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joined Jun 12, 2015

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joined Feb 16, 2023

Yes Risa fucking get her ass!

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

I really hope that the company they work for pays for hourly overtime because otherwise Hiroko would be a massive class traitor for suggesting that Ayaka should not only do extra work for free but also enjoy doing it.

Hiroko's in the manager class, and welcome to salary in the corporate world

last edited at Jun 15, 2023 1:51PM

joined Nov 21, 2018

Paid overtime? In Japan?!

joined Jun 19, 2014

lol i thought Hiroko was maybe pretending to be oblivious to spare Ayaka but she really didn’t know. Dear lord.

joined Aug 12, 2021

ok, Risa better get a W after this, like... Hiroko you have surrendered every chance you got.

last edited at Jun 15, 2023 2:06PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

There's a difference between considering your position and comfort and deciding you're going to stay in the closet in a private conversation with the gay girl who saw you at the lesbian bar and pushed through her vulnerability to come out to (and onto) you and reflexively lying to her face later.

The latter is what I take issue with. The reflex.

That's pretty judgemental.

She's not just "a gay girl at the lesbian bar." She's her coworker, and more importantly, her subordinate. Of all the people you might not want to know about your secret private life, that's kind of a bigun. The reflex is reasonable. The fact that it's a reflex and that after she thought things through she backtracked on it makes it all the more forgivable.

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

Yeah, I felt harsh towards Hiroko for being disingenuous to Ayaka but that was me forgetting the bigger picture. Hiroko is a professional career woman with aspirations, goals and feelings also, she doesn't want to shake those foundations and that is absolutely a valid (and tbh, imo the right) decision.

Risa doesn't see this because she's not in a position of power. She's on the same level as Ayaka. Hiroko isn't. Hiroko deserves respect, not for how she conducted herself but her intent here. She's trying to show a level of maturity and responsibility, you don't often see in this medium, even though it's more often than not expected, in professional environments.

last edited at Jun 15, 2023 2:19PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I am Really enjoying this.^^

joined Jan 1, 2022

Could anyone tell me where the credits image is from?

Hiroko's in the manager class, and welcome to salary in the corporate world

The professional-managerial class is better compensated, and therefore is more likely to side with the capitalist class than other workers, but they are still working class. They don't own means of production.

joined Nov 13, 2015

Risa is the MVP

joined Nov 28, 2021

While Hiroko's maturity shows here, good fucking lord does she lack any ability to turn someone down with grace. Especially without apologising for all of her idiotic behaviour and lies. It's just defeating, she doesn't even give Ayaka a real chance to say anything.

But I suppose that's for next chapter, this is a cliffhanger after all.

joined Apr 25, 2020

Well, at least she was honest about never being able to come out, still she's a douchebag

joined Mar 4, 2018

Go for it, Risa!

joined Dec 20, 2018


And she's still doing her best to avoid her... >_>

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

Yay risa for the win! Honestly would be totally happy if Ayaka ended up with risa

joined Aug 16, 2018

Hiroko gets some points back for finally getting her shit together and putting forward a serious, well-worded rejection.

I don't get the peepz who say Risa is no good or has no chance. There's nothing about her that is a red flag; in fact, when I try to recall what we know about her, I can only think of good things. So far, Ayaka and Risa are friends; and Ayaka doesn't think of her as a romantic interest because Hiroko is the only one for Ayaka right now... but it's a fact that Ayaka likes Risa a lot, and like can lead to like-like, and like-like can lead to love. Risa's time may very well come in the near future; there's no reason why it wouldn't.

joined Apr 25, 2020

Hiroko gets some points back for finally getting her shit together and putting forward a serious, well-worded rejection.

I don't get the peepz who say Risa is no good or has no chance. There's nothing about her that is a red flag; in fact, when I try to recall what we know about her, I can only think of good things. So far, Ayaka and Risa are friends; and Ayaka doesn't think of her as a romantic interest because Hiroko is the only one for Ayaka right now... but it's a fact that Ayaka likes Risa a lot, and like can lead to like-like, and like-like can lead to love. Risa's time may very well come in the near future; there's no reason why it wouldn't.

It's not because she has no chances according to their characters, it's just because in this kind of setup, the friend who's secretly in love with the protag never ends up together with them

joined Dec 30, 2018

Classic Risa W right here yet again

joined Sep 10, 2022

I don't get the peepz who say Risa is no good or has no chance. There's nothing about her that is a red flag; in fact, when I try to recall what we know about her, I can only think of good things. So far, Ayaka and Risa are friends; and Ayaka doesn't think of her as a romantic interest because Hiroko is the only one for Ayaka right now... but it's a fact that Ayaka likes Risa a lot, and like can lead to like-like, and like-like can lead to love. Risa's time may very well come in the near future; there's no reason why it wouldn't.

It's not because she has no chances according to their characters, it's just because in this kind of setup, the friend who's secretly in love with the protag never ends up together with them

Yeah Risa is great but it's because Ayaka has said plainly that she doesn't like Risa romantically. It's not a secret anymore, Ayaka already knows Risa's feelings for her and already said no. That's the real relationship ender. Risa is aggressive partly because she knows this too.

last edited at Jun 15, 2023 3:26PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Hiroko gets some points back for finally getting her shit together and putting forward a serious, well-worded rejection.

I don't get the peepz who say Risa is no good or has no chance. There's nothing about her that is a red flag; in fact, when I try to recall what we know about her, I can only think of good things. So far, Ayaka and Risa are friends; and Ayaka doesn't think of her as a romantic interest because Hiroko is the only one for Ayaka right now... but it's a fact that Ayaka likes Risa a lot, and like can lead to like-like, and like-like can lead to love. Risa's time may very well come in the near future; there's no reason why it wouldn't.

It's not because she has no chances according to their characters, it's just because in this kind of setup, the friend who's secretly in love with the protag never ends up together with them

Especially when the OTP is in the title. That doesn’t mean a different outcome is impossible, but . . .

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Hiroko's in the manager class, and welcome to salary in the corporate world

The professional-managerial class is better compensated, and therefore is more likely to side with the capitalist class than other workers, but they are still working class. They don't own means of production.

On this I actually like the take of the Participatory Economics people. They see that group as a class in itself, the "co-ordinator class", and think that for a truly good society not only the capitalists but also the co-ordinators have to be superseded in favour of horizontal management by all. (They view the Soviet Union as what happens when you get rid of the capitalist class and put the co-ordinator class in charge)

But whether you're a commie leftist radical or not, Japan doesn't seem to do a lot of paid overtime, and lot of unpaid. It's like they were all in the US tech sector. Having a personal life aside from employees' drinking parties is apparently like stealing from the company.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Hiroko gets some points back for finally getting her shit together and putting forward a serious, well-worded rejection.

Agreed. I think the people saying it's THE responsible best thing to do are going a bit over the top, mind you.

I don't get the peepz who say Risa is no good or has no chance.

Oh, that's because she has no chance.
Trust me, I've been around this block hundreds, maybe thousands of times, in yuri and het, and she has no chance.

last edited at Jun 15, 2023 3:15PM

joined Dec 27, 2020


joined Mar 4, 2017

Yeah, Hiroko really needs to work on herself more.

She cares so much for the people around her, but she's not willing to let any of them in. She's terrified of the idea actually being in a relationship with someone. So she makes excuse after excuse to push people away.

A lot of people act like she's being mature about this, but she absolutely isn't. She's not declining Ayaka's advances because it's something she doesn't want. It's because she's something she's too scared to handle: A real, honest to God, committed relationship.

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