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joined Sep 30, 2017

Didn't the duel end on a draw? Why is Shion saying that she lost?

Some readers were saying that the blade edges tell a different story: Shion had just made a shallow shoulder cut, while Frost was positioned to cut Shion's throat out.

I don't think so... As someone who trained with katanas and other blades, a descending cut on the shoulder like that has a massive chance of being fatal. That's where the subclavian artery is. If that is cut, you'll bleed out very quickly.

Also, for me, it seemed like Frost's attack would hit Shion's mask. And since that IS a "supernatural" element, we can't know for sure it'll be able to tank the attack or not.

So, for me it was a draw.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Didn't the duel end on a draw? Why is Shion saying that she lost?

last edited at Mar 25, 2025 1:39PM

joined Sep 30, 2017

I Wonder If Second season will be descensored like the first... I hope so...

joined Sep 30, 2017

Meh ending. Exactly how I thought it would be. Reading this series was a waste of time. I'll memorize this author to make sure I'll never read any work from them ever again...

joined Sep 30, 2017

About fucking time!
Now, how many chapters before she goes back to Ami?
Thanks for the update!

It's always like this. And it's always so infuriating. How refreshing It would be for once, Just once, to see a cheated manga character who actually values and respects themselves and just undestands unconditional love is a myth and everybody has a limit and just cuts things off? I honestly doubt this manga will have the depth to go down that route.

ain’t the last chapter, chapter 10? so ofc there is no depth to it if the story ends >.> or maybe mangadex is wrong about the number of chapters?

Oh? Was it axed maybe?

joined Sep 30, 2017

About fucking time!
Now, how many chapters before she goes back to Ami?
Thanks for the update!

It's always like this. And it's always so infuriating. How refreshing It would be for once, Just once, to see a cheated manga character who actually values and respects themselves and just undestands unconditional love is a myth and everybody has a limit and just cuts things off? I honestly doubt this manga will have the depth to go down that route.

last edited at Mar 19, 2025 10:34AM

joined Sep 30, 2017

Persona 3 is on the top 3 best games I ever played.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Wow.... I hate mankind, bruh... I'm staying Very far away from all of these artists. Thanks for the headsup

last edited at Mar 18, 2025 12:55PM

joined Sep 30, 2017

Okay... Y'all got me curious, but not to the point of looking It up. So can someone tell me why this Asanagi guy is so bad?

joined Sep 30, 2017

You just know with how Hiro does thing that their kiss is gonna be in full color and the lighting will be fucking immaculate

I’m expecting something like this:

Likewise, gonna be out of this world in either case.

In any case that was such a cute goddamn chapter, but Komichi getting outgayed at the end and just sitting there, "suffering" the consequences of her own actions was a ten outta ten, chef's kiss moment. Ahhhh! Need more!

And It will be 15 diferent angles of the same kiss.

last edited at Feb 24, 2025 5:22PM

joined Sep 30, 2017

So, RAW 83 just updated.

Did they really skip the whole date? Or the part where they went to Komichi talking to the rest of the class is a flashback happening before she and Erika got in the bus?

If so, that would be really disappointing and not worth the wait... I was waiting patiently to know How the date would go

last edited at Feb 21, 2025 8:08AM

joined Sep 30, 2017

Cool. But is Elsa also ginger down there?

joined Sep 30, 2017

Oh, I hate characters like her...

joined Sep 30, 2017

She is completely legal now.

joined Sep 30, 2017

I dont really enjoy depressing stuff cuz im already in a deep depression myself, but the familiar word "saudade" caught my attention.

its such a strong word with alot of feelings in it, the best way i can translate it is "missing something from you past so much", this remind me of some friends i lost, some views i cant see anymore, some parents that already left this world....

i will give it a chance, maybe in the future i can say that i had saudade of reading it.

greetings from brazil.

Oh, look. Another fellow depressed Brazilian.

Se mantenha forte, parceiro.

joined Sep 30, 2017

I think we need an "aaaaaaangst" tag with extra "a's" for this one...

joined Sep 30, 2017

Yes, Ai. What happened there? You just voiced the whole Akebi-chan Sailor Uniform's fandom.

joined Sep 30, 2017

I gotta admit... I'm more into Akishiho than Yorihima.

last edited at Jan 19, 2025 8:31AM

joined Sep 30, 2017

Didn we miss the "Summer Festival (1)"?

joined Sep 30, 2017

Pleaaaase. You really gonna makes us wait until next year for chapter 81?

joined Sep 30, 2017

Yeah, no.... I've seen this plot many times before and It never did it for me. Very easy pass on this one...

joined Sep 30, 2017

Aaaaaaand I spoke too soon. A new chapter just went live tonight in Japan.


Oh, Thanks God! Hiro is our Hero! I need to know what happens next! How long hás It been since I felt this impatient for an update... This series is special.

joined Sep 30, 2017

I could read all the drama but who has the time right?

So I'm just going to ask before diving into this? Do we have a kiss? Are they into each other from the point that even the nettaigyo author would have to pull up an "it was all a dream" to backtrack it?
I just ask this because who has the time nowadays right? And if I'm diving into 80 chapters I'd like to know in advance I already made that mistake with that one manga with the widower and the sister of the dead guy.

Oh, trust me. This is Yuri 100%. Next chapter is going to be decisive between Erika and Komichi.

By the way: This waiting is agonizing. When is the next chapter comming?

Word has it that Hiro is on break until next year. A short-novel-like story about Minoru did come out recently, but that's about it.

Hopefully we get to see Komichi and Erika's date next chapter though. It's about time for it.

Ah, man. This is the MEANIEST moment for him to take a break. But he also needs to rest and be with his family on the Holydays, so I understand. But to wait until next year will be pure torture...

joined Sep 30, 2017

I could read all the drama but who has the time right?

So I'm just going to ask before diving into this? Do we have a kiss? Are they into each other from the point that even the nettaigyo author would have to pull up an "it was all a dream" to backtrack it?
I just ask this because who has the time nowadays right? And if I'm diving into 80 chapters I'd like to know in advance I already made that mistake with that one manga with the widower and the sister of the dead guy.

Oh, trust me. This is Yuri 100%. Next chapter is going to be decisive between Erika and Komichi.

By the way: This waiting is agonizing. When is the next chapter comming?

Love Bullet discussion 20 Nov 22:25
joined Sep 30, 2017

Ponytail is a manace.