Forum › Posts by Eilerci

joined May 8, 2017

Well that Westermarck effect failed just like their parents' marriage.

Interesting article about this subject I dug up from the archives of yesteryear:

joined May 8, 2017

'If I refuse ...will you buy someone else?' 'No, I won't'

Miyagi you just lost your trump card

joined May 8, 2017

How old is the mangaka? I'd like to know.

joined May 8, 2017

I thought it was a joke about commutativity of multiplication. Fuck.

If we were to represent the characters in a coupling as matrices, their multiplication wouldn't be commutative.

A x B ≠ B x A for select mathematical objects. QED.

joined May 8, 2017

Nonoka is a reddit jirai girl and Mizuki is a twitter jirai girl. One larps and the other cuts.

joined May 8, 2017

That microsecond of hot disappointment on Toriko's face when Sorawo begged Kozakura to come. Oh man.

joined May 8, 2017

Also to those confused by what is going on: DO NOT SECOND-GUESS IT. This is slice-of-life, plain as can be.

joined May 8, 2017

autism representation in yuri and yuri-adjacent anime/manga has been everywhere lately huh

it's either social media or the vaccines

EDIT: I am obviously joking. If I could possibly medicate my autism away I'd eat the whole pharmacy.

last edited at Jul 23, 2024 4:39AM

joined May 8, 2017

The first time I saw people fighting over "A x B" vs "B x A" I thought it was a joke about fandom infighting.

I guess it is a joke in a way... but not one being made intentionally.

I thought it was a joke about commutativity of multiplication. Fuck.

joined May 8, 2017

I only saw this quote now... This is so funny, it is true though but I did stop using it a few years ago (or maybe it was actually last year, I can't remember). It was a bit after it got sold to Melon Musk and I don't remember when that was.

Aw dangit. Would've added you if you were still on twt, because some of your comments here are fire. But quitting after the muskmelon takeover is a completely valid move in my books. The site has become a rather unpleasant reflection of him in some ways.

Aw thank you, same goes for you. Appreciate seeing you around the forum (And your icon is a reminder to finally install the SubaHibi .iso I've got sitting around in my files for months now)

DO IT. The yuri is allegorical but it's still a good little game.

joined May 8, 2017

I'm so starved of sci-fi yuri that anytime it comes up it doesn't matter how trite or cliche it is I will lap it up every time.

Also there's something very romantic about this manga, more romantic than the soppiest yuri rom coms. I can't pinpoint what it is. Maybe it's been a long time since I saw such unquestioned teamwork between the leads. Usually the drama comes from one angstily second guessing the other but either they've skipped all that or it's not the main focus right now, the main focus being fighting against societal bigot baddies.

I think the unquestioned teamwork is a big part of why the romance hits so hard, but I also think it's the commitment to push forward through serious disagreement. Although Diode was absolutely right to challenge the Clan Chief to the fishing competition, it very clearly put Terra way out of her comfort zone and led to a fairly serious argument between them. But they both realize that they're in this together, and whatever differences they have are less important than the sense of fulfillment they provide one another.

I wonder how much drama will arise between the two when the external antagonism quiets down. It's not a story without complications, after all. Either that, or the manga will end when there is no more external bullshit to be faced and they go sailing off into the bliss of an unknown future.

joined May 8, 2017

ChatGPT would also say you can use bleach as lube.

But you can use it as lube! Not for long, but you can! D:

joined May 8, 2017

I disagree, this IS sex. ChatGPT would agree with me

joined May 8, 2017

socially awkward person joins twitter

Oddly accurate description

I'm sorry but as soon as you put that fumos in a cage pic as your pfp I knew you had some familiarity with twitter

I only saw this quote now... This is so funny, it is true though but I did stop using it a few years ago (or maybe it was actually last year, I can't remember). It was a bit after it got sold to Melon Musk and I don't remember when that was.

Aw dangit. Would've added you if you were still on twt, because some of your comments here are fire. But quitting after the muskmelon takeover is a completely valid move in my books. The site has become a rather unpleasant reflection of him in some ways.

joined May 8, 2017

Lung cancer is sexy af fr

When the hack of blood hits your eye, that's amore

I measure my women by how fast the jet of blood hits my face when it's coughed up out of their lungs.

joined May 8, 2017

I'm so starved of sci-fi yuri that anytime it comes up it doesn't matter how trite or cliche it is I will lap it up every time.

Also there's something very romantic about this manga, more romantic than the soppiest yuri rom coms. I can't pinpoint what it is. Maybe it's been a long time since I saw such unquestioned teamwork between the leads. Usually the drama comes from one angstily second guessing the other but either they've skipped all that or it's not the main focus right now, the main focus being fighting against societal bigot baddies.

joined May 8, 2017

Nobody said anything about whether she does or does not have the right to decide her own life. What I'm saying is how choices like that usually play out in real life.

Black-haired does want to have a normal amount of sex/ intimate physical contact but is ignoring her desires for the sake of the gf, see: how she awkwardly laughed when MC asked her if she liked sex, lowered down to kiss the blondie's neck but stopped short when the latter didn't like it, hesitated to give her even a peck on the cheek and had to stop afterwards to check if her gf's okay with that (blondie's surprised reaction implies this is not a common occurence). That and when confronted about the issue, she simply waved it aside and said sappy things like "everyone is different, just accept yourself and be happy". Yes, everyone is different, and that's what causes problems in relationships when one's needs is being unmet by the other because it is her dislike. She still hasn't solved the practical problem of how she'll satisfy her needs yet. The only thing we're shown is that she completely ignores/ pretending she doesn't have needs/ it's no big deal so as to not make her gf feel guilty. Apply this to any real life relationship and you'll see how it wouldn't work out in the long run, and even if it does, one party is gonna be extremely miserable for as long as it lasts.

This... martyr archetype who has no needs of her own and only exist to fulfill others' (usually the MC's) desires is ubiquitous in media for obvious reasons. But it usually manifests very differently in real life due to how human psyche works. I know the type. They aren't actually selfless. They still have needs and wants like everybody else, but for one reason or another tries to suppress it for someone else's sake, but those unmet desires of theirs aren't going anywhere, they're gonna cause resentment, lots of resentment, and when they can't hold it in anymore, they explode. Either onto the person who caused it or someone else. And then back to another martyr-ing cycle. That's how it works.

I see no character nuances here. Wanting to be loved by normal people but feeling insecure due to being unable to meet their needs is like, the crux of the asexuals' dilemma. The author tries to solve that by creating a cardboard character who still has sexual needs but happily casts them aside to please the MC. A more elegant solution to the problem would've been to hook asexuals up with each other.

You're entirely correct. I unironically and deeply agree with your analysis on an intellectual and spiritual level.

Now where's my perfect martyr woman who will sacrifice all her needs for me, a disgusting asexual? :3

joined May 8, 2017

having to show people at work pictures on my phone is my worst fear because the camera roll is so nsfw

Pro tip to you and everyone else: Android lets you setup mutliple user accounts that are useful for compartmentalizing your apps and files. Having separate profiles for work, leisure and important things (banking, etc.) helps with lots of stuff.

Cool! Now I can compartmentalize my phone just like my personalities!

joined May 8, 2017

Wow. Introspective tag with some real introspection. This manga feels like the late-night therapy sessions I have with myself on a word document in a dimly lit room.

joined May 8, 2017

having to show people at work pictures on my phone is my worst fear because the camera roll is so nsfw

joined May 8, 2017

It takes some guts to upend your entire life and move to the country on the assumption that the cute woman from the poster at the supermarket is

  • not a model from a stock photo agency
  • single
  • gay.

imagine how creepy it would be if protagonist were none of these & some rando shows up on your doorstep trying to get in your pants

joined May 8, 2017

'Do you think people would be more accepting of a definition spat out by a machine" had me giggling

joined May 8, 2017

socially awkward person joins twitter

Oddly accurate description

I'm sorry but as soon as you put that fumos in a cage pic as your pfp I knew you had some familiarity with twitter

joined May 8, 2017

socially awkward person joins twitter

joined May 8, 2017

at this rate I'll literally b dead before she finds out