amazing way to deliver a cliffhanger jaja

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

I have being atracted to the fashion setting of this one since the beginning, so it's really cool that the scan team always put those credit pages with the fashion references that the autor always make, thx guys :)

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

A long doujin that portrayed very well a post-starira ship plot events
Not a single page was wasted, the art and the writting were exceptional, I hadn't enjoyed a doujin plot in some time...
You can tell what pairing is the fan favorite in starira when you found gems like this jaja

last edited at Jun 7, 2024 1:20AM

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

Bro noooooo....
I was happy not knowing when Elisha has going to return to America :(
Honoka it's time to marry Elisha to get her japanese citizenship quick

joined Sep 11, 2019

The heart formula was "cringe" but so cute man jaja
Love that shit

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

Matama ready to put down those pants, what a pushy

joined Sep 11, 2019

Thx Kani sensei for not letting me die of thirst...awesome chapter, as expected the kiss panels were the full sweetness course that i need to hold for another chapter <3

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

Gracias por mucho Trigger, perdón por tan poco...

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

MataNemo is my new jam, unless they make KyoSaya canon in the upcoming madoka movie ofc

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

One wholesome media a day keep death one day away :)

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

Vivan las novias :)

joined Sep 11, 2019

Ok so does anyone else hate tsuyuhara? I can't stand her

^Not try to change your opinion, but she did nothing wrong, she is the opposite of Haruka, meanwhile Haruka take it for granted sensei feeling about her without developing a couple relationship, Mizu was brave enough to ask sensei for a date knowing that sensei was probably begin to fall for another person, a truly protagonist move if you ask me

joined Sep 11, 2019

Don't get me wrong, i just discover this series and i may not know anything so far...but i really disliked the cat protagonist, like she just expected that "sensei" is going to fall "really" for her just because she "impossed" herself in "sensei's" life, add the fact that she black-mailed both Mizu and sensei, the kid even go that far to stop the Mizu's date with sensei without even realizing her own feelings, that was kinda dirty at least Mizu deserved her chance to "charm" sensei and if it didn't work now it would be Haruka's chance to do so but well whatever i'm still gonna read it, bc i like drama the same amount as i hate it, my two cent of

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

Rare pair, but a welcome one
It's definitely weird to see a Blue Archive arts without a bunch of guys in the comments saying: "oH bUt AlL oF ThEm ArE In LoVe wItH sEnSeI...i have to stop playing self insert good games or at least never interact with its community *sigh

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

Kinda sad that we don't see NaoxOnibi anymore :(
but really happy that HonoxEli is going forward at good pace :)
The title of the chapter remind me a song called "Electric Love" xd

last edited at Feb 26, 2024 5:52PM

joined Sep 11, 2019

I didn't know that there was a new chapter release until today, i was expecting my sweet conclusion and this happen ahhhhhhhh!!
Da' girl was simping for Hinoka throught the series and the autor just came with the great idea to make Tsukushi just retreat after find that her love wasn't one sided TF!!!!!!
This is a tough pill to swallow man, i'm still gonna wait for the development of this situation/arc whatever, i'm fine...

joined Sep 11, 2019

The bears began a rebellion against humans, and these guys feed monsters with humans?
im not gonna like the route this story is going to take...

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

From making a "d1ck" from a towel to make "panties" from a handkerchief, the development in this series is something else

last edited at Jan 15, 2024 7:10PM

joined Sep 11, 2019

Tokemichi the GOAT :)

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

The moment they begin to take the pairing spot i was really captivated by their presence :)

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

At this point i really need a dj wholesome story of them :)
I recently discovered that both seiyus used to be more "friendly" to each other in their twitter photos but now it doesn't like that :(

joined Sep 11, 2019

Good stuff, good stuff...
I didn't see the kiss coming jaja

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

Yeah boy we trippin'
Odd end but i never expected to be a "conventional" one xd

last edited at Nov 28, 2023 12:06AM

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

@Aquwin you almost lure me in to watch the anime for some yuri crumbs jaja

KS YuuHaru
joined Sep 11, 2019

Where is Kon?!?!
Where is the plot in this?!?!
I don't understand nothing at this point