Forum › Posts by Hypixion

joined Jul 26, 2023

Is the dense one starting to crack and become aware? Or just hardening even more?

joined Jul 26, 2023

This might be the first time I'm not rooting for the incest route. But I would like it if it became poly.

joined Jul 26, 2023

I love these two

joined Jul 26, 2023

My suspension of disbelief can't handle this, it's way too dumb.

joined Jul 26, 2023

Love everything about this

joined Jul 26, 2023

next time just sit on her face

joined Jul 26, 2023

I did not see this coming at all

joined Jul 26, 2023

If I had feelings for someone, and they knew and felt the same for years, but didn't do anything, I would be furious.

joined Jul 26, 2023

Such a cute pair

joined Jul 26, 2023

Me happy

joined Jul 26, 2023

of my fuck, I hate this manga. They kiss and it still manages to go nowhere.

joined Jul 26, 2023

I think the grandfather might be poisoning the father.

joined Jul 26, 2023

This warms my heart

joined Jul 26, 2023

Why do so many manga have the "Let's have some fun and play with..." character that drags everything to hell.

joined Jul 26, 2023

did their height gap lessen?

joined Jul 26, 2023

Devious little tiger

joined Jul 26, 2023

I have read this before, but never complete, hope this translation actually finishes.

joined Jul 26, 2023

So is this series on hold or ongoing?

joined Jul 26, 2023

I love this artstyle

joined Jul 26, 2023

I feel I know what Sarah is doing. She probably could only pull off petrifying everyone, and is trying to force the princess to kill her so she could make her take back the royal sword. But damn.

It would also shift the entire blame to her, the princess wasn't able to save the people and protect the town because she wasn't strong enough or didn't care, she was tricked all along. Those who had no faith in her probably will now, when she kills her.

joined Jul 26, 2023

Good to read this after reading a bad translation

joined Jul 26, 2023

Yes, this new chapter gets me fired up for this again.

joined Jul 26, 2023

I feel like there’s a few explanations for Chiharu, but while the boyfriend could be a lie to hide her own feelings, I actually wonder if it’s a similar Mei situation where she fell for a guy and Mei, but was all too sure that Mei would reject her and seeing as it would be awkward to live with someone you have feelings for but can’t pursue, ended up dating the guy. And then, she realizes that she likes Mei more than the guy (hence the “I love you” thing at the end). Either way, she’s definitely cooking
All the while, Mei is living the dream at college with every hot lady pursuing her lol

I dunno, I wouldn't call being fetishized by a group of women being the dream. None of them like Mei for who she is as a person. They are all just obsessed by one aspect of her.

joined Jul 26, 2023


joined Jul 26, 2023

Kaoru, 100%. Nobody else matters.