Forum › Posts by Kanelel

joined Jan 1, 2022

Why is this so good? I normally ignore touhou (though I did play Scarlet Devil) but this is totally sucking me in. Legitimately one of the better yuri manga I've read.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Let it happen! I've been wanting them to do it since the first chapter!

Come on author, pull the trigger! You have to! Take the shot!!

joined Jan 1, 2022

Looking for a story where one girl is genuinely dumb. Not like secretly smart but doesn't care, but genuinely a dumb person that you think needs their partner or would be figuratively and literally completely lost.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Yay! Marriage!

joined Jan 1, 2022

Y'all got any good recommendations with MILFs?

Did you mean manga body type, minimum age, somebody with children, or (step)incest?

I'll take whatever you've got at this point.

I'd love to see it too) Which ones do you know of?

The only one I know of is this one:

joined Jan 1, 2022

There's a really weird one I'm remembering. I think I saw it uploaded on here a couple years ago but I don't remember.

It was omegaverse or something similar with a weird sexual caste system (I think eugenics was involved somehow). It took place in a school (I remember white uniforms). There was something about women being able to reproduce with each other (might have been futanari?).

The main character doesn't want to be involved with said caste system but ends up being roped into being some kind of minder for a particularly unruly dominant girl. The was some other shocking event in the first chapter like sudden nudity or piss or something, I don't remember, but the point is it was establishing itself as a crazy sexual story.

I only ever saw the first chapter and I don't know if the rest ever got translated.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Who's the artist? I'm not finding anything googling "yama"

joined Jan 1, 2022

Based on what I'm seeing in this first chapter, this is a pretty pure dom/sub story. People who are into that will like it, people who aren't won't.

There's the surface level plot of "oh I want to get one over on her so she realizes she isn't so perfect and can have equal relationships with others" but the whole bets thing is just an excuse for them to do romantic DS stuff, both in and out of universe. I assume eventually Wakaba will realize "Hey wait a minute, I keep agreeing to bets that inevitably end with this hot girl ordering me around and making me kiss her and stuff, and that makes me feel good, what could this possibly mean?"

Anyway, I like the way they position the characters, with Komaki above Wakaba, wrapping her legs around her possessively. It was also a good choice to have Komaki be taller and fuller figured. I don't expect this to be an especially clever or original story, but they're getting the core appeal stuff right.

Did you read in rice to get that idea about the plot? like this ain’t the first time we got this kind of weird plot in romance were we have the biggest cunt act like that and we are supposed to think “she has feelings so she is gonna humiliate her out of love”

this is FAR from BDSM! this is the Japanese weirdo concept of “bullying out of love”

I think you're approaching this all wrong. It's normal to think “oh this is unrealistic, it would be impractical or immoral or unhealthy or toxic to do this in real life” when you see something like this, but if you want to enjoy this kind of media you have to be able to turn that part of your brain off. You have to enjoy this kind of thing on a completely libidinal, illogical level. You have to ignore your logical brain and go with your gut: “do i find this kind of interaction enjoyable or intriguing?” For a lot of people the answer will be no. That's fine. Different strokes for different folks. That's why we have tags on this website. This one's for the freaks (and frankly it's pretty light so far).

I always felt weird about people complaining about 50 shades of gray. They'd roast it for having a shitty plot or being an unrealistic unhealthy depiction of BDSM as if the target audience had any reason to give a shit about that. The middle aged women who read that crap just cared if they found it hot. Enjoyment of low-brow edgy romance fiction is a totally id-based thing, you don't need cerebral moralistic concerns.

I hate the idea that every piece of media has to be some kind of moral instruction manual for how to live your life. Like yeah, if I emulated the actions of these fictional cartoon characters it would go horribly for everyone involved, but who cares. I just want to see a toxic relationship in a comic book and go “oh that's freaky I like that” and if you can't relate, that's just a difference in taste isn't it?


I don't even think you need to turn your brain off (and in the case of the person you're replying to I don't think they need that advice lol), more just abstract the level from which you're looking at the story.
It seems very likely to me that for this manga you're not supposed to be looking at these characters and judging them as people on moral standards (almost no media is written for the audience to morally judge it, just like Chick tracts and garbage like that basically lol), but rather feeling these characters as bundles of emotion and conflict and desire. Of course Komaki looks like a haughty bitch, we're not seeing any sort of "objective" portrayal of a character, we're seeing her through Wakaba's subjective perspective, tinted by her emotions.

the person you're replying to probably can't figure that out between the blood rushing to their head and the blood rushing to their lower half

Yuri is generally written from an abstracted point of view where the audience is not necessarily intended to involve themselves personally in the media at all. Even wall-kun otaku are getting too personal with it. ofc people don't tend to think that spicy media can also have other aspects and that's where we get antishippers and (the worse kinds of) proshippers

FYI, you can read and enjoy incest stories on the regular and not be a proshipper, it's called critical enjoyment

Whaddaya want from me? I'm plenty critical, and I'm not a self-inserter. I just keep my critical thoughts in the back of my mind where they belong. Like I could be reading this while mentally composing an essay about how coercing someone into kissing you is morally abhorrent, but that's not really the point of this manga is it? I have much more fun by focusing on thoughts like "ooh that's spicy, I wonder what exciting things these crazy girls will get up to next."

The detached, intellectual way of viewing media is often enjoyable and illuminating, but I just don't think it's the best way to approach this kind of thing. Again, I expect the plot of this story to mostly be an excuse for romantic dom/sub stuff, so if you come at it the way you would a more straight-laced and dramatic romance, you're going to find yourself frustrated and disappointed.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Are you that guy that wrote that isekai novel?

Which one?

"A Hero's War" by a guy called jseah. I used to discuss it with my buddy on my way home from high school.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Are you that guy that wrote that isekai novel?

joined Jan 1, 2022

Based on what I'm seeing in this first chapter, this is a pretty pure dom/sub story. People who are into that will like it, people who aren't won't.

There's the surface level plot of "oh I want to get one over on her so she realizes she isn't so perfect and can have equal relationships with others" but the whole bets thing is just an excuse for them to do romantic DS stuff, both in and out of universe. I assume eventually Wakaba will realize "Hey wait a minute, I keep agreeing to bets that inevitably end with this hot girl ordering me around and making me kiss her and stuff, and that makes me feel good, what could this possibly mean?"

Anyway, I like the way they position the characters, with Komaki above Wakaba, wrapping her legs around her possessively. It was also a good choice to have Komaki be taller and fuller figured. I don't expect this to be an especially clever or original story, but they're getting the core appeal stuff right.

Did you read in rice to get that idea about the plot? like this ain’t the first time we got this kind of weird plot in romance were we have the biggest cunt act like that and we are supposed to think “she has feelings so she is gonna humiliate her out of love”

this is FAR from BDSM! this is the Japanese weirdo concept of “bullying out of love”

I think you're approaching this all wrong. It's normal to think “oh this is unrealistic, it would be impractical or immoral or unhealthy or toxic to do this in real life” when you see something like this, but if you want to enjoy this kind of media you have to be able to turn that part of your brain off. You have to enjoy this kind of thing on a completely libidinal, illogical level. You have to ignore your logical brain and go with your gut: “do i find this kind of interaction enjoyable or intriguing?” For a lot of people the answer will be no. That's fine. Different strokes for different folks. That's why we have tags on this website. This one's for the freaks (and frankly it's pretty light so far).

I always felt weird about people complaining about 50 shades of gray. They'd roast it for having a shitty plot or being an unrealistic unhealthy depiction of BDSM as if the target audience had any reason to give a shit about that. The middle aged women who read that crap just cared if they found it hot. Enjoyment of low-brow edgy romance fiction is a totally id-based thing, you don't need cerebral moralistic concerns.

I hate the idea that every piece of media has to be some kind of moral instruction manual for how to live your life. Like yeah, if I emulated the actions of these fictional cartoon characters it would go horribly for everyone involved, but who cares. I just want to see a toxic relationship in a comic book and go “oh that's freaky I like that” and if you can't relate, that's just a difference in taste isn't it?


joined Jan 1, 2022

Based on what I'm seeing in this first chapter, this is a pretty pure dom/sub story. People who are into that will like it, people who aren't won't.

There's the surface level plot of "oh I want to get one over on her so she realizes she isn't so perfect and can have equal relationships with others" but the whole bets thing is just an excuse for them to do romantic DS stuff, both in and out of universe. I assume eventually Wakaba will realize "Hey wait a minute, I keep agreeing to bets that inevitably end with this hot girl ordering me around and making me kiss her and stuff, and that makes me feel good, what could this possibly mean?"

Anyway, I like the way they position the characters, with Komaki above Wakaba, wrapping her legs around her possessively. It was also a good choice to have Komaki be taller and fuller figured. I don't expect this to be an especially clever or original story, but they're getting the core appeal stuff right.

joined Jan 1, 2022

They definitely did completely swap Yuzu with a new character. But I like this new Yuzu better, she actually reacts to things.

last edited at Feb 14, 2024 1:38PM

joined Jan 1, 2022

I actually love this. This is peak.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Y'all got any good recommendations with MILFs?

joined Jan 1, 2022

My queen!! I kneel!!

joined Jan 1, 2022

Oh my god, Nanao HAS to become Asumi's girlfriend! I can't believe how invested I am in this porno. This plot development makes sense, y'know, we all still wanna see the end to the whole finding Mai plotline, and I'm sure the author has some more nice brothel scenes in mind, but god damn!! Once Asumi meets Mai she's gotta get her priorities in order. These past few chapters are the sexiest thing ever posted on this website. Nanao is incredibly cute, and she deserves everything!

joined Jan 1, 2022

They're in the way. Eat their brains!

joined Jan 1, 2022

I want to say I like this, because I did enjoy reading most of it, but I just can't stand by that ending. At no point reading this story did I ever suspect that the conclusion would be that Sacchan is a remorseless cheater and Ruki is a sad cuck doormat who puts up with her.

It's really bizarre, because I thought the cheating story with Asuna and Fueko was very well handled. It was nuanced and they acted like real humans with functioning senses of guilt and self-respect.

I guess the angle was supposed to be that Sacchi was just cheating in order to process her emotions about her last relationship and convince herself that she isn't straight and really does love Ruki, but isn't that just stupid on the face of it? She doesn't even apologize, and Ruki just immediately forgives her. She's all crying talking about how her pride is completely broken and I'm thinking "Shit girl, it really must be! Have some god damn self respect!"

joined Jan 1, 2022

Junko is such a perfect villain protagonist. I've really enjoyed this one.

I hope she starts to miss Kayo immediately next chapter. I can't wait to see how she explodes.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Is Enorme a King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard fan?

joined Jan 1, 2022

I'm rooting for Junko and Kayo BECAUSE it's toxic. I hope this stuff makes Junko do something drastic.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Wow! I already hate her!

Can't wait to see more!

joined Jan 1, 2022

a uke/seme-like dynamic.

Yes, you get it! That's a great way to describe it. Exactly what I mean.

I love Nagori Yu's stuff, I just wish I hadn't already read it all. Weird Voices was also excellent.

I have an insatiable appetite for strong ladies and weak girls.

Thank you for the suggestions. I'll be sure to read them.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Can anyone recommend some good stuff with dominant, aggressive girls?