Forum › Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! discussion

joined Mar 19, 2022

I'm on team Risa now, all the way.

joined Jan 30, 2017

God damn your thick skull, Hirokoooo!!!

I'm on team Risa now, all the way.

Risa best girl.

joined Feb 8, 2018

Naaaaaah Hiroko can kindly fuck off

Still, Risa will lose won't she?

joined Oct 14, 2014

I've never liked Sal Jiang, and not a single one of her manga has given me the impression that I should like her. I feel so vindicated and I'll feel even more vindicated when Hiroko gets off mostly scot free and everyone is mad.

joined Jun 21, 2020

Blergh Hiroko is so friggin’ unreal. Idc if she has an awful past or smth that will explain her behavioural pattern. They’ve stretched it too far now. Team Risa all the way! Even if Risa will lose in the end, she’s definitely best girl. This manga is too frustrating

joined Jul 15, 2016

OK, this chapter has finally pushed me into the Risa x Ayaka camp 100%.

joined Nov 12, 2020

There will be dire consequences for her actions soon enough.

I wonder if that will includes plenty of knuckle sandwiches?....

joined Sep 2, 2018

Maybe a hot take, but Hiroko doesn't deserve her. I'd love to see the other two get together and Hiroko get the Bad Ending after how she's been treating Ayaka this whole series.

I know that won't happen considering the oneshots these characters are from, but good god...

Edit: yeah finally read through other comments and this is a frozen take for sure

last edited at Jun 12, 2023 8:29AM

joined Oct 4, 2016

Maybe a hot take

A freezing cold take, given that most everybody in this thread but me agrees with you.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Maybe a hot take

A freezing cold take, given that most everybody in this thread but me agrees with you.

Count me in. It's 2 against the world lol.

joined Feb 6, 2013

A freezing cold take, given that most everybody in this thread but me agrees with you.

Don't worry, Main Character always wins the girl at the end. ;D The rest of us just really wish that wasn't the case!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Maybe a hot take

A freezing cold take, given that most everybody in this thread but me agrees with you.

Count me in. It's 2 against the world lol.


joined Feb 1, 2021

Hiroko screwed up hard this chapter but 9.1 makes it pretty clear that Ayaka isn't going to consider anyone else.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Maybe a hot take

A freezing cold take, given that most everybody in this thread but me agrees with you.

My take comes from the Western movie Unforgiven:

“Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.”

joined Oct 4, 2016

Maybe a hot take

A freezing cold take, given that most everybody in this thread but me agrees with you.

Count me in. It's 2 against the world lol.


Look out world!

joined Apr 27, 2014

I wonder if they can bring in a third ,someone who likes Ayaka (blondie? and ride off into the sunset with her. Being realistic, I think it'll end with Hiroko and Ayaka, otherwise the whole title and premise would be pointless...

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I'm just glad the girls at the bar are telling her off, because dang, someone had to.

joined Nov 13, 2022

I just feel really bad for all three of them. I hope they can all communicate properly especially CERTAIN PARTIES who shall not be named but whose first names begin with an “H” and end with an “-iroko”……….

Don’t care how the pairings work out, but I would love to see Risa get a nice girlfriend :)

joined Aug 16, 2018

My take comes from the Western movie Unforgiven:

“Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.”

Hiroko is by now as likeable a character as sheriff "Little Bill" Daggett.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Thing about Hiroko is: She's very different from your typical yuri protagonist.

Most yuri protagonists are basically interchangeable with a wide class of other yuri protagonists. There are the tomboy-ish "prince" characters, the bubbly genki girls, the studious bookworms, the ice princess class presidents, and on and on.

But I've never seen a character like Hiroko. She's a breath of fresh air.

And because I am an old fart with lots of experience in both life and love, I can remember the times when I, too, crippled myself and my romantic efforts by needlessly second-guessing myself. That fear that, no matter what I do, it's probably going to be wrong and I'm gonna blow it and ruin everything.

So I can relate to what Hiroko's going through, and have a lot of sympathy and empathy for her. And I am looking forward to the moment when the wall finally cracks and reality comes rushing in. Hopefully the mangaka can pull it off with aplomb.

joined Jul 29, 2017

My take comes from the Western movie Unforgiven:

“Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.”

Hiroko is by now as likeable a character as sheriff "Little Bill" Daggett.

Yes, as an imaginary person Hiroko isn’t very “likable,” which doesn’t matter much to me, since I don’t have to interact with her in real life.

As a fictional character in a story, she’s pretty interesting, though, if only in the sense that I wonder how her defenses are going to get broken down (as I’m pretty sure they will be, whether she deserves it or not).

last edited at Jun 12, 2023 6:40PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

And because I am an old fart with lots of experience in both life and love, I can remember the times when I, too, crippled myself and my romantic efforts by needlessly second-guessing myself. That fear that, no matter what I do, it's probably going to be wrong and I'm gonna blow it and ruin everything.

Agreed but it's not so much self doubt as it is fear of being outed (and of course, her case of "density" that seems to come from it). She's alluded to as much a few times. She doesn't want to be outed at work and therefore doesn't want to date a coworker. She can't trust that a coworker (even a potentially lesbian one) will keep her secret. She was cornered by a coworker and nearly outed by force-ish (unintentionally, yes). But yikes! The panic. And of course she lies to protect herself. Ayaka is amazing and tough for sticking through all this but she is also kind of loud and out there, to be fair. I might also wonder if I could initially trust her not to out us both and possibly make life miserable at work for a career-woman. I always imagine what things might have been like when Hiroko was Ayaka's age and what things she might have seen in that male dominate space.

If Ayaka weren't a coworker I doubt any of these difficulties happen (the story says they wouldn't). Ayaka, however being younger has no such fear (yet?) and has likely not been "around the block" enough to have been burdened by that cautious streak. They have an interesting understated generational divide in how they view the world and how open it is to their sexuality. Of course, Ayaka's determination to overcome these boundaries and force a new viewpoint for Hiroko is fun and endearing (though sometimes difficult for all parties). Seeing Hiroko struggle against her desire to stay hidden while also juggling her growing desire for Ayaka is also fun. Then there's Risa, who is also great and has her own really interesting dynamics within the story that simultaneously pushes Hiroko and forces Ayaka to truly think about what she wants and what shes's willing to go through to get it but this post is long enough.

last edited at Jun 12, 2023 7:56PM

Daremo from Parts Unknown
joined May 6, 2022

My take comes from the Western movie Unforgiven:

“Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.”

Hiroko is by now as likeable a character as sheriff "Little Bill" Daggett.

We shall wait and see what happens. Hiroko is supposed to win, as she's a title character and the author has invested so much in her; so no matter how badly she messes up or hurts Ayaka, in theory all will be forgiven and she'll obviously be Ayaka's endgame. In theory. But, then again, sheriff Daggett and his large posse of gunmen should have killed Will Munny with ease, and yet Will faced all of them alone and won... so the obvious thing doesn't always happen. Maybe Risa has what it takes to bring down "Little Bill" Hiroko. We shall wait and see.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Right now I just want to go back to the times where we had lots of bonus chapters

joined Mar 16, 2018

Hiroko is a syphilitic moron with the mental capacity of a small soap dish.

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