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Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Hmmm . . . When some cheating jerky guy says "Really, it won't happen any more! I've changed, babe!" we tend not to buy it. I stopped reading this a couple of chapters in, thought I'd wait for the end and check the comments for how it went and . . . I have a feeling I will not buy this ending if I read it, so I'm gonna skip it.

joined Mar 3, 2013

I find the way this is developing weird. I mean, Violet seems to be in the process of becoming this somewhat sympathetic character, you can tell because her special knight can fight Frost to a standstill, which would absolutely not be happening if she was the bad guy, and because nowhere in the narrative does it really raise the possibility that her grievance is just a complete hoax, so presumably it isn't.

So, OK, but what about this price gouging keeping the whole damn town destitute? Are we ever going to hear about that again? I have this weird feeling like the mangaka introduced a character intending them to be one way and then lost control and let them talk until they were another way.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Not so great when the shoes on the other foot now is it miss missy?

Indeed. Here, I believe this was your petard?

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Whooo! Ah, let me catch my breath . . . that was some good handholding.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I am surprised how many of the commenters noticed that reference. And dash it all, everyone beat me to it!

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

All in all, I'd say if you're going to assassinate somebody, don't start off with an attempt that might as well be a warning shot. I know, I know, she wants it to look like an accident, but come on.

joined Mar 3, 2013

Where I am, lately we've got some of those bugs, which we call stink bugs . . . but they're not from here, they're an invasive species. So when I see one I wrap it in kleenex and squish it. The surprising thing is they don't actually smell that bad--it's a bit pungent, but reminiscent of cut grass although not as nice as that sounds.

Lovely chapter. Always nice to see this.

joined Mar 3, 2013

So, seems like the long "platonic relationship" interregnum logjam has just been definitively broken.

joined Mar 3, 2013

Anyway they are adorable so they can flex all day as far as I'm concerned.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Tomato juice? Really?! Not that I care, just here for the silly gay hijinx, but come on.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

This is cute/silly. I can see it being fun. Given that, I'm willing to ignore a fair amount of realism.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Do the chinese censor all kissing, or just gay kissing?

There is no "The Chinese" doing the censoring, there's individual publishers, so it depends.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I like the TL notes, but speaking as a guy who reads my manga on a laptop and, in fact, does not own a cell phone, these QR code "links" don't do much for me.

On Nadeshiko's name, I imagine one intended resonance is that the character comes off, except when she's actually doing violence, as something of a "Yamato Nadeshiko" -- very ladylike traditional Japanese young lady.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I actually can't recall a single other stepmother/daughter yuri series. I'm kind of hooked for that reason alone, but the drawings are pretty nice too.

Hmmm, no. I've read at least one ACTUAL mother/daughter yuri series, though.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Holy shit, this manhua is GORJ

And intriguing; I feel it's very rare to get a romance anti-hero (or "brat", I suppose) character that is genuinely funny, insane and charming in the right amounts without being too annoying.

May I introduce you to scum bag yuri manga, peak cheating yuri, and not into yuri yuri? (Annoying traits and decision making may vary)

Yeah, see, I actually find the MCs of the ones of those I recognize really annoying (so I stopped reading 'em), so for me they wouldn't count as being "charming", or even very "funny". Don't know what the person you replied to thinks about it.

Purple Library Guy
Matazoro. discussion 06 Feb 17:29
joined Mar 3, 2013

Hurrah! "Even Slower Start" returns!

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Yay, MahiMahi!
Those two will still be ludicrously sweet and innocent as they have actual sex before any of the other characters . . .

joined Mar 3, 2013

Dang if you already know then just confess already.

What I was thinking.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

The Endeavour clan seems culturally analogous to the US, not just because of the names and the gun culture. Before the fishing duel, Xeon professed a reverence for personal freedoms within reason, and 'their women' do technically get a much wider choice in their profession compared to the other clans. (We're told Gendo basically exports their girls to the other clans after a mandatory decompa training, and in the novel version Diode tells Terra about how she was treated by two other clans she visited before she found Terra.) This still ends up working as a more gentle flavor of the same repression of women's autonomy, as kinseijoshi explained above.

I loved the way he went seamlessly from "We're great because we respect freedom" to "In other news, no freedom for you!" . . . which is, yes, a pretty American kind of thing.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Congratulations to Terra for realize that lesbian couples are a thing!

It does beg the question: What exactly happened in the past that seemingly erased their existence and installed a strict patriarchy?

So did you know that some of the key leaders in the English Peasants' Revolt of 1381 were women? Up until recently I didn't, and I'm kind of a peasants' revolt fan. But it just didn't seem important to subsequent male commentators and historians, so they kind of disappeared. There's a lot of stuff like that. This is a more extreme case, but then it's a society that's gone through some serious changes and loss, loss of records and stuff. It seems pretty plausible to me even without any major deliberate decision to cover up (not saying there wasn't one, just that it could have happened just by general prejudice and minimization).

joined Mar 3, 2013

Progress? In my gag manga?!

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

For a minute after her paralysis seal did nothing at all, I was wondering if her whole schtick was fake and she just didn't realize it. Then the fireworks went off . . .

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

And interesting dynamic. Sayama has very little ego, but also very little willpower, while Mizono has an excess of both.

Hrm. I think there's a distinction between narcissism and ego, as well as between the desire to dominate and willpower. Sayama is comfortable in herself--her ego is solid, secure, but not expansive. She doesn't put herself forward because she isn't driven to by insecurity. She's more averse to conflict than I am, but my read is more that she doesn't think all the social jockeying is important enough to get in fights over, rather than that she's too weak to fight. Less fear, more "this is too much hassle". I think if someone found something she actually cared about and threatened that, they might be in for a rude awakening.

joined Mar 3, 2013

So we have the new tier. Beyond useless lesbians, behold! Counterproductive lesbians.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Nice. Would probably mean more to me if I could remember where the characters appeared (chances are I've read them).